
Thursday 30 April 2020

April Stitch from Stash and Pie

April has limped along to a finish, but at least we have Stitch Maynia to look forward to!  More of that later.  But first, Pie:

Discworld started the month here:

and went to here:

So much fill-in and all the backstitch too!   I put it down to being able to sit outside and stitch for an hour or so each day.  There are no distractions out there and I was able to really focus.

I even got this sweet little boat stitched:

This shows how much I have left to do.  There is one whole page, four half pages and a lot of islands in the middle of the sea (plus another boat).  Then I have to do all the longstitch lines which I left until last to avoid catching on them as I stitch.

You've seen my progress on everything else except for my Chatelaine.  I spun my Tiny Decision wheel and Gardens of London came up.  I last stitched on this in March 2019 although I did add some Algerian eyelets during the Longest Day Marathon.  Here's where it was last March:

and here it is now:

stitched on 32 count Belfast in Cotton Clouds from Crafty Kitten

I spent most of my time on the Upper Right Garden but did add the sparkly Rhodes Stitches to the outer border of the Upper Left Garden:

The first job I had to do was frog all those pink Queen's Stitches.  I am using a mixture of the charted threads and a DMC conversion.  In the first Garden I used 962 but in this Garden I had used 961 which was what was on the chart but was too bright for my liking.  So it all came out and was restitched in 962.  Then I finished the Algerian Eyelets in the middle, then some sparkly green.

Then on to those adorable Tiny Jessica Stitches, aren't they sweet?

I finished off with the green sparkle Rhodes Stitch around the outer border and a tiny start on the Lower Right Garden.

Both these Gardens are now complete except for beads and backstitch.

Stitch from Stash looks good this month:

Nothing £0.00
Total £0.00

NO unnecessary spending is going to be the Order of the Day for the foreseeable future. I do love the new Mirabilia, Princess Elliana.  Princess Elliana was tired of quarantine and escaped from her blanket fort, dragging all her bedlinen with her!

I just love her, she uses all the new DMC colours plus a whole bunch more.   But when Nora shared the original artwork, I fell in love with those colours even more!  So if I ever get her, I may be doing a conversion.  The fabric will be Sparklies' Purpleberry Spludge - great name, great fabric.

Finally, Stitch Maynia!

Backn in 2017, I started 23 Just Nan Smalls for March Madness:

Then in 2018 I started 32 more for Stitch Maynia:

In 2019 I stitched on the same 32 on their anniversary:

And this year, I will be stitching the 24 from last year plus the 8 new ones. Should be good fun!

Sunday 26 April 2020

April WIPocalypse Oldest WIPs

WIPocalypse is hosted by Measi's Musings

Each month we have to share the projects we want to complete before the End Of The World.

Since 2011 I have chosen a number of projects to focus on that year, starting with my "11 in '11" and increasing to "20 in '20" for this year.  This month I stitched on 6 of them.

My Discworld Mappe went from here:

to here

Lyndisfarne - Discworld Map
(Project 5)

Nora Corbett - Gathering Eggs
(Project 6)

JBW - 12 Days of Christmas
(Project 10)

Hands on Design - Bitter Brew
(Project 14)

Just Nan - Winter in the Square
(Project 16)

Amanda Butler - Alice in Wonderland SAL in Cross Stitcher magazine
(Project 17)

Measi always gives us a topic to discuss:

April – Talk to us about your longest-running WIP or UFO.

That's an easy one - no change since last year!   My oldest UFO is from the 1990s - Ernie Bishop's Noel Banner:

Since I took that photo I have completed the O for my Longest Day Marathons:

Close-up of the L:

Last time I got them out I realised I had used the wrong Perle for the hardanger on the E so that's all got to come out too.  These have been added to my WIPocalypse this year.  I have 8 projects started pre-2016 and have added 3 to my list this year (the ones in bold).

Finally, here's the full list if you are interested:

Ernie Bishop Noel Letters 01/12/98
Craft Collection Art Nouveau Head 14/04/11
Samplermakers Spring Sampler 01/03/12
Yiota's Xstitch Coffee Fairy 24/04/12
Papillon Around the World 27/04/12
Scarlet Letter English Transitional Sampler 11/12/12
Joan Elliott Faces SAL 05/06/14
Kustom Krafts Little Snapdragon 01/01/15

Friday 24 April 2020

April Smalls

The Smalls SAL is hosted by Mary's Thread

This year my Smalls will be my JBW 12 Days of Christmas ornaments which I started on Boxing Day 2019 for the 12 Days of Stitchmas.  I completed the Fourth Day in April:

stitched 1 over 2 on 40 count white linen

and I added beads to the first three designs:

I showed this design last time, minus the beads.  This is the cover kit from Cross Stitcher magazine issue :
stitched on 32 count white evenweave

I decided to join in with Rachel Ten Hours and Tiff Stitches and their Spring into Summer New Starts Binge.  I wasn't planning any new starts but I do want to take part in Stitch Maynia in May with my Just Nan smalls.  I have completed 8 of them since last May so need 8 new ones to fill the gaps.  I have started one each Friday this month.  The first one is Beach Roses:

stitched on 28 count pale blue linen

The next one is the Lady in Red Heart from Just Cross Stitch:

stitched on 32 count lilac linen

The third one is Love and Roses:

stitched on 28 count black Jobelan

And the fourth one for today is Rose Lady:

stitched on 32 count pale green linen

Another unplanned start and finish was this month's choice for the Just Cross Stitch Ornament SAL on Facebook.  I admin this group because the previous Admin dropped out but I don't usually stitch the ornaments.  However, this month we had Blue Ribbon Designs' Trimming the Tree.  One of my long term goals is to stitch all of this series.  I have done two so far and now a third!

stitched on 32 count Twilight Blue linen

using the charted DMC

Here is Roaming Reindeer and Woodsy Winter:


Finally, the lovely Clare from Aimetu's Stitching is asking for some help with her smalls.  Each year Clare decorates a tree for her church's Tree Festival with stitched ornaments.  I have donated ornaments in the past and this year she is asking us to join in again.  The theme is A Bouquet of Flowers.  All she needs is the stitched piece, she will fully-finish it for you.  Just leave a comment on Clare's blog to get involved.   (I include this each month as a reminder for myself!)

