
Tuesday, 30 December 2014

December Small SAL and Round-Up

The Smalls SAL is hosted by Stitching Lotus

I chose three different monthly themes to follow this year:

Hallowe'en Ornie SAL - 12 different themes
Little Stitcher Fairy Tale 12 Days of Christmas - one per month
Primitive Hare Spooky Countdown - one per week starting 31st January

And I successfully completed all three challenges!  Yay me!

The Hallowe'en Ornie SAL Blog started in 2013 and I managed a few early finishes then petered out.  When the Admin there stepped down I started a new Blog along with several of the contributors.  We chose 12 themes and several of us have stayed the course.  Commenting at least, if not actually stitching!  Anyway, as Admin there is added pressure to contribute regularly, which I did.  Here are my 12:

Just Nan; Brooke's Books; Snowflower Diaries; Knotted Tree Needleart
Carand 88; Carand 88; Just Nan; Just Nan
Val's Stuff; Val's Stuff; Tempting Tangles; Jacquie My Journey

For more information on each design, just go to the relevant month on the blog.

The next part of the challenge was The Little Stitcher 12 Days of Christmas designs.  I stitched one per month and used them to illustrate my TUSAL posts.  I also stitched the Miss Santa design from JCS which I plan to use as the cover for a scrapbook for the other twelve designs.

They are all stitched on the same 32count Vintage Grain linen, it's just the photogaphy makes them look different!

The final part was the Spooky Countdown by Primitive Hare, one little block per week from January to October plus the header and footer.  I made this into a Hallowe'en Countdown Tree.

The Smalls SAL is continuing next year, which is great news.  I have decided to have just two monthly challenges, the Hallowe'en Ornie SAL and the Hallowe'en Cubes from Primitive Hare which I will again be SAL with Giovanna in Italy.  The other smalls will be random things from my 15 in '15 and the DUCJC too.

Finally, I'm posting this update a day early so I can dedicate a full post for Theme-a-licious tomorrow!


Jacqueline Morris said...

I cannot stop thinking that! WOW!
Congratulations on so many wonderful finishes... and for completing your challenges... GO YOU!! :)
I cannot wait to see what you will be stitching in 2015.
Smiles :)

Danielle A said...

Yay! You did an awesome job and love all of the designs!

sunny said...

That's a LOT of stitching! Congrats on all you finishes. See you soon for Gifted Gorgeousness.

Shebafudge said...

Congratulations on being the only person I have seen complete all of their challenges for the year so far!

Lots and lots of gorgeous designs.

I bought the Halloween cubes in the end, I can't remember if I told you or not. They are fantastic. I will definitely be posting to the Halloween blog this year.

Happy New Year to you and your 3 boys (that's including the grown up on in case you think I am being even more doo-lally than normal.)


Anne said...

You are amazing Jo! I love both series you stitched and well done on completing them!! I hope you have a wonderful New Years with your boys and hope you get that package soon!! Hugs!

BronnyB said...

Wonderful work. Although I've missed pretty much all of 2014,I look forward to catching up with your stitching in 2015

Julie said...

They look wonderful all together Jo, well done on completing all 3 so beautifully.

Stitching Noni said...

Awesome stitching year! Your finishes are gorgeous... Love the Little Stitcher designs. I don't know how you managed to find the time for so many finishes... I am in awe of your amazing year :)
Have a wonderful New Year!
Hugs xx

Anonymous said...

Love that Halloween tree! Great job on all your finishes this year!

Linda said...

Congrats on all the gorgeous finishes this year Jo.


AnaCristina said...

* *   * *  **  ★  ☆  ★  
★* * HAPPY NEW YEAR * * ★

Katie said...

Beautiful stitching! I always mean to do more Halloween stitching and never stick with it. I just don't feel like stitching Halloween in the Summer haha.

Unknown said...

You achieved so much! Happy New Year!

Mouse said...

go you go you .... well done on getting them all finished .... can I have some of your dedication to get something finished love the tree and hope I spot one after Christmas ,,, wishing you a wonderful stitchy new year love mouse xxxxxx

Leonore Winterer said...

So many finished, I can't even begin to tell you how awesome that is! Really looking forward to next year's themes :)

Christine said...

They look fantastic all together like that. I'm hoping to tackle some of the Little Stitcher 12 days next year

Sheryl said...

Congratulations on so many finishes and beautiful stitching - you make me feel as though I haven´t done much this year. Happy New Year.

Thoeria said...

Oh my Oh my!! You have certainly blunted a few needles this year! Just splendid Jo! Really love your Halloween ornie tree!
Have a super duper new years!

Susan said...

You had an amazing year with your smalls. Love the Halloween tree.

rosey175 said...

So many finishes and they all look spectacular! And only 80%ish Halloweeny haha! :D

jocondine said...

I'm a great fan of the 12 days of Christmas charts and your spooky countdown tree is just fabulous. Thanks for sharing so many beautiful stitchings.

Brigitte said...

Now this is what you can call a major accomplishment. Following through until the end with such a lot of small projects. Very impressive to see them all gathered here.

The Crafty Princess said...

WOW Look at all your talent displayed in one place! I've enjoyed watching these grow and come to life. I love that you enjoy Halloween as much as I do! At least your Halloween projects actually eventuate whereas mine are locked in stash boxes and my imagination LOL!
Great success stunner xo