This year I want to focus on 2 larger pieces and then spend the rest of my stitching time on the series I have started. The order I stitch them in is going to be determined by the WIPGO Board. Jessie-Marie calls two numbers each month and those will be the projects I stitch that month.
In February, the numbers 7 and 8 were called. These related to Cottage Garden Samplings Year in the Woods series and the Art Nouveau Head.
The Swans were a finish for February:
This is where I finished the Head for the month:
For March, the numbers 9 and 24 were called. These relate to Mirabilia's Fairy Idyll and the Art Nouveau Head (again).
I couldn't wait to start stitching on Fairy Idyll again this year. Here's where I started her:
Finally, my evening project will be the Annie Beez 12 Days of Christmas Stockings. Here is Day 3 so far:
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