Thursday 23 April 2020



It's TUSAL time!

Here is my TUSAL jar with two of my current projects:

Usually I would show you each project in detail but I am saving the Small for tomorrow and Discworld for Sunday.  And yes, the Small is showing the reverse side!

Today is also the Reveal Day for the Easter Treasure Hunt Mystery Phrase.  Thanks to everyone who took part in the Blog Hop, whether by posting a picture or by hopping around and solving the mystery.  It was much easier this year as I did not have to pay a penalty and find a phrase in French!   The phrase you needed to find was:

Be Well and Stitch April

Which will be familiar to anyone who uses Facebook, Instagram or watches FlossTube.  This movement was started following a discussion between a small group of designers.  Cathy from Hands On Design said - "A conversation among a group of designers has come together as a tiny but mighty movement to create a project of free designs for stitchers. Imagine a basket or bowl filled to the brim with wellness needlework! Follow the hashtag #bewellandstitch to stay in the loop with this project. Once you have your free charts in hand, please consider, if you are able, placing an online order with your needlework shop for threads or fabrics, embellishments or trims. Many shops are offering specials as they continue to serve stitchers."

I know that the needlework shops that are working online are incredibly busy and are doing a fantastic job keeping everyone supplied with those essentials for our hobby.  One of those shop had compiled an album on Facebook for many of the charts.  I used that list to try find the original links so non-Facebook users can download them.  Most of these go to the designer's blog, some to Instagram and a few to Facebook.  I have labelled those ones.

You can see the list on my page entitled Themed Freebies or here:

Wild Violet - Be Well - voluntary contribution

Autumn Lane Stitchery - Bee Well - problem with website, they are aware.
You can see this cute one on Mini's Diary

I think the Drawn Thread design will be the one I stitch first:

I also like the Erica Michael's Strawberry, the Autumn Lane Stitchery and the Quarantined House by My Fanny Designs.  So many to choose from!

Finally, thanks for everyone who said lovely things about the Blog Hop.  The next one will be the Summer Hop.  As ever, I am planning something a little bit different for that one.  Stay tuned for more information!

Monday 20 April 2020

April IHSW

IHSW or International Hermit and Stitch Weekend always starts on the third Friday of the month.  It's a chance to lock yourself away and focus on your stitching for the weekend.  You can take part on your blog or via the Facebook page - IHSW on Facebook.

Once again I started the weekend off with my Alice in Wonderland SAL from Cross Stitcher magazine:

The Tweedles before and after backstitching

This fabric colour is more accurate

The whole piece so far:

stitched on 32 count yellow linen

I should have done another day on the border but I was stitching outside today and beading doesn't go well with outdoor stitching so I moved on to my Discworld Mappe.  And this amazing landmark:

stitched on custom-dyed 32 count Murano from Sparklies

The large landmass is complete!  I will spend the rest of the rotation filling in the backstitch and adding some of the islands around the continent.  But this is a great achievement.

Finally, the next IHSW will be 15th - 17th May so make sure you note the date in your diary or come and join us in the Facebook Group - IHSW on Facebook.  If you don't do Facebook then you can check in here by leaving a comment on my post. 

Wednesday 15 April 2020

April Gifted Gorgeousness Link-up Post

Welcome to the April Gifted Gorgeousness link-up.  The link-up date continues to be the 15th and I will keep the link-up open until the end of each month so you have plenty of time if you are late posting.

The format remains exactly the same, there is a list of rules on the main sign-up page if you want to check what is required but basically anything connected to the word "gift" is allowed, whether it was a gift TO you or is a gift FROM you.

My main project for Gifted Gorgeousness has been my Discworld Mappe by Lyndisfarne Designs, which will be a gift for my son.  This is the portion I have been working on in April:

stitched on 32 count Murano custom-dyed by Sparklies

Yes, the coastlines have met up!  This is akin to the borders meeting on a sampler.  I have just that area of golden yellow to fill in and the main landmass is complete.  Apart from backstitch!

I finished this lovely butterfly card from Cross Stitcher magazine which will be sent to a friend:

Someone did ask about the large butterfly attached to the card.  Yes, that was included in the pack along with the card and an envelope.

I also got some nice progress on Nora Corbett's Gathering Eggs this month.  The chart was a gift from Carol:

stitched on 35 count Vintage Country Mocha

The final gifted project for this month is the 12 Days of Christmas by JBW.  Two of my friends bought two charts each for my Christmas present.  I started one design per day for the 12 Days of Stitchmas and have completed the Fourth Day: 

stitched on 40 count white linen, 1 over 2

I also added the beads to the first 3 days.  I used Mill Hill petite 42013

Now it is your turn to show us your Gifted Gorgeousness for the month.  Please use your name or your blog name in the field and NOT the words "April Update" so I can easily see who has linked up this month.  And link to the actual post, not just your blog.  It is easier if you copy and paste the link, rather than typing freehand.


🐇 Good Friday - Friday 10th April 🐇

Finally, thanks to everyone who took part in the Easter Treasure Hunt Blog Hop this year.  It was so much fun to see what everyone had to share with us.  Comments are hidden until 23rd April, which is TUSAL Day so I will reveal the Mystery Phrase then.  Just to give everyone a chance to play along.