
Wednesday 8 April 2015

Happy Fourth Blogaversary to me!

That's me on my 4th Birthday!  I remember that car so clearly, it had pedals and we "drove" it round to a friend of my Dad who put eyes on the front of it.  The dress I was wearing was white with red polka dots and red ric-rac braid round the middle.  There was a J embroidered on the pocket.  My sister had a similar one with her initial and my doll Susan had one too.  My Mum made most of our clothes and always made a dress for my doll with the scraps.

I have no recollection of that rabbit and while it may be appropriate for this time of year my Birthday is in September!  Susan is the larger doll in the blue dress on the settee and the smaller doll was called Nina.  Apart from that rabbit I remember so much from this age and surprise my parents with how detailed my memories are.

While I think of it - Happy Birthday to Calamity Jr and Susan Yellow Flower Meadow too.

Some Blogaversary stats:

4 years,
434 posts,
253,087 page views
I've had a look back at my first post and some previous Blogaversary posts.  It is traditional to reflect on past projects and compare them to current posts.  On my first post I was stitching a Mirabilia Mermaid and A Dark Alphabet.  Both of which are now finished.  I was also working on a piece for the Craftivist Collective.  I don't currently have a Mirabilia on the go but I did start a Nora Corbett piece in January and I have a bit of a special Mirabilia project to show you for part of the Gifted Gorgeousness post this month. 
Yesterday I spent most of the day stitching on my Satsuma Street SAL with Linda and Kate.  Here is my progress on Pretty Little London:
I filled in Big Ben's clock face and stitched St. Paul's Cathedral in the bottom right corner.  And the raised portions of Tower Bridge.
The other tradition for a Blogaversary is to have a Giveaway.  This year I have made it complicated for myself by amalgamating my Easter Treasure Hunt, my Blogaversary and the Gifted Gorgeousness Giveaway into one larger giveaway!  There will be 7 different charts up for grabs (2 for Easter, 4 for Blogaversary and 1 for GGG).  Picture posters for the Treasure Hunt get one entry, Mystery Phrase guesses get one entry, comments on this post get one entry and link ups on the GG post on the 15th get one entry.  All clear?  Don't worry, I have the complicated stuff to do, you just have to leave a comment as below:
To enter the Giveaway please leave a comment here stating your top three choices of these charts:
A - Lizzie*Kate Friends are Angels
plus Peace, Love and a Cure (not shown)
B - Christmas Number 1
C - Christmas Number 2
D - Christmas Number 3
E - Told in a Garden - The Courting
F - Told in a Garden - Piecemakers I
G - Told in a Garden - Voice of the Shepherd
The first chart is one I have stitched myself and want to pass on and the others are the charts I bought from Needleprint for the express purpose of using them as giveaways.  There were some Lavender & Lace charts I wanted in the same bundle and I kept my favourite Christmas design too.
Finally, the Easter Treasure Hunt Blog Hop is open until the 11th April so if you haven't hopped around yet please do.  It's always good to meet new blogging friends and you'll get an extra chance in this giveaway.



Barb said...

Happy Blogging anniversary Jo! I'm going to pass on the giveaway. It is nice of you to do one.

Gillie said...

Have a very similar picture though taken outside so no toys, in Gibraltar, I think, but in my mums writing on the back.....the car doesn't belong to her! No idea whose it was. Congratulations on the anniversary and well done on the stitching.

Kate said...

Congratulations, Jo, on your 4th Blogaversary!!

Jacqueline Morris said...

Yippppppeeeeeeeeee congratulations on your blogoversary !! Go You!!!
And OMG!! 4 years!! Really??!! WOW!!!
Oh love all the charts your going to generously give away...your so so sweet.
Please do not include me as I have be blessed with a dear stitching angel recently :)
Do do have a wonderful happy smiley blogoversary!!!
Lots of big smiles :) xx
Oh...did I say I love your blog?? No?? Oh well I do!!! Lots :)

Anonymous said...

Happy blogaversary! I'm going to pass on the giveaway too, as I have so many things in my to-do pile without adding more:)

diamondc said...

Congratulations on four years, time does fly by.
What a giveaway, I do have all the same patterns but wanted to say: Happy Blogaversary.


Vickie said...

Happy Blogoversary Jo! Love your blog so much. That is a great picture of you. =)
G, D, C Thank you!

Ranae said...

I just wanted to pop in and tell you
Happy 4th Blogoversary!!!

Kerryp77 said...

Happy Blogversary Jo, London is looking vibrant! The charts are fab, a,b,d please

CalamityJr said...

Happy blogoversary! Love your photo and memories. Thanks for the birthday greeting; I'm having a lovely day. Please put me in the drawing for G, G, and G. Oh, 3 different ones? Then B, D, and G. Thanks for sharing!

