
Monday 31 July 2017

July Pie

It's always nice to get the "extra" day at the end of a 31 day month, it feels like a stitching bonus.  It's not been long since I posted (yesterday) but I have finished another piece on one of my monthly SALs so I have something to show you.

Happy Hallowe'en by Imaginating

And the whole thing:

This could actually be a finish but there are various words and phrases around the edge which I will be stitching for the September theme.

As you saw yesterday, my Ten-a-Day project is almost finished and a number of people asked if I will do another project in the same way.  The answer is Yes, I started one on the 1st July!  It was obvious that Spring in the Square was not going to take a year so I thought the halfway point of the year was the perfect time to start Summer in the Square.  Here is my progress after 31 days:

Summer in the Square

Just for comparison, here is Spring at 31 days:

I don't know if this is going to work, but remember my Book of Spells?  Before I had it framed I got the finished piece colour-photocopied with the idea of making a book cover.  I found a "fake book" box in a homeware store which was roughly the right size and finally got round to covering it at the weekend.  I trimmed the paper to size and glued it to the box.  It's not a perfect fit as the box spine is bigger than the Book of Spells spine but it's good enough.

(edit - that worked, if you are listening with the sound turned up you'll hear the Small Boy whooping with joy in the background!)

Onto pie for the month.  Not surprisingly Joan Elliott dominated this month with 22 days dedicated to 3 of her projects.  Truly a Joan July!

Spendingwise we have started a new Stitch from Stash. same rules as the first six months.  My budget stays the same and I won't be taking credit for finishing.  Unless someone is going to give me real money for finishing a project!

This month I treated myself to two Jardin Prive charts,  the Needlework ABC which has been a mystery SAL this year:

And this Hallowe'en design which might be my choice for the Hallowe'en Ornie Blog when I complete Happy Hallowe'en:

I also succumbed to a subscription for the Australian magazine Inspirations thanks to Janet Granger showing the most wonderful etui on her blog - Janet Granger.  It's absolutely stunning, it's not cross stitch so I'm highly unlikely to make it but the magazine is a thing of beauty and I have a little bit of extra spending money this month so I spent it!  Luckily magazine subscriptions don't count for SFS.

2 Jardin Prive Charts £13.77
Inspiration £30.00
Total £43.77

Finally, there will be a Tenuous Shoehorn Linky Party on Tuesday 8th August and the theme will be "Loved Ones".   8th August was my Nana's Birthday which is why I chose that day for the Linky Party and I'll be showing a couple of projects that relate to her.  Some of us have lost loved ones this year; people and furbabies; some people have been celebrating special wedding anniversaries, some have new babies or grandbabies and some have children growing up (too) fast.  So there's plenty of scope for stitching there!  Get your thinking caps on and be ready to link up on the 8th August.


Beth in IL said...

Love your finish on your box. Hmmm. I should tell how bad Ive been this month. Or maybe not!

Linda said...

Awesome progress and finish Jo. I love your new charts.


The Knitting Cross Stitcher said...

I just love your Happy Hallowe'en,every time I see it I love it more!

Katie said...

Another great update with lots of fun beautiful pieces. Love your book of spells. How cool!!

Goofin' Off Around the Block said...

Yes, Joan's piece of the pie definitely looks to be the largest. Lovely work on your Happy Hallowe'en project. What a fun finish to use a copy of your "Book of Spells" for the box. So many fun projects you've got going on right now. Happy stitching. --Andrea

Barb said...

I just love that Happy Halloween!! It does look finished just the way it is.

butterfly said...

Really love your Happy Halloween , such a fun post , have a happy week.

Mary said...

I think that was a brilliant idea to photocopy the book of spells piece and then make it into a book. Love the Halloween stitch and looking forward to seeing what you add to it, looks great as is! Mary

OhSewCrafty said...

I thought Happy Halloween was finished at first though I've stitched it and I love the words around the edge. It looks great so far. Love your new Halloween pattern and Joan July was fab. Happy stitching!

Lili said...

"Happy Halloween" is very pretty, love the trees!
Love your Book of Spells on the wood book! Great new charts! :)

Christine said...

Great finish-not-finish on the Hallowe'en piece
The Book of Spells worked out really well

Brigitte said...

Happy Halloween looks great, nearly like a finish. And how nice to watch the little video about your Book of Spells.
Great new charts that you bought, it's something we need from time to time, don't we?
I hope you will show a couple of pages when your new magazine arrives. I have never heard of it.

Leonore Winterer said...

Lovely progress, I really like that tree-H! And your fake book with the 'fake' stitching cover is awesome, thanks for sharing!

Julie said...

Book of Spells really turned out well, I heard your little chap in the background, a lovely happy sound.
Etui that's stunning!
Great non-finish to the halloween

Astrids dragon said...

Happy Halloween is great! The more I see it, the more I'm thinking about stitching it!
I love what you did with the book, it looks fantastic. I think it sounds like he was making scary background noises!

Mini said...

Happy Halloween looks great, I couldn't have guessed its not a finish hadn't you mention it. Great idea to use the xerox for book cover.I love the Needlework ABC chart.

Anonymous said...

Love you book/box finish! The design is perfect for this and it looks wonderful. You Halloween stitching looks great too....I thought it was finished:)

Tiffstitch said...

Great finish on Happy Halloween and neat video! I have a small one that makes similar whoops. :) Count me in on the shoe-horn

Carol said...

What a cute piece Happy Halloween is, Jo! I didn't realize there was more to stitch--it looks all finished up as is :) I need to try your "Ten-A-Day" approach--sounds like fun and I'll bet you get a surprising number of finishes after a while :)

Desiree Ehleiter said...

Happy Halloween is wonderful! I think I really need to make that for my cousin who loves Halloween as much as I do! Of course, all of your projects are lovely!

The Crafty Princess said...

Happy Halloween looks wicked! What a neat trick you did for the Book of Spells, it looks very cool. I love love love your new charts too. Are you going to stick with the colours for Needlework ABC or give it the Serendipitous treatment. Either way it's going to look incredible. I love it!
xo Alicia