or two?
I can reveal the design I was stitching on when I posted my TUSAL post. Remember this was all you could see:
Here is the finished piece:

Roaming Reindeer by BRD
From JCS Christmas Special 2012
(Much better photo for showing the colour of the fabric.)
This is the second design I've stitched from this series of four by Blue Ribbon Designs. I changed the fabric to a 32 count Twilight Blue linen and the white to B5200 because it really pops against the blue fabric.
Companion piece - Woodsy Winter from JCS Ornie Preview 2012
I love the bright red of the cardinals. Before I discoved blogging I did not realise these birds were actually that bright in real life! I thought it was a little artistic license on the designers' part.
Finally, Hallowe'en is fast approaching so it must be time to launch the Hallowe'en Trick or Treat Blog Hop. Regular followers will know the format. Leave a comment here saying you would like to take part in the hop as a Picture Poster. When I have everyone signed up I will choose a Mystery Phrase and allocate each Picture Poster a letter of the alphabet. On 31st October they must make a blog post showing their letter and a photo of something they have stitched on a Hallowe'en theme. On my blog there will be a list of all the contributors so people can hop around and collect the letters to work out the Mystery Phrase. You don't have to be a Picture Poster to collect the letters and join in with the competition but all Picture Posters do get an extra entry in the competition.
Here is last year's post if you want to see how it all works:
Such pretty BRD pieces Jo. When I hear the song of a cardinal, I enjoy stopping and looking about to spot him. You most always can because of that magnificent color.
Beautiful Christmas stitching.
Great finishes! And nice stitching on the mystery one too. :)
Beautiful stitching. Did you email me your address so I can send your giveaway prize? Hope you don't mind me asking here.XOX
I love your Christmas stitching Jo, and your postage stamp made me smile! I would love to take part in your Halloween Blog Hop - my favourite of all of your hops!
Great stitching! I'll take part again this year
Your Christmas finishes are so pretty, lovely fabric choice:)
Congrats on the great finish and stitching Jo.
Christmas stitching is lovely & your "secret" stitching looks really promising with this great postage stamp!!
hhmmm, that mystery peek looks suspiciously Halloween-ish to me!
Beautiful work on your pieces. Can't wait to see what your mystery piece is. Please add my name to the Halloween Blog Hop.
Love the look of your exchange piece, my guess is its a mail art piece with the stamp?? maybe not ....
The Blue Ribbons look super.
I love the Blue Ribbon finish!
The two sneak peeks of your new stitching made me very curious. A little stamp? A little pumpkin in blue? Very mysterious :))
Both ornaments are very beautiful, so lovely to see all the different animals in them.
Oohh, very intriguing! Gorgeous stitching, congrats on the finish. It looks lovely with its companion piece! :D
Love your BRD pieces Jo, the red really pops on that fabric!
You tease! :)
I'd love to participate in the Halloween hop please!
Can't remember if I have already added my name to the Blog Hop... but if not, please do - if I did - just ignore me.... my memory is failing!!
Interesting sneak peek of your mystery stitching... are you doing a mail art postcard??
Love those two Christmas designs :o)
Hugs xx
That reindeer piece is lovely, and I'm very curious to see what else you are working on! I also love your hops so I'd very much enjoy being part of the next one as well.
So glad you like the goodies. ^_^ xox
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