EvalinaMaria said...

Happy blogoversary dear Jo! On your fourth birthday you were cute as a button. And my choices for giveaway: #1 Friends are like angels on the Earth, #2 Christmas 2 and #3 Christmas 3. Have a lovely day!
Evalina, This and that...

Dani - tkdchick said...

Pretty Little London is so cute!

Happy Blogiversary! I think when you've been in the Blogging world as long as I have you kinda stop celebrating!

gracie said...

Happy 4th anniversary. It has been a pleasure to know you and visit your blog often. Thank you for always having fun things for us to participate in...

Musicwoman said...

Happy Anniversary to you, Jo.
I can't help I must do your giveaway.
Please count me for A,B,G
Have agood day

Unknown said...

Happy Blogaversary. I like A, F & G as my top 3.

Annie said...

No need to enter me in the giveaway....just popping in to wish you a happy blogoversary!

barbara woods said...

i love the three Christmas ones, i do love Christmas, thanks for the chance, Happy Blogaversary

Daniela Bencúrová said...

Jo, I congratulate the 4th anniversary !!!
London looks gorgeous!

jocondine said...

Happy Anniversary! I just celebrated my first year reading you so that means I have only to make up about 300 older posts..... I will! Told in a garden are too great : Gorgeous, Excellent, Fantastic is my top 3. Thanks a lot. Hugs xxx

Linda said...

Awesome progress on London Jo but you gotta quit working on it or I'm never going to catch up. Your going to have them all done and I'll still being working on London. lol
Happy Blogoversary. I would like to be entered for A, B, C or D.


Ariadne said...

Happy Blogoversary! What a sweet little girl in a sweet little red car! I'd love to take part in this if I may (International Reader) So I would say I love G best, then B and finally D. Thank you!AriadnefromGreece!

Anonymous said...

Happy Blogaversary! I didn't miss it this year! :D
oh, I would love to get any of those but to be honest I'm so overwhelmed with stuff I think someone else should get the pleasure of working on them. what a lovely, complicated way to celebrate all you have going on! :D
you know, I had one of those cars too! mine was also red, but not so square. it had pedals and I ruined my feet in them one day - a real blood bath.
the Satsuma London looks really sweet. I have those on my wishlist.
happy xxx!

Barb said...

What a very cute photo! My favorite charts are c or g. Happy Blogoversary to you!

gominam said...

Nice post! Great stitching . Had to chuckle on the first pic, remembering my childhood too, why do moms dress their kids like twins, lol, maybe to say they're not playing favorites and be accused of giving hand-me-downs to the younger sibling. Haha.

Heather said...

Happy blogaversary! 4 years is a lot I haven't yet made it to one... I think next month I'll have to check. Please don't enter me as I just don't see myself starting these any time soon I have too much on my plate. Good luck to everyone!

Kaisievic said...

Hi Jo, you were so cute at age 4! Happy Blogaversary and thanks for the giveaway. Please count me in, my favourite 3 are b, d and c please.

Bea said...

Congrats on your Blogaversary! It is wonderful blog - I'm so glad I found you. I'd love to get F, E or G.

Gwen said...

Happy Blogaverary! Love reading your blog, great job on the stitching.

Renee G said...

My favorites are the courting, the piecemakers and Christmas 3.

Preeti said...

Happy Blogoversary, Jo !!:) You are an avid stitcher and active blogger. I wish you many more years of creative time :)
Your giveaway is really complicated but what is not complicated is having a lovely blogger friend like you. I am not participating in the giveaway and I will not give a false reason that my hands are full. More charts are always welcome. To be sincere, I usually stitch different kinds of designs and you have already made me happy by sending that Margaret Sherry calendar :)
Your photo is very cute!!

Brigitte said...

Congratulations on your fourth blogging anniversary. And thanks for staying with your blog and for creating all these lovely blog hops.

Justine said...

Happy Blogaversary! Lovely to see a picture of you on your 4th birthday. We must be around the same age as your house looks quite similar in style to ours when I was that age!
I won't enter your giveaway this time but thanks for offering and good luck to everyone who enters!

Mini said...

Happy blogovesary Jo.thank you for conducting fun SALs and give aways.I'll pass the give away too.

Christine said...

Happy Blogoversary! I completely missed mine this year. The picture of 4yo you is fabulous!
My preference would be b.c,d, the others aren't really my style

Lili said...

Congratulations, Jo!! Happy blog anniversary!! Your photo is lovely!!

Julie said...

