This was my eighth annual Marathon for The Longest Day. I always attempt this as close as possible to the Summer Solstice which was Wednesday 21st June this year.
The day started with breakfast, see the boys off to work/school, put a load of washing in and then down to stitching. Apologies for the quality of the photos, most of these were taken in daylight which puts a blue cast on everything. But most of these have decent photos elsewhere in the blog!
First up was Joan Elliott's Face SAL:
9.00 am - Before
I started the Peacock in the lower centre block
9.45 am - Kustom Krafts Little Snapdragon

Added some green to the stalks
10.25 am - Chatelaine Gardens of London

Continued the hedge border on the right
11.00 am - Bothy Threads 12 Days of Christmas
Continued with the red background for Day 5
11.50 am - Carriage House Samplings Halloween at Hawk Run Hollow

Stitched the earth around the skeleton on Block 12
12.30 - Mirabilia Fairy Idyll

Added some brown to the left hand side
Break for lunch
14.00 - Mani di Donna Halloween Sewing Basket
Two pumpkins and some yellow windows
14.35 - Nicole B Hicks Discworld Objectiva
stitched most of the carpet
15.30 Circle Cross Blackwork Tarot
Working my way down Gemini
16.25 Nora Corbett Taurus
stitched the brown in her dress
17.00 Craft Collection Art Nouveau Head
filled in some more brown at the top
Tea time!
18.15 - Yiotas Coffee Fairy

Added some cream to the cup
19.00 - Papillon Around the World in 80 Stitches

More green outline
19.30 - Scarlett Letter English Transitional Sampler

continued with the blue outline:
20.00 - Mrs Peggotty Queen of Hearts

Another line of border
21.00 Country Cottage Needlework Halloween Village

Added some grey path
21.45 Stitch It Picasso Temperature SAL
Brown shelves
and so to bed!
Over the course of the day, I stitched on all 17 of my WIPs in half hour blocks. At the start of the marathon I was setting a 30 minute time for the actual stitching but as the day went on I had to include photo time and setting up/putting away in the time.
I really enjoyed my Marathon again and as usual there are several projects I'd love to keep going on.
Finally, here's how many projects I worked on for the previous marathons:
2023 - 17 WIPs
2022 - 18 WIPs
2021 - 22 WIPs
2020 - 17 WIPs
2019 - 19 WIPs
2018 - 26 WIPs
2017 - 24 WIPs
2016 - 21 WIPs