
Tuesday 31 December 2013

Theme-a-licious Looking Backward over 2013

Theme-a-licious is hosted by Heather of It's Geek to Me

Each month Heather thinks up a theme for us to stitch to, or in my case, a theme to somehow shoe-horn my existing stitching into, no matter how tenuous the link!  Here is my review of my year:

Jardin January

The holidays were a little stressful...let's relax in a nice garden. Work on any piece with flowers or gardens.

Joan Elliott's Green Goddess

Joan Elliott's Flower Fairies Round Robin
(I stitched the centre piece)

Figural February
Who are the people in your neighbourhood...your WIP neighbourhood, that is? Give your people-populated projects some face time this month.

Joan Elliott's February Cherub

March Madness
Work on something different every's madness...of the funnest possible kind. 

 1. Joan Elliott February design
 2. Danika's Birth Sampler
 3. JBW March Cat
 4. Chatelaine Bunny
 5. Julie's Mirabilia Round Robin
 6. Dragon Dreams 3rd Dragonlet of Christmas
 7. Needlecraft Haven March Challenge (no pic)
 8. La Contesse Haunted Castle
 9. San Man Happy Easter
10. L*K Spring
11. Prairie Moon Thine is the Trick and the Treat
12. Twisted Threads Itty Bitty Bunny

13. Sophia's Band Sampler RR (no pic)

   Danika Birth Sampler




Amazon April
Dip your needle into the vast swath of fabric dedicated to your BIGGEST projects!

Julie's RR Archangel Michael photo DSC03620JuliesRR_zpsa7fd4f6f.jpg
Julie's Mirabilia Round Robin Archangel Michael

Sophia's Celtic RR photo DSC03631SophiaRR_zps6079dd04.jpg
Sophia's Celtic Knotwork Round Robin

Monochrome May
Pick a color, any color, then stitch only on projects that contain that color for the month!

Joan Elliott Green Goddess

JBW Alphabet Cat for May

Anti-theme design - Thread Pickerz Hearts SAL

Jumanji June 
Is it a jungle out there in your stash? Give some love to the projects with animals or birds.

JBW Alphabet Cat for June

Dragon Dreams 6 photo DragonDreams6_zps1a1500e3.jpg
Dragon Dreams 6th Dragonlet of Christmas

Stitcher's Hideaway Hear the Sea Call photo DSC03708HeartheSeaCall_zpse60ef6b2.jpg
Stitcher's Hideaway Hear the Sea Call

Anti-theme piece:
Carand88 Mummy Kitty photo MummyKitty_zps69dd6b06.jpg
Undead Mummified Kitty!

Jubilee July

It's time to celebrate! What are you celebrating this year? Stitch on your holiday-related projects, OR find some WIPs you know you'll never finish and set them free .

Mary Cherry photo DSC03733MaryCherry_zpsa1db650d.jpg
My design for my son's keyworker at Playgroup

For my cousin's wedding

Airborne August

What's that soaring through the air with the greatest of ease? It's the things with wings on your WIPs!

Carton-Marie Couers en Boites photo DSC03832LuHearts_zpsf5d92b3b.jpg
For my cousin's wedding (on the Wings of Love - geddit?)

Dragon Dreams 8 photo DragonDreams8_zps763df071.jpg
Dragon Dreams 8th Dragonlet of Christmas

Joan Elliott Butterfly

Sampler September
Whether you're stitching the alphabet over and over (and over), starting your own band (sampler), or marking some spots, this is your month!

JBW Cat September photo DSC04067_zpscbeff62d.jpg
JBW Alphabet Cat for September

Just Nan Autumn Typography

Prairie Moon Thine is the Trick and the Treat

Opulent October
It's time to don your tiaras and bring the bling! Stitch on projects with sparkly fibers, beads or charms.

Mirabilia Titania Queen of the Fairies

Merry Merry stitched entirely in beads

No-Xs November
What can you make without making an X?? Blackwork, hardanger, embroidery, needlelace, and the list goes on! Don't can even backstitch for the month!

Mirabilia Titania Queen of the Fairies
(just the beads and backstitch for this month!)

Stitcher's Hideaway Glorious Fall

Detritus December
It's the end of the year...are there some projects you thought you'd have done by now? Let's take a walk down memory lane and start the new year with a clean plate.

