
Thursday 31 August 2023

August Stitch from Stash and Pie

  It's time for Pie:

For the first time this year, Halloween at Hawk Run Hollow did not get the full month.  Because I finished it!  Here's where I started the month:

and here's my glorious finish:

stitched over 1 on 25 count Cassia Rose from Chromatic Alchemy

The number of days it took to stitch each block is as follows:

Block 7 - 13 days
Block 6 - 16 days
Block 2 - 19 days
Block 3 - 20 days
Block 4 - 15 days
Block 1 - 19 days
Block 5 - 25 days
Block 8 - 15 days
Block 9 - 27 days
Block 10 - 31 days
Block 11 - 32 days
Block 12 - 34 days

A grand total of 269 days, pretty much 9 months so it's been like having a baby!

The blocks took longer as time went on, partly because I've had less time for stitching in the last 12 months that before that for various reasons.  But also because those bottom four blocks are much more full coverage than the other two rows.

I then moved on to Taurus by Nora Corbett to get a good chunk of progress on her.  I've completed nearly all the cross stitches and have started the metallic gold.  There are a lot of beads in this one!

stitched on 32 count Murano in Taurus from Sparklies

I stopped after 13 days so I could fit a full 7 days into Gardens of London.  I worked on the borders for a while then stitched the blue in the Guardsman's Hut then finished on the border for the last day.

stitched on 32 count Cotton Clouds Linen by Crafty Kitten

This is a project you need to sit down and focus on.  It's not something you can pick up and put down, or carry around the house easily.

My evening stitching was split between the Little Snapdragon from Kustom Krafts and Turn, Turn, Turn from Noteworthy Needle:

Little Snapdragon was so close to a finish I decided to move that to the evening and get it done this month.  
stitched on 32 count Evening Sky Murano from Crafty Kitten

These photos are taken after I ironed it facedown into a fluffy towel.
You can see how the stitches puff up and look amazing just from a dry iron.

Turn, Turn, Turn currently looks like this, over halfway done now:

stitched on 32 count Sea Spray linen from Wichelt

Finally, Stitch from Stash and I got two embellishment packs for my Nora Corbett Zodiac Girls.  I checked my inventory and didn't have many of the beads Taurus needs so it was more economical to buy the whole pack.  I also bought the beads for Scorpio which I plan to do after Capricorn.  I have most of the beads for Capricorn already.

Sunday 27 August 2023

August WIPocalypse WIP Workout


WIPocalypse is hosted by Measi's Musings

Each month we have to share the projects we want to complete before the End Of The World.  Since 2011 I have chosen a number of projects to focus on that year, starting with my "11 in '11" and increasing to "23 in '23" for this year.  This month I stitched on 6 of my WIPs and had 2 large finishes.

2. Kustom Krafts Little Snapdragon - finish!

3. Chatelaine Gardens of London

5. Carriage House Samplings Halloween at Hawk Run Hollow - Finish!

11. Nora Corbett Taurus

13. Mani di Donna Halloween Stitching Basket

18. Circle Cross Blackwork Tarot


The full list can be seen here - WIPocalypse and "23 in '23"

Finally, Measi always gives us a topic to discuss too:

August - What is your comfort zone regarding the number of projects to have kitted and in progress at any one time?

When I started stitching, I was pretty much a OAAT stitcher, maybe one larger and one smaller on the go.  Then I discovered the Yuku Boards and blogging and the joys of serial starting!  Also rotations and SALs.

A few years back I decided to make an active attempt to reduce my older WIPs.  When I started this attempt, I had 27 WIPs, of which 13 were older.  At the start of this year, I had 15 WIPs of which 9 were older.  So they are coming down!  This month I completed a WIP from 2015.  I now have 5 WIPs older than that of which 3 could be finished if I focused on them!

My current plan is not to start anything without a clear idea of how it fits into the rotation and the timescale for stitching it.  I've been focusing on my larger projects for a while now so next year will see a change.

It's 2024 so I'm planning "24 in '24" with 12 medium projects and 12 smalls.  The idea will be to stitch one medium and one small per month.  I have so many lovely charts in my stash I thought it would be nice to actually stitch some and take a break from the BAPs.  My WIPGO Board will help decide which order to stitch them in.

That should satisfy my need for some new starts without building up the WIPs too much!

Friday 25 August 2023

August Smalls


The Smalls SAL is hosted by Mary's Thread

Because I am focusing on my BAPs again, I won't have so many smalls this year but I do have a couple of series with small components so I will share them this month.

The first is the Blackwork Tarot by Circle Cross.  I have finished Cancer, and have got a good way with Leo:

stitched on 28 count sky blue evenweave from Silkweavers

Once I'd finished Little Snapdragon, my evening project returned to Turn, Turn, Turn by Noteworthy Needle.  Lots of trees!  Currently stitching an Autumn Tree:

stitched on 32 count Sea Spray linen

When I finish the left side of the Autumn Tree I will be over half way through the project.

