It's TUSAL time again! For those of you new to blogging, the TUSAL is a project run by Daffycat, click on the button on the right hand bar for more details.
Here is my ORTS jar posing with the current stitching project:
This week I have been stitching different things almost every day. On Monday I finished another project from my 15 in '15 - Joan Elliott's Cherub from the 2013 Diary. Tuesday was Satsuma Street day. On Wednesday I went on a train journey so took Trick and Treat because it's all one colour, on Thursday I picked up Just Nan Winter Typography and Friday saw another finish for a DUCJC project - Sweetheart Tree's Tudor Rose. Today is Saturday and a work day so no stitching so far!
Way back in December 2012 World Of Cross Stitching magazine had their most popular cover gift ever, a diary featuring 12 Joan Elliott designs. I intended to stitch one a month that year. Then I revised that to exclude three of the more cutesy designs then I revised it again and actually managed three finishes and one start! February was started in February 2013 and was in last year's 14 in '14 (unsucessfully) and now in 15 in '15. As ever, the crazy thing is that it only needed three days stitching to complete it. Two were pretty full-on days though, we're talking four or five hours a day.
Stitched on 28 count evenweave dyed with fruit tea
(which smells lovely when you are stitching!)
Mounted in my scrapbook.
I need some more gold heart stickers, I only had silver.
I used the recommended colours except for the heart because they were too pink. I also left off the border of backstitched hearts. That saved a couple of hours!
(It's the scanner that makes the linen look weird)
This week I stitched more of St Paul's Cathedral.
The Sweetheart Tree Tudor Rose was very nearly completed last week but I wanted to save the beading for a day when the boys were at school. Beading and the Small Boy are not really compatible! Here are several photos of the finished piece:
Stitched on 32 count Light Mocha linen.
I substituted plain DMCfor the border and used DMC throughout.
The beads and charm were supplied with the chart.
I had stitched the centre last (as instructed) and noticed that it was quite raised where the eyelets had pulled the fabric so decided to make a stuffed ornie.
With the intended backing fabric:
All finished:
And hanging in place:
The chart was a gift from Vickie and will now be travelling on to Gillie as a prize for leaving my 7000th comment a while back. I gave her first choice before I chose the Giveaway charts and she picked this one.
Finally, the Giveaway of the other seven charts is continuing. To be in with a chance, just leave a comment on my Blogaversary post. Anyone who links up for the Gifted Gorgeousness SAL gets an extra chance. You don't have to do anything to claim that, if you have commented and linked up then my spreadsheet will automatically put your name in twice.
wow, you've been very busy! Beautiful stitching as always. That Tudor Rose is stunning, love it:)
Cherub looks so cute.lovely finishing of the Tudor rose.
Tudor Rose is so very awesome Jo! Love it!! I like that you are passing on the chart too. :)
The Joan Elliott is so sweet.
Oh your Winter Typography is looking wonderful! But I absolutely LOVE The Sweetheart Tree finish that you made into an ornament!!! Great job and excellent finishing!!! Your other "fun" projects look wonderful as well!!! Great job getting so much stitched!!
Lovely pieces, Jo!
Your Tudor Rose ornament is absolutely gorgeous and I love the JE.
You have some very beautiful stitching on this post.
Gorgeous finishes, Jo. Love the Tudor Rose and you have finished it so beautifully. Winter Typography is looking great and do you know, I had a dream the other night that you and I were scrapbooking are Smalls finishes together (you were teaching me how to do it) - lol!
It took a LOT of skill to leave the 7000th comment, I can tell you! Very pretty, Jo and love the London scene too, great Colours!
Congrats on all of the adorable finishes Jo. Yeah, you didn't get much done on London this week. lol
Pretty orts.
Great stitching week for you. Tudor Rose is absolutely lovely.
Your Tudor Rose is beautiful Jo! I've started saving my orts so I can join in the TUSAL next month. Claire x
Cute JE finish, Jo! Your Tudor Rose looks very beautiful :)
"Tudor Rose" is gorgeous! I love it!!
So pretty stitching pieces!!
Gorgeous tudor rose.
Lovely stitching. The Sweetheart Tree piece is beautiful
Tudor Rose looks beautiful finished like that. Just perfect. Your Winter typography is looking great too.
Beautiful stitching! I absolutely love how the Tudor Rose looks. Wonderful job finishing it, too! :D
Congratulations on the beautiful finishes, Jo! I love all the intricate beading. You're making amazing progress on London, and your ort jar looks great.
Great finish. So elegant! xxx
Tudor Rose is lovely to behold and that backing fabric is perfect! Those JE designs do seem to be quite popular. The US needs to pick up their game with crafty things! I appreciate your previews of the magazines 'cause I'm one of those picky people who will not buy without seeing what's available.
So much yummy in one blog!
The Tudor Rose is amazing - and the cording is just perfect to set it off! blessings, marlene
Oh Jo wonderful stitching again. The Tudor Rose ornament is lovely and looks amazing with the cording and backing material! No wonder Gillie chose that chart to stitch! x
Beautiful stitching - I love the Just Nan piece and your finished Sweetheart Tree piece.
Happy Monday Jo x
Great stitching! Your ornament finish looks beautiful!!
Tudor Rose is beautiful. I love the fabric.
Pretty stitching - congrats on two finishes, that's awesome! I love Tudor Rose and that CHerub is adorable ^_^
The Sweetheart Tree design finished up so beautifully.
What a beautiful finish on Tudor Rose :o)
Your cherub looks gorgeous. Love your idea of scrap booking as a finish!
Hugs xx
I know I've commented on a couple of posts already today but I've been enjoying having a browse through your blog and I just had to comment one more time. Your Tudor Rose is so beautiful!
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