
Friday, 17 January 2025

The Start of January IHSW


IHSW or International Hermit and Stitch Weekend always starts on the third Friday of the month.  It's a chance to lock yourself away and focus on your stitching for the weekend.  You can take part on your blog or via the Facebook page - IHSW on Facebook.

Last year I did my A-Z Challenge for IHSW with mixed success.  I actually forgot it a couple of times!  But I did manage to work on all my WIPs across the year so I count that as a result.

This year I am going to attempt International Hermit and Blackwork.  I do love blackwork and have a couple of projects I want to try fit in to my rotation without being on the WIPGO Board.

The first is the Temperature Tree from The Steady Thread:

stitched on 28 count Meadow Mist linen from Silkweavers

I want to finish this one this weekend.  There are only a few leaves and that corner of the border left.

The second WIP is also from The Steady Thread and is the Halloween Bookshelf:

stitched on 30 count tea-dyed linen

Finally, for later in the year, I would love to start the Alice in Wonderland Adventale from Circle Cross:


Astrids dragon said...

Your tree looks beautiful! I'm sure you'll have no problem finishing it this weekend.
Oh my, that bookshelf looks amazing already! Now I need to look into that one too.
Alice in Wonderful looks like a big one, I wonder how long that will take you?!

Sandy said...

LOVE the tree. It has such a feel to it. So much detail, good luck with all the work. Anxious to see it progress.
Sandy's Space

butterfly said...

Oh Jo you blow we away with your beautiful stitching.
Have a good week, hugs June.

Katie said...

Love blackwork so this will be fun to watch.

Claudette497 said...

Your work is amazing - I gasped when I saw the tree. I look forward to seeing this one grow!

Leonore Winterer said...

I love blackwork but never really get around to it, so I love the idea of your 'themed' IHSW this year!