Just Nan SAL is hosted by Zeb of Keep Calm and Cross Stitch
Since the last Just Nan SAL post I have finished the rows on Measi's Band Sampler and sent it off to Kathy. Here is my part of the sampler:
Bands from Needlestory
My colour conversion using threads provided by Measi
As part of March Madness (for Theme-a-licious) I started a new Just Nan, the second in the Typography collection; Winter Typography. Here is my progress:
I love all the different fonts on this one and the sweet little over 1 bird too.
The final Just Nan I am stitching is another instalment on the Band Sampler Round Robin. Rachel has also given us free rein as long as it co-ordinates with her bands. I have chosen two JNs, narrow bands will come from Cynthia's Sampler and deeper bands from Sweet Rememberance. Here is my progress so far:
Finally, I am still taking sign-ups for the Easter Treasure Hunt Blog Hop. Click on the bunny on the right-hand side for more information. He's a Just Nan design too, Dewdrop Bunny. Please feel free to borrow him and use as a link to promote the Blog Hop.
Wonderful and lovely. I love Just Nan.
Beautiful stitching Jo. I love your Winter Typography.
I love just nan so much
Beautiful stitching x
Oh I love your RR pieces and your Winter Typography!! Just such beautiful stitching hon!
The RRs are beautiful - looking forward to seeing everyone's finished. Winter Typography is really pretty.
Lovely stitching Jo. Love the Winter Typography.
you have done some lovely stitching x
Lovely progress on your RRs and on Winter - the little bird is indeed very cute :) And Mr. Bunny is so handsome too!
Lovely stitching Jo x
Nice stitching pieces! Winter typography is so pretty!! That colours!! wow!! ;)
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