Finally, here's some very small papercraft projects.  My Mini-Albums have been getting more mini by the week!

The Barbie is 1/6 scale at approx 2 inches and the blue is 1/12 scale at approx 1 inch

Monday 21 August 2023

August IHSW


HSW or International Hermit and Stitch Weekend always starts on the third Friday of the month.  It's a chance to lock yourself away and focus on your stitching for the weekend.  You can take part on your blog or via the Facebook page - IHSW on Facebook.

I made a start on Nora Corbett's Taurus and filled in all the grey/purple in the dress and then moved on to the frame around her.

From here on Friday:

stitched on 32 count Murano in Taurus from Sparklies

to here:

Lots of metallic gold in the top of the frame.

In the evenings I am going to work on Turn, Turn, Turn from Noteworthy Needle this month.   From here:

to here:

stitched on 32 count Sea Spray linen from Wichelt

I also added some stitches to Leo the Zodiac sign from Circle Cross.  From here:

to here:

stitched on 28 count sky blue evenweave from Silkweavers

to here:

Please excuse the poor quality of the "after" photos, I used my iPad as I finished stitching rather than get my camera out each time!  I'll get decent ones for the end of the month posts.

Finally, the next IHSW will be 15th - 17th September - my Birthday weekend - so make sure you note the date in your diary or come and join us in the Facebook Group - IHSW on Facebook. If you don't do Facebook then you can check in here by leaving a comment on my post.

Friday 18 August 2023

The Start of IHSW for August


HSW or International Hermit and Stitch Weekend always starts on the third Friday of the month.  It's a chance to lock yourself away and focus on your stitching for the weekend.  You can take part on your blog or via the Facebook page - IHSW on Facebook.

Strangely enough, I'm not working on a Friday again, so was able to make a start today!

I filled in all the grey/purple in the dress on Nora Corbett's Taurus and made a start on the frame around her.

stitched on 32 count Murano in Taurus from Sparklies

Now that Little Snapdragon is finished, I am going to work on Turn, Turn, Turn from Noteworthy Needle in the evenings.  The edge of that pink is the centre line of the chart:

stitched on 32 count Sea Spray linen from Wichelt

That just leaves one more project to fit in - the Zodiac signs from Circle Cross:

stitched on 28 count sky blue evenweave from Silkweavers

Finally, I did some more papercrafting.  Having completed a small 4 x 4 inch album I decided to go down a scale and make a 1/6 scale album for a doll.  Based on the popular Barbie doll but modelled here by my vintage Sindy:

1 3/4 inch tall
2 inch wide
3/4 inch spine

There are four pocket pages with flaps, pockets and inserts

Decorated with stickers and photos

And then I went down a scale again to 1/12

7/8 inch tall
1 inch wide
9/16 inch spine (15mm)

Four pocket pages with flaps, inserts and a pocket on the inside back cover 

Here's the two of them together

The blue one is going to be part of an Alice in Wonderland book I'm planning.

Wednesday 16 August 2023

August TUSAL and Stitching Library


It's TUSAL time!  

Here is my TUSAL jar with my current projects:

And just like that, it was done!

Little Snapdragon by Kustom Krafts
Stitched on 32 count Evening Sky Murano from Crafty Kitten

I had seen this design in a magazine advert and really liked it.  I was then lucky enough to win the chart in a giveaway in 2012.   I received the threads in an exchange with a US stitcher, I sent her some UK magazines.

I didn't start stitching until 1st January 2015 as part of the DUCJC (Debbie's Ultimate Crazy January Challenge).  It also appeared in the first ever Gifted Gorgeousness post.

I stitched quite a bit in 2016 and then only on the Longest Day Marathon until 2022 when I decided he had to be finished!

I've said several times before I am not a fan of the pixellated computer generated designs and stitching this one confirms it for me.  But from viewing distance he looks great and I love the colours, especially in his wings.

Now to get him framed!

What's on my Shelf?

This is a feature I'm going to include on my TUSAL post until I run out of books! I started a Page on my Happy Dance blog for my Stitching Library and realised what a huge task it was so decided to break it down to one book per month. For the next four years...

Title: Quick to Stitch Cross Stitch Keepsakes
Author: Helen Philipps
Publisher: David & Charles
ISBN: 9780715327470

I am assuming I bought this book because I had liked her other book.  I can think of no other reason why I would get it!  It's not my style and taste at all.

There are simple little designs for every special event in your life.

Ideally suited for the beginner

This wreath is cute 

There are some great finishing instructions at the back of the book