
Sunday, 25 February 2024

February WIPocalypse SALs


WIPocalypse is hosted by Measi's Musings

Each month we have to share the projects we want to complete before the End Of The World. Since 2011 I have chosen a number of projects to focus on that year, starting with my "11 in '11" and increasing to "24 in '24" for this year. This month I stitched on 3 of them and had 1 finish.

3. Rainbow Hunter - Alice Bottles

Finished Alice

Started Cheshire Cat

23. Cricket Collection - Spring

24. Cottage Garden Samplings Halloween Sampler

Measi always gives us a topic to discuss:

February – What stitch-a-longs (SALs) are you participating in this year?

Obviously, WIPocalypse!  My other SALs are

Fully Finished Gallery - show anything you have FFO'd on the 10th
Gifted Gorgeousness - post anything gifted on the 15th
Smalls SAL - last Friday of each month
The TUSAL - post on the New Moon each month

The A-Z Challenge is a sort of SAL with Rachel where we're working through the Alphabet with our WIPs.

I don't tend to SAL actual designs as I have my rotation planned and it rarely fits in with other people's plans.  But if you are stitching anything that I am stitching do let me know and we can call it a SAL!

I also tend to avoid Mystery SALs having been bitten once or twice.  I wait until most of the piece has been released and then see if I still have FOMO and want to start it!

Finally, a Mary has been leaving lovely comments here.  But Mary is "no reply" and does not have a blog listed on her profile so I can't respond to her direct.  It's not Mary from Le Couer Celtique, or Mary from Mary's Thread or Mary from Mary's Stitching Spot!  So if you are Mary, please drop me an email and I will save it so I can reply to your comments.


Clare-Aimetu said...

Great stitching projects and what a lot of SALs, it's amazing how many when you list them all.

butterfly said...

Love Alice , have a great week hugs June.

Katie said...

Gorgeous progress on everything. Love your Spring fabric. Beautiful. I was thinking I should mention the blog stuff too but I forgot. I was curious if you would join in the Winter SAL. I see your helping with the admin stuff. I don't blame you though. I've had a few where I decided not to finish them. The bug one was horrible haha.

Leonore Winterer said...

Great stitching progress! Spring looks sooo close to a finish. There are a couple days left in the month, maybe you can make the most of the leap year and get a finish?

Mary - Lecoeurceltique said...

Another great selection of WIPs. I love your Alice in a bottle.
Like you I avoid mystery SALs. Joined one once and though I liked the designer's individual pieces the SAL was not to my taste.

Carol said...

Alice is so cute, Jo! And I love seeing your progress on that pretty Spring piece, too. Hope you enjoy this last bit of February--and Happy March! ♥

Mylene said...

Looks like the Spring is close to a finish. You sure working on different projects, wonderful progress on all.