This SAL is all about what you want to see on the blog. Each month I ask for suggestions for themes and then put them up to the members of the IHSW Group on FB to vote for their choice. This is what they have chosen:
August - Freedom
September - Geometric
October - Wizards

edit to add - the first three blogs linked up are a really diverse interpretation of theme - I love the creativity of my friends.
October - Wizards

Although this year it's been more of this feeling:

2020 has not been a good year for freedom, but lockdown saves lives, so keep at it! My current motto is "Just because you can, doesn't mean you should". Your Government may be telling you it's OK to gallivant all over the country/other countries but that doesn't mean it's a good idea.
Back to freedom in our stitching, At first glance, cross stitch doesn't seem to have much scope for freedom. The pattern, fabric and threads are all prescribed by the designer. The little xxx are all lined up and regimented, each one with the top stitch in the same direction. Many new stitchers think you need permission to change the smallest detail. But no, once you have bought the chart (or downloaded the freebie) you can change it as much as you like! The only caveat is that you cannot claim it as your own design.
So what have I changed the most? I guess my spooky conversion of Lavender & Lace's Enchanted Alphabet is pretty near the top of the list.

My version:
This is another design where I took a traditional style chart and totally changed it to have an Andy Warhol vibe:
Original design:
My version:
Following on from the William Wallace themed memes, this is an older piece I stitched after a visit to Eilean Donan Castle in Scotland. This is the castle from the film Highlander, one of my favourites.
This is quite different from my usual style of stitching but I just love the soft colours.
Beth of Beth's Needlework Stash has a nice piece where there is a pattern but the stitcher gets to decide where the stitches go. You can see it here - Autumnal Abstract
There are a lot of blackwork designs where you stitch the outline and then have the freedom to choose the internal patterns.
We have also seen the rise of the Pick Your Own Adventure style Mystery SALs where choices are made by the roll of dice. Ann from Colorful Cross Stitches is doing a Harry Potter themed one right now - Colorful Cross Stitches
We have also seen the rise of the Pick Your Own Adventure style Mystery SALs where choices are made by the roll of dice. Ann from Colorful Cross Stitches is doing a Harry Potter themed one right now - Colorful Cross Stitches
Now it's over to you. All you have to do is make a post on the theme of Freedom, mention The People's Choice SAL (you can copy the picture I used at the top of this post and in my side bar) and my blog. Please link up using the URL of the actual blog post, not the home page of your blog. I look forward to seeing what you all post.
edit to add - the first three blogs linked up are a really diverse interpretation of theme - I love the creativity of my friends.
Finally, I need your suggestions for the next poll. Any thing, no matter how obscure, weird or random will go into the poll. Keep the theme suggestions to a single word or two - so you could have Cats, or Blue, or Holidays, or Warmth etc. Really anything which could be illustrated in cross stitch.
Looking forward to reading them all!
Your Enchanted Alphabet is very free! You've made some great adaptations, using your own freedom.
Such a different interpretation of freedom - I hadn't even considered that it could be the freedom within the cross stitching itself! You're right that new stitchers tend to rigidly stick to instructions but once a bit of self confidence and the patience to frog and restitch, and perhaps more than once, has been built up then the sky's the limit. Your interpretations are definitely good examples of that.
There are a lot of zen designs out there too, with the freedom to fill in the colours of your choosing once the outlines have been stitched. Colouring books are a lot quicker though! :)
Your vision to change lavendar and lace to a Halloween pattern is amazing!!! I love the moon, the gate and ghosts, your execution of this is fantastic!! You really should consider designing patterns. I love this much more than the original, granted the theme is different but you aced this!!!
I love your interpretations of Freedom.
Change what you want in a chart, that a freedom I didn't think of when I used it so often! Freedom was a theme that first put pressure on me but it worked out well! xxx
I have always loved your Enchanted Alphabet. That castle piece is amazing. It must have taken a long time to stitch.
Awesome interpretation of the word. That's a part of this SAL I love. I still love the changes you made to the alphabet. Perfect. Thanks for sharing.
I'm a little late posting as I couldn't think of anything for Freedom but reading your interpretation gave me inspiration, thanks Jo
Hello Jo! So nice to be back with my blogging friends once again. Thank you so much for your lovely card you meant the world to me. Your stitching as always is remarkable and so beautiful. I loved your description of freedom. Great post. Now I have to catch up with all of your other posts I missed while away. Have a great week. RJ@stitchingfriendsforever
I do like the way you switch up designs
I love how many different interpretations there are for this theme! And you are a master of chanchings designs (often for the better, I might add).
I love your current motto and interpretation of this month's theme.
A common friend of ours once shared that she doesn't find cross stitch very creative as its just following the pattern and colors.
I was quite offended , ha ha but I say we are free to change colors or patterns as long as we are not breaking copyright laws.
Oh yes, I am all for that kind of freedom! It can be a challenge at times, especially now that I'm changing my Haunted Mansion.
I have always loved your Halloween version of the Enchanted Alphabet, it's just amazing. I think that one year I'll have to try it too.
Your flowers are very original, with a perfect background print.
The stitched castle looks beautiful, definitely the soft colours make it so.
Jo, You are just an amazingly creative person and do your conversions so well! I love seeing what you come up with! And I think I've said before, I'm not really a Halloween stitcher myself, but your version of that alphabet is spectacular. I could study it for hours!
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