
Thursday 30 May 2024

Happy Dance for Claire

My WIPGO focus for May has been Claire from Nora Corbett, part of the Bewitching Pixies series.  I started her on the 1st May and finished her on 30th May, having stitched for a total of 20 days.

I stitched her on a piece of 28 count evenweave from a needlework shop that came without a label, so no idea of the dyer or the colour.  I do have enough to stitch the companion piece, Evanora next year.


Claire has a lot of beads and in an effort to Stitch From Stash I didn't buy any new ones, I used what I already had.  I didn't have enough of the 00283 silvery colour so I used some 00206 which are more lilac and toned well with the fabric.  I also didn't have the large Midnight beads so used so mauve ones instead.

Beads used - 

02014 - as charted

00283 - as charted

00206 - replace some of the above

18822 - sub for 18002

I used a Jodyri Thread instead of the charted Waterlilies, 029 R. Nevermore.
I did have the charted Kreinik but not a whole spool so I decided to couch the long lengths instead of stitching them.  This works better for smooth lines anyway although it is fiddly working with two needles it is worth taking the time.

Finally, this is a better photo of the fabric colour although the beads are a bit blurry:


jocondine said...

Spectacular is the first word which came! Such an amazing pattern with beads in one month, it's impressive. Bravo. xxx

Mary said...

Congratulations on finishing Clare. The beading is gorgeous.

beadgirl said...

Just lovely.

DJ said...

Congratulations on your amazing finish!! She is simply gorgeous and perfect on that fabric!

Katie said...

She is beautiful. Lovely touch with the beads.

Leonore Winterer said...

She looks wonderful and great work stitching her from stash, as well!