
Sunday 25 August 2024

August WIPocalypse Groups and Guilds


WIPocalypse is hosted by Measi's Musings

Each month we have to share the projects we want to complete before the End Of The World. Since 2011 I have chosen a number of projects to focus on that year, starting with my "11 in '11" and increasing to "24 in '24" for this year. This month I stitched on 4 of them and had two finishes.

2. Shepherd's Bush Halloween Trifles

13. Joan Elliott Faces SAL

19. Nora Corbett Capricorn

24. Cottage Garden Samplings Halloween Sampler

Finally, Measi always gives us a topic to discuss:

August – Do you belong to any stitching groups or guilds (either in person or virtual)?

"Guilds" always reminds me of Terry Pratchett and his Discworld with the Thieves Guild, the Assassins Guild, Beggars Guild etc.  Other than in Fantasy Literature and Medieval craftsmen it's not something I have ever considered.

Groups, are another matter!!  The advent of Facebook has been incredible for groups and I don't want to have to count how many I belong to.  I am a big fan of "single designer or theme" groups rather than general stitching groups. I love the Mirabilia groups and belong to many of those.  They often set up spin-off groups for a group such as The Bewitching Pixies or the Zodiac Girls.  I also love the Halloween Stitching Group as that is a nice pure Spooky Stitching group.

I do admin a couple of groups - IHSW being the main one.  I also run the Just Cross Stitch Ornament SAL.  Both of those I took the reins when the founder wanted to take a break from admin.  I also help out with the Stitchonomy group and a Lavender & Lace group too.

I'm only in 2 challenge groups - Stitch from Stash which I adore and WIP Warriors (used to be No New Starts).  I do the "24 in '24" for that one.

And, of course, the WIPocalypse group!!


butterfly said...

You are a busy bee ,love to see your stitching .
Have a fun week hugs June.

Rahenna said...

I love all those beads on Capricorn!

Astrids dragon said...

You have been working on so many lovely and fun pieces! I especially love to see the Halloween Sampler, will you be adding extra to it? That fabric is perfect!
You are busy in your groups, I just try to keep up with reading them... blogs too.

Maja from The Snowflower Diaries said...

Go for the WIP, girl, you are doing a wonderful job! I better not count how many groups I have joined, I would faint I think:DDD of course I have my favourites. I admin only one group, my Joyful World SAL group of 10K members that is enough, I think:DDD you know I cannot stay online for long, there are times - from weeks to months - when I go entirely offline, so I am always on again, off again in any groups, or even in cross stitching, but this is what works for me:D

Carol said...

So many cute pieces, Jo--especially love the SB Halloween trifles : ) Enjoy this last week of August--just don't know where 2024 is going!

Shelly said...

Wow, I didn't know you were in or the admin of so many groups on FB! I stay in the Stitch from Stash group because it inspires me to finish things every month. Nice progress on your stitching!🙂

Leonore Winterer said...

Wow, that beading on Capricorn is amazing! Great progress.

beadgirl said...

The trifles are cute!