The Little Stitcher Fairytale Advent Calendar (days 17 - 20)

The Little Stitcher Fairytale Advent Calendar (days 17 - 20)

Gandalf from Pixel Power

Dragon Dreams FB exclusive

Monsterbubbles from JCS Sep/Oct 2010

Dragon Dreams 12th Dragonlet of Christmas

And my penultimate finish of the year (JBW Alphabet Kitty was the final one):

The Little Stitcher Winter Wood and Deer

Phew!  One of my tasks for the New Year is to update my Happy Dance blog as I've gotten a little behind with that.  I have actually completed 82 projects this year and if I can remember where I have put the little lead charm for Glorious Fall and attach it to the fabric tonight that will make 83!  Three more than last year!

So finally (if anyone is still reading!)  

Have a very Happy Old Year's Night 

and a very Peaceful New Year's Day

Monday 30 December 2013

Ornament SAL December Update and 2013 Round-up

Stitching Lotus Ornament SAL

This is the Ornament SAL hosted by Stitching Lotus

I have three different ornament challenges running this year, the JBW Alphabet Cat stitched in a different colour scheme each month, the Dragon Dreams 12 Dragonlets of Christmas, a FB exclusive and the Hallowe'en Ornie SAL blog.

I have successfully stitched 12 months for the JBW Alphabet Kitties but have only finish-finished 9 of them.  Job for the New Year!  Here is the full calendar:

DSC03528.jpg JBW Cat January

JBW Cat February

JBW Cat March photo DSC03605JBWCatMarch_zps5672c18a.jpg

JB Cat April photo DSC03606JBWCatApril_zps8c0b050e.jpg

JBW Cat May photo DSC03713JBWMayCat_zps59f9a13b.jpg

JBW Cat July photo DSC03897JBWJulyCat_zps06314bc5.jpg

JBW Cat August photo DSC03899JBWAugustCat_zpsf3228c6b.jpg

JBW Cat September photo DSC04067_zpscbeff62d.jpg

The 12 Dragonlets of Christmas were equally successful.  Here they all are ready to be finished as little box lids for my son's 12 Days of Christmas countdown to Epiphany:

DragonDreams1.jpg Dragon Dreams 1

Dragon Dreams 2

Dragon Dreams photo 4CollieBirds_zpsfadce972.jpg

Dragon Dreams 5 Gold Rings photo DragonDreams5_zps2ac618a8.jpg

Dragon Dreams 6 photo DragonDreams6_zps1a1500e3.jpg

Dragon Dreams 8 photo DragonDreams8_zps763df071.jpg

And the Hallowe'en Ornie SAL?  One ornie a month?  It started off well:

DSC03529.jpg Silver Cute Dwarf Pumpkin Kitty
January - a freebie from Silver Cute Dwarf's blog

Jaunty Fox Fence Cat
February - a freebie from Jaunty Fox Designs found here

La Contesse Haunted Castle photo DSC03617LaContesseCastle_zpsdd91794f.jpg
March - a freebie from La Contesse's blog

Val's Stuff Boo photo DSC03656ValsStuffBoo_zps2a66e7fe.jpg
May - Val's Stuff as featured in the 2012 Hallowe'en Ornie Special of JCS.

June - my own design based on those designed by Carand88

Julia Lucas Trick or Treat photo DSC03915Skeletons_zps3da3384d.jpg
August - Julia Lucas' Trick or Treat from Just Cross Stitch Hallowe'en Special 2013

And that was it!  I did stitch the Drac-in-the-box for most of October but it didn't fit into the themes for the SAL.  Lainey has said she is not able to run the SAL next year for personal reasons so I have volunteered to do so.  I am just waiting to hear back from her as to whether I can be an Admin on the current blog, if not then I will set up a new one and we'll go from there.  Any suggestions as to themes?

Finally, Silver Lotus has confirmed that there will be a SAL next year, a Smalls SAL, all details found here.  I have decided on four different categories this time (will I be able to keep them all going?  Who knows!). They are:

Dragon Dreams - 12 different Dragon designs

Hallowe'en Ornie SAL - 12 different themes
Little Stitcher Fairy Tale 12 Days of Christmas - one per month
Primitive Hare Spooky Countdown - one per week starting 31st January