Happy Blogoversary Jo.
A lovely pic of you, my DH had a pedal car as a Christmas pressie after asking Santa and was very disappointed that it was not a real car and sulked for the whole day (that's a story his late mum used to tell so often each Christmas) seeing your pic made me think of such happy memories of family times ..thanks.
I'll pass on the giveaway, I have so much I want to stitch and knit and sew and and and .....

Leonore Winterer said...

Happy blog anniversery, Jo! Wow, four years is a long time, even in stitcher terms, to share your oretties with the world. To the next four years!

Thanks for holding this awesome giveaway as well. It's difficult to make favourites with charts as pretty as this, but I think I'll go with A,F, and G :)

Elfie said...

I enjoyed reading your reminisces. It's odd (but nice) how reading about someone else's childhood brings back memories of one's own. As to the give-away, I'd go with the three Christmas charts (B, C, and D), although A is the one that brings a smile to my face when I look at it..

The Crafty Princess said...

Ohhh look at you little cutie! Love the car it's so you!!!

HAPPY 4TH BLOGAVERSARY!!! Woo HOO. You've been entertaining, inspiring and making us laugh for 4 years! Thank you for that stunner :D

Love the progress on London too, it just sings with those colours!

I will pass on the giveaway as I don't think I will stitch any of them (what no Halloween ones?? LOL) and would rather someone that would stitch them be the lucky recipient. But I do love A - Angel stitch. It's a very true saying for me. xo Alicia

Sheryl said...

Congrats on your blog anniversary. Great photo of you with your red car........ They didn't let me drive when I was four :-(. Generous giveaway. I like the Voice of the Shepherd.

Mrs Milkybar Kid said...

Happy Blogaversary Jo - quite the milestone to be an active blogger for that long! Such a cute photo of you at 4! I will pass on the giveaway, but very generous offerings from you there :).

Sarah in Stitches said...

Congratulations! Those stats are amazing, great job! I'm going to go with B, E, and F. Thanks for the chance to win! :D

Clare-Aimetu said...

Happy Blogaversary Jo 🎉🎉

Deb said...

WOW! 4 years! Congrats!
Love the Satsuma designs!
No choices for me. I have so much to be thankful for and would never be able to stitch them. Good luck everyone!

AnaCristina said...

Congratulations! ♥

Steph said...

Happy happy happy Blogversary to you. Your blog is a true treasure. XOX

Elle said...

Congrats on reaching your 4th year Blogaversary! I can't believe I've missed so much but I'm looking forward to reading about your next few years!!
Please also enter me in your giveaway - A, B and D for me - thank you for being so generous and good luck to everyone who enters! x

cheryl said...

Happy Blogiversary! I have enjoyed reading your blog and participating in your fun events over recent years. My faves are: F, C, G

A Patchwork of Crafts said...

Hi and happy bloggiversary.G then F then E, I know immediatly who they would go to when finished should I be lucky enough to be a recipient. Well once I got round to stitching them, still in the midst of a quilt and three cross stich projects when I get a mo.

Jan Gartlan said...

Congrats on your 4 th blogaversary. I love charts C, F and G

Annette-California said...

Happy Blog Anniversary!!! WOOHOO!!! Thank you for all your beautiful hops & posts!
YOU are a treasure Jo! If I am lucky to be a winner - My 3 choices are A, C & G!
love Annette

Carla - Alaska Wolf Pack said...

If chosen as a winner, I would like E, F, and G please...or one of those three, or all of those three...oh dear! My pattern fast is making me greedy for wins and freebies! STOP ME NOW!!

Mii Stitch said...

Happy Blogaversary!!! You looked so so cute on this picture with your cool little car :)
Please do not count me in your giveaway as I have enough to keep me going for a little while!
Good luck to everyone who joins the fun x

Stitching Noni said...

My goodness... I can't believe I almost missed out on commenting on your Blogaversary! Congrats on 4 years blogging! Impressive numbers :o)
Love the pic of you aged 4!
If I am lucky enough to be picked out my fav charts are: A, F, G
Hugs xx

Unknown said...

Happy Blogaversary!!! I love the photograph - I remember pedal cars like that. I was also lucky enough to have a Mum who made most of my clothes including some wonderful party frocks which I can still remember in detail.

My 3 favourites of the charts you are generously offering in the giveaway are A, E and F - Lizzie Kate and Marilyn Leavitt Imblum are 2 of my all time favourite designers.

Angela CG said...

Happy Blogaversary! My favs are A, B, and C.

StitchinByTheLake said...

I've just found your blog today and am thoroughly enjoying it - you've done some beautiful stitching! If I qualify for the giveaway I'd love F (Piecemaker I) or G (Voice of the Shepherd) or E (The Courting). I used to cross stitch years ago but quilting interfered for a long time. I have come back to it and have fallen in love all over again! blessings, marlene