Spent: £ 5.50
Earned: £ 0.00

Stitch from Stash is hosted by Mel from Epic Stitching
January Budget
£ 15.00
January Spend
£ 0.00
February Budget
£ 15.00
Crafty Kitten Voucher
£ 20.00
Crafty Kitten Spend
£ 22.50-
£ 10.00
£ 13.00-
Current Balance
£ 24.50
So what did I buy? From Crafty Kitten I bought a cone of DMC 310 for all the black stitching I do plus some Crescent Colours for J is for Joanne. I was gifted three of the colours and figured I only need three more, the rest would be fine in DMC. From Willow Fabric's sale I got two great fabrics, both 32 count green linen for £ 6.50 a fat quarter of each.
Willow Fabrics really do have some great sales and some interesting fabrics too, I do recommend them.
So, that is the Stash part of the post. Now for the Stitch part.
Since my last SFS post I complete the DUCJC but I won't show those again, I will just show the projects I have worked on since the beginning of February.
Primitive Hare - Hallowe'en Cubes:
Stitched on 32 count Vintage Grain Linen
Prairie Moon - Thine is the Trick and the Treat
Scarlet Letter - Elizabeth Shephard
I noticed something really interesting about these two designs - the border around the centre motif for each one is exactly the same!
Finally, I am using hubby's laptop and the mouse keypad is stupidly over sensitive and keeps jumping the cursor around all the time. It is virtually impossible to do anything so I am going to call this post done and try make it look a little better when I can get on the PC.
Well done on sticking to budget! I will have to check out Willow Fabrics, thanks for the tip.
Nicely done on the budget, Jo! :D
You're doing well with your budget. Never heard of Willow Fabrics, but judging from what you got, I had better check them out.
Nice progress. I use a laptop too and I HATE the touchpad! I have a wireless mouse that I use, and it makes life much easier.
Good job on the budget.... I would be useless at keeping track of everything so well done :)
I love your projects, they are really lovely, maybe I mean your stitching is really lovely!! Looking forward to following your progress on them!
Oh I know what it's like using someone's PC/laptop, and not your own...... You did good!!!
Smiles :)
Pretty new fabric Jo. Nice progress on all of your projects. Looking forward to Tuesdays. When do you want to start and on which one?
It seems lately all I have to say is OOO and AAHHH, but then you have so many things to OOOO and AAHHHH about! I shall continue, so if you hear that noise coming from the closet or behind your sofa, it's just me enjoying your stitching :D
Beautiful choices for stitching.
I wish I was as good as you on a budget.
Great work and well done on sticking to budget with some lovely buys too :-)
Wonderful job on the budget! I'm loving the stitching as well. Those green fabrics are great! I'm sure there's a project or ten that would look beautiful on them. :-)
Great job with the budget! That's amazing. Lovely stitching too :D
Great bargain fabrics, I look at their sale this time, but I have so much in my drawer to use up, I was really good and abstained.
Trick or treat is growing well as your bathtime project.
Wow - I'm impressed with your budget. Wish I could say the same….lovely stitching, as well!!
Great progress on everything. I'll have to check out Willow Fabrics as I like the ones you purchased.
Great job on the budget Jo! Willow Fabrics' sales are great for topping up your fabric stash :).
Good job on the budget. I used to use the wholesale arm of Willow fabrics, I really ought to check the retail site out
I know I've said it before.. but I'm going to say it again!!! Love these Halloween stitching projects you're working on :)
Great new fabrics, better go & have a look at this!!!
Good job with the budget! I didn't know Willow Fabrics before, but I just checked and they do have some awesome sales on fabric, I will have to keep an eye on that.
Lovely stitching as well, seems like you caught up with the monthly blocks and how fun about the center border!
The fabrics you bought look really gorgeous. And I can imagine a lot of great projects stitched on them. Also Halloween projects. I wanted to go to Willow Fabrics but the website doesn't load on my computer, I don't know why. So I have to do it later but I'm curious.
Great progress on your projects, by the way.
Everything is looking great. I love the large Halloween sampler. I've never stitched such a large Halloween project but will be once my Tulip Sampler is finished.
Beautiful stitching.
Ohhh your Halloween sampler makes me want to start mine!!
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