WIPocalypse is hosted by Measi of Measi's Musings.
The main focus of my WIPocalypse this year is my "14 in '14" a list of 14 projects I wanted to complete in 2014. In the last month I have worked on four of the list. Here is the current stitching status of each one:
March 16 – Topic: Show us your favourite places to stitch.
I used to stitch alot on trains, commuting to Norwich six days a week gave me 90 minutes per day stitching time. This was when I decided the "secured needle" method of stitching was definitely the one for me. You don't need to drop many needles on the dirty floor of a train carriage (and losing them too) to decide that using the method most people use for sewing buttons on is a very wise move!
Primitive Hare - Spooky Countdown
The Little Stitcher - 12 Days of Christmas
Measi is also setting us a topic to discuss each month.
March 16 – Topic: Show us your favourite places to stitch.
Here is a photo of my usual stitching spot:
OK, so it's not the tidiest stitching spot I've ever seen! I tend to use the "strata" system where the older stuff sinks to the bottom and the newest stuff is on top. That large bag on the floor contains all my DMC in their Floss-away bags, there is the latest Cross Stitch Collection magazine in view, some project bags and a carrier bag with Noel Blanc in so I can grab it at bath-time. You can also see my blankets to the right which are either for sitting on or wrapping round my legs when it gets cold. The Union Jack tray was for bringing coffee and snacks through, nothing to do with my stitching at all!
I also stitched on one of these this month:
I believe it is a Class 90 Electric Locomotive.
Anyway, this took me down to London and back for the Scarlet Letter Meet-up and six hours of train stitching produced this piece:
Spring Witch by The Snowflower Diaries |
I used to stitch alot on trains, commuting to Norwich six days a week gave me 90 minutes per day stitching time. This was when I decided the "secured needle" method of stitching was definitely the one for me. You don't need to drop many needles on the dirty floor of a train carriage (and losing them too) to decide that using the method most people use for sewing buttons on is a very wise move!
Finally, I am taking sign-ups for the Easter Treasure Hunt Blog Hop, click on the Bunny on the right hand side bar for more details.
I enjoyed seeing your stitching spot Jo. :)
Very nice going on your stitching WIPs, and what a lovely little witch.
Spring Witch is so cute. You must miss the built in stitching time on the train each day. I normally would stitch on breaks at work, and now that I am home with baby I miss having the dedicated time to do it.
A stitchy spot doesn't need to be tidy; it needs to be comfy! Well... maybe some people would argue about it but they just don't know what they're missing. :D
Such a cute little witch and bunny! I think I'll have to look up this secured needle method. The carpet here at home has eaten more needles than I'd care to admit.
Your stitching spot looks very comfy! The Snowflower Diaries design is so cute! What a great way to spend time on a train stitching!
Twelve Days looks like good fun!
Your stitching spot looks very cozy! I can see you spend lots of time there and that's what it's for!! :)
I wouldn't fancy scrabbling about on the floor of a train for my needle either!
Still loving the white Christmas design, it's stunning
Noel Blanc is looking great, even better with the added colour emerging.
Spooky Coutdown has grown well too.
I can't tell you how many times I've lost my needle in the reclining chair I stitch in. More times than I'd care to admit to HHF.
Lovely projects :)
Love the comfy stitching spot. Mine is definitely not neat , it's not even that comfy but it is mine. Great progress on your WIPs. I used to stitch on the train but it has become more popular and therefore more crowded so it is just easier to read.
Lovely progress on all your pieces Jo. Love your stitching spot.
Very nice progress on all your pieces. I love your stitch'n spot and your comment about how the old projects sink to the bottom and the new stuff floats on top. [LOL] If my spot was that comfy with a TV in front of me, I'd have a hard time trying to stitch or stay awake!!
Stitching spots should be comfy and convenient, just like your's.
U love your projects especially the 12 days of christmas, this seems really cute :) what is the secured needle method? I have never heard of it and I dont think I use this method when sewing buttons, my needle is threaded using the loop method.
Congratulations on your progress! You have a very comfy looking stitching spot.
Great job on all your stitching projects Jo!! It's fun to see where people stitch! I've yet to try stitching on the skytrain since it's only around 28 minutes...not enough time, plus I rarely get a seat. Hugs!
Lots of great stitching! Quite wintery I notice... time for spring!!!
Everything is looking good.
Lovely projects! And you've got a lot going on in that stitching spot!
I'm so in love with that little witch. You have made fabulous progress on all your projects too! Looks like the London meet up was amazing
Very nice work and my favorite spot is the kitchen table it's where I have the best light besides my bedroom. My kitchen has 6 windows and my bedroom 2.
Oh man how comfy does your stitching spot look? Not sure where you fit though LOL! I'm not game to post my spot yet. It needs a massive tidy and my new chair needs to be mantled.
Love the spooky countdown and the way you set up Spring Witch. Great wipocalypse post Jo!
xo Alicia
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