
Wednesday 21 June 2017

Longest Day Marathon 2017

This time last year I had the fun idea of stitching ALL my WIPs and UFOs on one day.  I chose the Summer Solstice as the Longest Day for the most stitching hours.  You can read all about last year here.

This year I decided to invite FB friends to join me live as I posted and several people did so.  Quite a few are stitching today as it is the actual Solstice today.  I was out of town so I had to do it a day early.  Kaye in the Southern Hemisphere stitched on just one project as it is their Shortest Day.

So where did I start?  By getting all the projects out and putting them on the bed:

You can see that I like to keep my fabric rolled in tubes, the long ones are wrapping paper tubes.

The first project was my 10-a-Day, Just Nan's Spring in the Square:

Followed by my 30-a-Day, Just Nan's Royal Blossoms:

Then I moved onto my 30 minute rotation.  Each 30 minute slot included getting the project out, photographing the before picture, stitching, photographing the after picture and loading onto Facebook.  So there's less than 30 minutes of actual stitching on each one.

Here we go with Project 3 at 9.00am:

Happy Hallowe'en by Imaginating

Stitched the L

Project 4 at 9.30am:

Witches by Oberlin Samplers

Started the W

Project 5 at 10.00am

The Stitcher's Alphabet by Brooke's Books

Stitched the border for X

Project 6 at 10.30am

The Enchanted Alphabet by Lavender & Lace

Started the M


Project 7 at 11.00am

Gardens of London by Chatelaine

Stitched some background

Project 8 at 11.30am

The Discworld Mappe by Lyndisfarne Designs

Stitched some land!

Project 9 at 12.00 noon

Little Snapdragon by Kustom Krafts

Stitched some wing

Project 10 at 12.30pm

Dragon of the Winter Moon by Dragon Dreams

Stitched some Kreinik spines


Project 11 at 1.30pm

Mermaid by Joan Elliott

Stitched an arm

Project 12 at 2.00pm

Gathering Eggs by Nora Corbett

Stitched more sleeve

Project 13 at 2.30pm

Memories by Just Nan

Stitched some pink flowers

Project 14 at 3.00pm

Faces Mystery SAL by Joan Elliott 

Stitched more ribbon and some leaf

Project 15 at 3.30pm

My Lovely Sewing Tools by Marie Suarez

Stitched some cream border

Project 16 at 4.00pm

Coffee Fairy by Yiota

Filled in some coffee

Project 17 at 4.30pm

Art Nouveau Head by the Craft Collective

Stitched some brown 

Project 18 at 5.00pm

Bande des Dragons by Dessins DHC

 Stitched some red scroll

Teatime, forgot to take a photo!

Project 19 at 7.00pm

Spring Sampler with motifs from The Samplermakers

Stitched some green leaves

Project 20 at 7.30pm

English Transitional Sampler by The Scarlet Letter

Some Holbein Stitch 

Project 21 at 8.00pm

Around the World in 80 Stitches by Papillon Creations 

Stitched some green border 

Project 22 at 8.30pm

NOEL by Ernie Bishop

 Stitched some more of the O

9.00pm - Storytime with The Large Boy, reading Science of the Discworld III

Project 23 at 9.45pm

Autumn Tree from an old Yahoo Group 

Stitched five eyelets just to say I worked on this one!

Project 24 at 10.00pm during the Small Boy's bath

12 Days of Christmas by Joan Elliott 

Stitched some green leaves in the border 

Apologies for the poor quality of some of the photos.  Some were from my iPad and some were just "point and click, move on to the next one".



Today is the posting day for Kerry's Theme-tas-Stitch too, which is:

Jardin June - Venture outdoors and put some stitches in a piece which has a garden or floral theme.

Several of my projects fit this theme.  Project 1, 2, 7, 9, 13, 19 and 21 to be precise!  I have also completed and framed a beautiful garden design since the last Theme-tas-Stitch post and gave it to my friend today.

Gathering Honey by Jannlynn Designs!

My friend loved it and said she hadn't forgotten she'd asked me to stitch it for her but thought I had!  So she was really pleased to see that I hadn't.

Finally, I really enjoyed the Stitching Marathon and it was lovely to have people stitching and commenting along with me.  It was so nice to get some of the older projects out again.  Some are mammoth pieces and will take years to finish while others could be done in a week or two.  But then there are my active WIPs already in the rotation!  So much to think about and plan.  I will definitely be doing this again next year anyway.   So make your plans now to join me!


Daniela Bencúrová said...

The sewing marathon has begun! I like everything!

Goofin' Off Around the Block said...

I just wasn't coordinated enough this year to participate, but I will definitely try next year. It was fun to see all your pictures of your pretty stitching. Thank you for sharing. --Andrea

Heather said...

Thanks for inviting me to join in. I cleaned out my WIPs and uncovered some projects that really need some attention. I also got rid of a few things that I know I will never finish.

CathieJ said...

When I got to project 18, I thought "wait a minute, 18 projects" and then I went on to find 6 more. Wow, you have a lot of WIPs. What a great stitching marathon. I don't think my hands would hold out. Your projects are so pretty.

Barb said...

I just loved seeing all the wonderful things you are stitching. For me, a one project at a time stitcher, it was amazing!!!!!

Marie said...

Incroyable marathon ,j'en suis émerveillée et bravo !
Tant de projets en cours,c'est admirable,il y en a quelques uns qui me plaisent particulièrement,
Bonne broderie pour la suite.Merci pour votre visite
Belle journée

Kay said...

Oh my, you were so busy. I am amazed by how much you got done, i don't think my poor hands would have led out all day. x

The Knitting Cross Stitcher said...

