The Smalls SAL is hosted by Heather from Stitching Lotus
This year I set myself two monthly challenges:
1. The Primitive Hare Hallowe'en Cubes SAL
2. The Hallowe'en Ornie SAL themed blog.
and then added a third one from August:
3. The Christmas Ornie SAL themed blog
I did really well with the Primitive Hare Cubes, stitching one per month and finishing in plenty of time for Hallowe'en. But not the actual finishing-finishing into cubes! That will come next year when I have sourced some cubes. My question is now Foam or Polystyrene blocks? Which are better in your opinion?
and then added a third one from August:
3. The Christmas Ornie SAL themed blog
I did really well with the Primitive Hare Cubes, stitching one per month and finishing in plenty of time for Hallowe'en. But not the actual finishing-finishing into cubes! That will come next year when I have sourced some cubes. My question is now Foam or Polystyrene blocks? Which are better in your opinion?
stitched on 32 count Vintage Grain linen.
I also did well with the Hallowe'en Ornie SAL Blog. There is somewhat more pressure on the organiser to contribute each month! This year there was a little more shoe-horning than usual to make each month fit with what I was already stitching.
Top Row
Prairie Moon, SF Vailly, Just Nan, Primitive Hare
Middle Row
Just Nan, Blue Ribbon Designs, Knotted Tree, Just Nan
Bottom Row
Witchy Stitches, Just Nan, Blue Ribbon Designs time two
For more details, see the original blog posts on the Hallowe'en Ornie SAL Blog
And onto the Christmas Blog, oh dear, a good start which petered out in the last months. I managed a grand total of TWO.
Knotted Tree NeedleArt

Blue Ribbon Designs
But never fear, I have a cunning plan for next year! Which I won't reveal until I have posted the January choice.
For next year's Smalls SAL I will obviously be continuing with the Hallowe'en and Christmas Ornies. I also have another set of Primitive Hare Cubes in my stash. In my previous post I listed my "16 in '16" projects which are mainly all WIPs. But we all know how much we need a new start sometimes so I also put together a list entitled "Sixteen Series in Sixteen".
I am slightly addicted to series of designs (come on, I know I'm not the only one from reading your blogs!). So here is a list from which I can pick and choose a design any time I feel the need for a new start while still being part of a larger WIP, ie the full series. Clever, eh?
- Primitive Hare Christmas Cubes
- Joan Elliott Diary Designs (3 stitched so far)
- With Thy Needle Wordplay (2 stitched so far)
- Brooke's Books Cakes (2 stitched so far)
- Brooke's Books Witches (1 stitched so far)
- Brooke's Books Alphabet (A-E stitched so far)
- Satsuma Street Cities (2 stitched so far)
- L*K Season Snippets (2 stitched so far)
- Just Nan Seasonal Typography (2 stitched so far)
- Drawn Thread Spot of Seasons
- Shepherd's Bush Herbs (5 stitched so far)
- Madame Chantilly Towns (1 stitched so far)
- Blue Ribbon Designs Winter Forest designs (2 stitched so far)
- Plum Street Samplers 12 Days of Christmas (10 stitched so far)
- Nora Corbett Alphabet Fairies (1 started)
- Teresa Wentzler Byzantine Ornaments
That last one was added when I saw Heather's post on Stitching Lotus where she said she's thinking of doing one a month for the Smalls SAL. I thought maybe I could do half a one each month so they last the year!
A kind of rotation is emerging as I think about this:
First Friday - start Hallowe'en choice
Second Friday - start Christmas choice
Third Friday - Elizabeth Shephard for IHSW (if it's still going)
Fourth Friday - Brooke's Books' Alphabet in time for the Alphabet Club post.
Inbetween I can stitch on whichever WIP is calling my name!
Evening stitching will be to complete The Plum Street 12 Days of Christmas, then finish Book of Spells and move onto Ink Circles Ghosts Mandala. Which I have realised isn't on either list. Good start!
Finally, Gifted Gorgeousness will be continuing into 2016 and for as long as I have gifted projects and a blog to chat about them. Sign up on the main page and get ready for the first link-up on 15th January 2016. There's also still time to link-up on the December post (open until the 31st).
The collage of the Smalls looks beautiful. Makes one feel productive.
Looking forward to your stitching in 2016 and also the winner of GG SAL 2015 mystery prize winner(hint: i love winning goodies ..wink wink)
Looks like a solid plan to me great stitching this year! I can't wait to see your progress next year!
Beautiful sal stitching..I think they so lovely
Good luck dear for next year x
I am not making plans....I do not stick to them! Once again it will be come what may for the year
That is quite some list! Happy stitching in 2016
Great stitching as always! What a fruitful stitching year you had. Looking forward to your 2016 stitching:)
WOW! You got a lot stitched - all look yummy. Looking forward to the Smalls SAL for 2016.
I just love reading fellow stitchers lists. It makes me feel so motivated. I wish you lots and lots of X's in 2016! I look forward to cheering you along.
You've had a great year! Wishing you much success in 2016. Your list makes me feel exhausted just looking at it but I can cheer you on!
So like minded! I too love series! Still thinking about my stuff, but LOVE your list of funzies and plan of attack.
WHat a fabulous stitchy year you've had Jo! I've never made a cube so really can't say which would make the better medium....but please do let us know what you decide and how that choice pans out!
You're so super organised! I have no list whatsoever and reel from one project to the next in what occasionally feels like a mindless drunken stupor :D
I can't wait to see you 2016 stitching and those cubes all finished!
That's some list together with the other one. Good luck with your plans. No plan here except the monthly challenge and seasonal SAL and of course Barb will be doing the LHN/CCN/Sampler Girl SAL too ....mmm maybe I do have some plans then after all lol.
Happy New Year!
Excellent stitching and great you got so much done :D
The finishes look wonderful all together like that. Sounds like a great plan for next year.
I love seeing all that wonderful stitching. I am looking forward to seeing the finished cubes. I have never done a project like that. I am thinking of joining the Halloween monthly stitch. Will you be telling how that works? Good luck, that is one ambitious list.
Congrats on all of the awesome finishes this year Jo. Love next year's list.
Happy New Year,
Great stitching! I would be inclined to use foam myself, it's being a bit squashy seems like it would make it easier to assemble them and get a nice tight fit
Wonderful year! I've only ever used mat board for finishing cubes so not a lot of help although I'm leaning towards polystyrene as you can pin to make sure it's straight and smooth before permanently attaching. I love the 16 series idea (I too am drawn to series stitching).
Great work. I love all the Halloween stitching!
Your 2015 was full of lovely stitching!! Wish you many more hours of stitching in 2016 :)
You've stitched up a storm of awesome smalls, and there are so many more to chose from for next year - really looking forward to that! :D
Great to see all your smalls for the Halloween ornament SAL. And I'm curious now to see your idea for the Ornie SAL. I first thought of stitching my advent calendar motifs as part of the Ornie SAL but then refrained from it - too many more ornament motifs that I want to stitch besides the advent calendar ones.
Picking designs from a series sounds fantastic. And there are so many great series you can choose from.
Wonderful stitching!!! :D Congrats sweetie!
I love your box :D
As always, I am impressed by how much to stitch every year!
Gosh you have been busy and lots of plans for much stitching in 2016. Well done.
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