Welcome to the first Gifted Gorgeousness link-up of 2017! The link-up date will continue to be the 15th and I will keep the link-up open until the end of each month so you have plenty of time if you are late posting.
The format remains exactly the same, there is a list of rules on the main sign-up page if you want to check what is required but basically anything connected to the word "gift" is allowed, whether it was a gift TO you or is a gift FROM you.
Last year we had 47 people sign up for the SAL, a couple didn't link up at all but six people linked up every single month! I used the random number generator to choose a winner from those six and
Leonore from Needle, Pen and Sword
is my first winner! Congratulations Leonore, I will be choosing something nice and sending it to you.
Then I looked at all the entries, 277 in total and the random number generator chose entry 157 which was the June post for
DJ from Tickled Pink in Stitches
who will also be getting something nice from me in due course.
Since the last GG post in December I have pretty much been a OAAT stitcher on Joan Elliott's 12 Days of Christmas; first for the 12 Days SAL and then for the Christmas Ornie Blog. Here is where I am at the moment on this design:
I have been focusing on the Partridge since the 5th January and it's nearly done. In the evenings I have been slogging away on the boring inner border which is now complete. I have to do an entire outer border and stitch both side of the borders in metallic so maybe I will start them next.
This is a wonderful project now I have got a decent enlarged copy of the chart. The threads provided are not the same as the ones on the cover picture. The greens are very different but it's looking fine, a little brighter in fact. The kit was a gift from my MIL a few years back which is why it counts for GG.
I did take a short break to stitch for the Hallowe'en Ornie SAL, this chart was a gift from Barb:
Witches by Oberlin Samplers
I did receive some Gorgeous Gifts just before Christmas. Our dear French Friend Jocondine sent me a wonderful parcel which I opened on Christmas Day.
A jingly bell Noel which I hung in the fireplace, next to my tree chimes
This wonderful card with a tree made of little tiny cards or books
Some with cross stitched covers!
Each little book is only an inch or so tall!
Thank you Jocondine, I treasure your hand-made gifts.
And now it's over to you. This is where you link up your post for this month. Please use your name or your blog name in the field and NOT the words "January Update" so I can easily see who has linked up this month. And link to the actual post, not just your blog. It is easier if you copy and paste the link, rather than typing freehand.
If the linky doesn't work for you, Alicia, then please leave a comment and I will add the link.
Finally, Miss Pea left a comment asking a question about the Dark Alphabet. But you are a "no-reply" person Miss Pea! I have left a comment on one of your old blogs so hopefully you will see that. If anyone has a question about anything, it's sensible to leave a contact email with your question so I can respond. If anyone else is interested in the Dark Alphabet then I suggest they contact Julie or Becky via the Note of Friendship blog. Their email addresses are there under their names.
12 days is coming on so well. the partridge is looking lovely. I'm not a fan of stitching those block borders, but they are good when you need mindless stitching (I did one last night)
Congrats to the winners and what a lovely gift from Jocondine too.
I love the card!As a book lover I would love to make one too!AriadnefromGreece!
The partridge looks impressive. You have made a lot of progress on this project. Your gifts from Jocondine are lovely, especially the Christmas tree card.
I keep going back and looking over Jocondine's gifts! So spectacular.
Twelve Days is coming along really well. Lovely gift from Jocondine as well
I totally love your 12 Days! What a wonderful gift that was! The Partridge is beautiful!
Love your 12 days. Gifted Gorgeous all linked up...thank you xxx
Good progress on 12 days! The Patridge seems to have lot of colors for such a small deisgn.
Lovely gifts from Jocondine, she is very creative.
As much as I was looking fwd to today's post , I was eagerly waiting for the statistics for last year's GG. :)
Congrats to winners.
12 Days is looking fabulous, great progress you've made on it.
12 Days of Christmas is coming along beautifully. What lovely gifties! Happy New Year!
Glad to participate in GG SAL this year too, many from me to me gifts in my first post! ;).
Twelve Days of Christmas looks fabulous! The angel and partridge are really coming along. I must be weird because I always enjoy stitching borders.
What a beautiful package of gifts, and your fireplace is amazing!
Thanks for running this SAL again, it really is the loveliest SAL out there, celebrating gifts and gorgeousness.
12 days of Christmas is very pretty,love your Partridge.Great spooky stitching too.
Beautiful progress. Great gifts!! Thanks for hosting.
Your 12 Days is coming along so well - very pretty!
Love seeing your progress. None on mine, but I am trying to get some stitching done.
Thanks again, Jo, for hosting this fun SAL! I look forward to the 15th every month!! It has been such a joy to watch your 12 days of Christmas coming along! Love the gifts that were sent to you!! I can't imagine the patience it took to make that sweet card! The little piece you are stitching for the Halloween SAL is so cute...I can't wait to see how she turns out. Thanks again!
Thanks Jo. I will contact the Note of Friendship. I am not a seasoned user of social media. Love your blog.
Congrats to the 2 winners, and love the gifts, wow!! Excellent progress on 12 Days too.
Oh my god, I won something? Thank you so much :D This has been one of my favourite SALs those past two years, and now I have even more reason it stay a loyal participant ^_^ Great progress on 12 Days, I really like how it is taking shape, and the Halloween Ornie is really cute as well.
I love Joan Elliott"s 12 Days. You have made a great start, and I am looking forward to seeing it grow. Your Halloween stitching is pretty too.
Love seeing your 12 Days come to life :). Congrats to the 2 lucky winners :)
Your Halloween stitching is really lovely as well.
Here's to another wonderful year of GG posts!
12 Days is coming along nicely and I do love that colourful partridge. Cute witch!
Congratulations to the winners!
I love the way you are using the chart I sent to you. Your 12 days just keeps getting prettier each time you post.
The 12 days of Christmas is a beautiful design with great colours. You have such lovely and diverse stitching projects.
Your 12 days looks fantastic Jo. Nice start on the ornie.
So great, your parcel from Jocondine with wonderful creations for Christmas.
Your 12 Days of Christmas is coming along great.
Maybe I can join you all in July again.
The 12 Days of Christmas is gradually coming to life. looks interesting.
Beautiful progress! I particularly love your Halloween ornament.
So let's see if I can make it twelve months in 2017...one down, eleven to go!!
That 12 Days of Christmas is going to be amazing! Love the tree card from jocodine! How clever she is!
Great progress on your projects and the gifts you received are lovely too:)
A couple of days late, but I've linked up! 12 Days looks gorgeous, as do your Christmas gifts :D
Congratulations Leonore and DJ! Thank you stunning Jo for a most successful GG SAL 2016. It kept me blogging which is awesome. And thank you for adding my link too. 12 days is coming along nicely! I can't wait to see the sparkly border.
xo Alicia
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