WIPocalypse is hosted by Measi of Measi's Musings.
The main focus of my WIPocalypse this year is my "13 in '13" a list of 13 projects I want to complete in 2013, click on top tab for the list. Since the last WIPocalypse post I made some more progress on Prairie Moon Thine is the Trick and the Treat. Here it is as I left it to start work on the Mira RR:

The second part of my WIPocalypse are the monthly challenges. Usually I have at least two finishes to show for this part, but not this month because I have been focused on Drac-in-a-Box for my daytime stitching. I have finished the six sides and this week have been working on the double sided lid. There is quite alot of stitching in the lid because there is a double row of whole and fractional stitches in those octagons which require careful counting, then the Moon and Bat motifs fill virtually all the space inside:

Now I must start on the little fellow himself. There are alot of rows of plain black crosses in his body. More careful counting! Well I suppose he is Count Dracula LOL
Although she isn't part of the WIPocalypse, here is the progress on Titania, Queen of the Fairies for the Large Mirabilia Round Robin:
I managed to stitch something other than pink - pale flesh!!
Most of tonight will be pale flesh too.
Finally for those of you still deciding whether to join us for the Hallowe'en Blog Hop here's a list of freebie designs I love!
Angi Creative - Look What's Brewin'
Bits of Floss - Hallowe'en Biscornu and Surfing Witch
Craft Town - Pumpkin and Witch's Hat
Cyberstitchers.com - 77 different Hallowe'en designs, love the Barbara Ana ones
It's Daffycat - Frightful Cat
DMC Blog - Links to some more freebies
Gazette 94 - Pumpkin in witch's hat plus other Hallowe'en/Autumn
Les Grilles de Maryse - Hallowe'en House and another one too
Happiness is Cross Stitching - Hallowe'en Cat Scissor Fob
Jaunty Fox - Fence Cat
Joie de Vivre blog - Froth and Bubble
Kit & Bixby - Hallowe'en House (I know you shouldn't link to the pdf but I can't find the link anywhere, everyone is linking to the pdf!!)
La Comtesse de le Point de Croix - several Hallowe'en designs
Lizzie*Kate - Spooky Time
Passione Ricamo - several designs
Primitive Hare - Kitchen is the Witch's Lab
Ravenelle Blog - Autumn House
San Man - Quaker 31
Silver Cute Dwarf - Cat and Spooky Tree, Widey-eyed Cat and Pumpkin
Snowflower Diaries - Seasonal Witches and a forthcoming Pumpkins for Cathey design
Stickeule Blog - Lots of Hallowe'en and Autumn designs
Stitcheree - Creepy Hollow, Owls of Autumn and One Good Witch
Stitchers Anon - Cauldron Bubble
Sub Rosa - Witch and Haunted House
Sullivans - Best Witches and Witch Hat
and finally, the cutest of them all Carand 88
Plus some Just Autumnal ones for those of you not into Hallowe'en stitching:
Cross Stitch Happy - Swirly Autumn
Simply Necessaries - Autumn House and pumpkins, click on Grilles Gratuites in side bar on left
If you have seen any other lovely Hallowe'en freebies around this year, please leave a link in the comments and I will add them to the list.
Drac is looking pretty naff! Thanks for all of the freebie links.
hugs, Kaye
Drac in a box is so cute! Who is the designer? I have a soft spot for The Count on Sesame Street. Your projects are looking great
I can't wait to see Drac in the Box when it's done :-)
Wonderful progress Jo. And thanks for all the links.
Drac is looking vonderful
You have some great projects on the go.
Thanks for taking the time to share the freebie links.
Lovely progress on all pieces, well done dear Jo!
I still remember learing how to count in English with the Count, always loved him.
oone little, twoo little, threee little baats.. ;)
Great progress on your wips, you're motoring away on your Drac box.
Nice going on the count! Great list of links, thanks.
What a long list you've complied, that should keep everyone very busy.
Drac's looking great.
I love the prarie moon piece.
Love your stitching for "Thine is the Trick or the Treat." Looks fantastic! And thanks for the links to all the Halloween freebies!
I love your stitching, it's so beautiful. Drac in the box is so awesome! ^_^ XOX
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