Your longest day rotation is great fun.I do not have many WIPs so if I join you all next year I will perhaps stitch for 30 mins on each one and maybe start a new project a few days before the longest day which would see some major progress on the day.

xstitchatoz said...

I loved following your updates on FB and put some of your WIPs on my ever-growing list (I`m a one-at-a-time kind of girl so it`ll probably be the second half of this century by the time I get round to them). The Gathering Honey pic is gorgeous too, I`m sure your friend was over the moon! xx

Linda said...

Wonderful progress on all your projects Jo. I tuned my SAL to the Longest Day Stitch-a-thon and will be working on my projects through Saturday.


Mii Stitch said...

Looks like you had great stitching fun!!

Stitching Noni said...

Well done Jo! I might have to plan to have a leave day for next year... Although there is our longest day coming up in December!! Hugs x

Mary said...

Jo, YOu certainly have lots of ongoing projects, it must have been rewarding to get something stitched on each one. I hope to participate next year, it looks like fun!

Anonymous said... got loads done!So many gorgeous projects and I love how you had two cups of tea each break :)

BeingBored89 said...

Everything came out absolutely beautiful! I love all the pieces but I think my favorites so far are 9, 18, and 23!

Jocelyn is Canadian Needle Nana said...

Jo, what a day of marathon stitching and I was fascinated to see your UFO's many lovely designs.

Lady Stitch-a-Lot said...

Wow, so many lovely projects at once! Lovely work on them, every stitch counts =)

Beth in IL said...

I couldn't do it. Wish I could have, but I am too hyper. Love seeing all your lovely WIP's!

Lili said...

Jo, so many wonderful projects!!

Keebles said...

Oh man Jo! Sorry I missed it! It would have given me a good excuse to take a "mental health day"! This sounds like a brilliant plan for next year though (although hopefully my WIP pile will be smaller than it is now!).

The Crafty Princess said...

Whoa Jo I had no idea you had this many wips. Some of them I haven't even seen before! The variety of fabrics alone is incredible. I'm glad you enjoyed yourself and very happy to see that you got your Elevenses in, very important! I hope you get to work on Autumn tree alot more. I find that one really striking and can't wait to see how it turns out!
xo Alicia

deb said...

Oh my oh my oh my - twenty four different projects! So much fun for us to see all you did, but I'll be your head was spinning by the end of the day! Thanks for taking us along on the whirlwind ride.

Katie said...

I really enjoyed following your day and having my own new start SAL day. Thanks for the fun. Love all your progress. So many beautiful projects!!

RJ said...

Oh my that was a ton of stitching!!! I can't believe you stopped for lunch. LOL! You really worked on a lot of stitches and did a great job. Congrats! RJ @ stitching friends forever

Preeti said...

Congrats on completing the marathon successfully!

Christine said...

Well done! I enjoyed following along on FB even though I didn't comment much.
By the way I love the Dark Side of the Moon coffee mug

OhSewCrafty said...

You have some serious stitchy stamina! Such a lovely assortment of projects, and you made progress on all. Brava! The dragon is adorable and the framing on gathering honey is perfect.

Bekah said...

Love seeing all your projects Jo! Little snapdragon is so adorable and autumn tree is very interesting.

Kerryp77 said...

A fantastic selection of projects Jo. It was great fun to see it all in real time on FB. I love the Autumn tree too. Thanks for organising

Desiree Ehleiter said...

Your projects are amazing. I can't believe how many you have going at once and yet you're still able to keep track of them all! I am definitely going to try to do this with you next year. Sounds like so much fun!

Mary said...

Wow! That was amazing and I bet fun as well, to see some wips you haven't seen in awhile. Your finish and framed piece is so beautiful and I am glad your friend was surprised.

Susan said...

Very nice framing choice. Looks great with the piece. Also love the marathon pieces. Very nice variety. I'm not sure I'd be disciplined enough to stop after only a half hour.

StitchyDragon Creates said...

Wow what a lot of lovely projects!!! How nice to be able to visit with each of them for a little while :-) Happy stitching,

Tiffstitch said...

So glad it went well! Maybe if next year works out well I can figure out a way to join at least part of it with DD's help. I think my Autumn Tree is stuck in about the same place. :) Only mine has different colours.

Sarah in Stitches said...

Amazing marathon stitching! You've got way more stamina than I do, that's for sure. Glad you had fun! :D

Brigitte said...

... and you did it! Stitching on all your WIPs during one day, not bad at all. Last year when I was joining you on the stitching marathon I found that the hardest thing was to stop after 20 or 25 minutes in order to prepare the next project. I hope that I will be able to join you next year again.

D1-D2 said...

You were so good putting in so much progress. I took the day off that day and I was soooo lazy I didn't do anything at all lol

Justine said...

Fantastic! What a fun day it was - thanks for sharing. Like Kerry it really helped me to focus on what I want to stitch and I reduced my UFO pile by 3! And stitched on all the others too.

You have a great variety of projects started and I'm looking forward to seeing more of them in the future.

Leonore Winterer said...

How lovely to see your marathon stitching! For some reason I could not join your facebook event (it just kept saying 'This isn't working at the moment'), but now I got to see everything here so that's okay. Lot's of lovely projects - I think I had forgotten some since last year already!

FlashinScissors said...

Gosh, Jo! You are so very organised!
Yesterday, inspired by you, I quickly picked up an old UFO to stitch while travelling.
It wasn't until I was on the return journey I realised I was only supposed to be stitching with 1 strand of thread and I had been using 2! Duh! I won't undo it, as it happens it looks sort of intentional.
It was great seeing all the projects you stitched on the marathon, but I know I couldn't do that!!
Barbara x