WIPocalypse is hosted by Measi of Measi's Musings.
The main focus of my WIPocalypse this year is my "14 in '14" a list of 14 projects I wanted to complete in 2014. In the last month I have worked on four of the list. Here is the current stitching status of each one:
Tell us about your oldest and newest WIPs.
My newest WIP is the Frosted Pumpkin Hallowe'en Town Mystery SAL (phew, that's a long title!). Once I'd finished and framed the C this morning I continued with this design. Here is today's progress picture:
4. Emily Peacock - C
This is for my cousin's baby girl.
6. Primitive Hare - Spooky Countdown
7. The Little Stitcher - 12 Days of Christmas
12. A Mon Ami Pierre - Noel Blanc
Measi also gives us a topic to discuss:
August 10Tell us about your oldest and newest WIPs.
My newest WIP is the Frosted Pumpkin Hallowe'en Town Mystery SAL (phew, that's a long title!). Once I'd finished and framed the C this morning I continued with this design. Here is today's progress picture:
My oldest WIP which is still IP is Joan Elliott's Green Goddess. I started her back in September 2011 and haven't actually stitched her since May 2013 despite her being on my 14 in '14 list. The intention is to finish her by November as a present for my Mum's Birthday. Here is the May 2013 photo:

There is a lot of metallic thread to stitch as yet. I have decided not to stitch the border. Mum was looking at her and preferred her as a round. She doesn't actually know I'm giving it to her though.
I do have older UFOs. The worst one is a beautiful alphabet stitched using variegated thread on the most hideous hard and scratchy aida imaginable. If it wasn't red variegated then I might be prepared to wash it in an attempt to soften the fabric. How hard is the fabric? Hard enough to cause a friction burn on my wrist last time I attempted to stitch on it!
This is a quarter of the design, so I have stitched too much to want to start again on nicer fabric but not enough to see the end in sight. If I had stitched just the alphabet I could stomach finishing that or if I'd just stitched the border I could make a very long thin something!
Finally, the Summer Postcard Blog Hop is continuing, another card was posted this weekend so here is the full list:
First postcard from Marcy goes to Gracie at Needles, Pins and Dragonflies
Second postcard from Krista goes to Jocondine at Jocondine
Third postcard from Michelle goes to Sharon at Shebafudge
Fourth postcard from Mouse goes to Vickie at A Stitcher's Story
Fifth postcard from Christine goes to Marcy at Stitching Plus
Sixth postcard from Astrid goes to Krista at Just Stitching Along
Seventh postcard from Vickie goes to Michelle at Michelle's StitchCraft Place
Eighth postcard from Jocondine goes to Deborah at A Patchwork of Crafts
Oh my goodness! What delightful stitching! I love the gift for your Mom.
You've got some really lovely projects on the go! I love the Mon Ami Pierre Noel, it's so pretty!
Nice progress on all your lovely projects Jo.
Lovely progress all round :) Your Green Goddess is looking beautiful! Almost there from what I can see. Getting it done before November seems very do-able!
Great progress my dear xx
All looking great Jo, I love the circus poster style initial.
Cross stitch day passed me by I'm afraid, it was lost in "Three back to back weddings in three days weekend"!
Everything looks great! I wish I could get motivated to get back to older projects. Too bad about the yucky aida :( I hate using rough fabric.
C looks superb all framed, such a nice gift.
Love green goddess!
The Frosted Pumpkin SAL is super cute! My friend is stitching it as well and it kinda makes me jealous haha.
Noel Blanc is looking beautiful.
I love this theme of the Wipocalypse and it' s a lot of fun to see the older WIPs on the different blogs and to read when they were started. This alphabet UFO is looking so great but I can underatand that it's really hard to continue stitching it on such a hard material. I have nothing against Aida fabric but I don't like its stiffness. I still have a couple of pieces of Aida and have already washed them but they are still stiff and I don't want to use them.
Very nice progress on all your other WIPs.
Everything looks absolute;y lovely, great job Jo!
Thanks for stopping by and saying hi! I really appreciate that you took the time. I can't believe the Band Sampler RR's are almost done.
I havent seen mine in a while lol.
I LOVE your Mon Ami stitch so pretty. I love JE's faces. They really tempt me lol.
Sending big hugs
Nice progress on all your lovely projects.
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