WIPocalypse is hosted by Measi of Measi's Musings.
The main focus of my WIPocalypse this year is my "14 in '14" a list of 14 projects I wanted to complete in 2014. In the last month I have worked on five of the list. Here is the current stitching status of each one:
Friends' Wedding Sampler - finished!
Primitive Hare - Spooky Countdown
The Little Stitcher - 12 Days of Christmas
Just Nan - Winter Typography
(added a lot of white in the bottom half)
A Mon Ami Pierre - Noel Blanc
(stitched more of the border below the reindeer's derriere.
I also made a new start today which is part of the Monthly Challenges, this is for the Hallowe'en Ornie SAL Blog. Can you tell what it is going to be?
Carand88 - ?????
Measi is also setting us a topic to discuss each month.
May 14
What designs or themes do you really wish you could find? What do you think is missing among stitching designs?
What designs or themes do you really wish you could find? What do you think is missing among stitching designs?
I am going to be very interested in the answers to this one. I imagine alot of our designer friends are too. Don't be surprised if one of your suggestions suddenly appears on the New Releases page of your favourite designer!
Most of the things I like to stitch are readily available online; fantasy and samplers. There are fantasy designs from dragons to fairies via various spooky topics too. I have my favourite designers who produce the kind of traditional designs I could stitch forever and there are the newer, quirkier designers producing things I would never have thought of stitching before (Ink Circles Little Alien Schoolgirl Sampler being just one example).
So this is a tricky one for me. I think if I had to choose just one thing it would be one of the computer generated pictures charted as a traditional chart. You know the sort of thing, there are several different companies turning gorgeous fantasy artwork into cross stitch charts but because they are computer generated they are full of random confetti stitching over 96 pages!! I would love to see someone with the skill level of Joan Elliott or Nora Corbett chart one of these pictures so I could enjoy stitching it. The thing I really love about Joan and Nora's work is the flow of the colours in the fabrics they chart for their designs. I don't want 50 needles loaded with 50 different colours picking out two stitches at a time to make a skirt! I want the feeling of "flow" that you get when the fabric drapes come alive under your needle.
I am so curious as to what everyone else will choose for this question!
Incidentally, my current Wishlist is on a page tabbed at the top in case you are wondering what I would buy if I wasn't Stitching from Stash this year.
Finally, I have opened up the sign-ups for the Summer Postcard Blog Hop. All you have to do is send me a photo of something you have stitched on this year's theme which is Gardens. I will then send you a photo from another participant which you must display on your blog. Please include a message with your photo, about why your garden is important to you, or what you love about your garden, or why you don't have one but what you would like in your ideal garden. Anything with the word "garden" in it really!
The first photo is in, the sender sent me a photo of a beautiful design I really want to stitch now and a photo of her own garden. So if you want to do the same, please do. The garden photo is optional though, the stitched picture is not!!
After reading your post I wanted to cry and laugh at the same time. First of all I cannot believe it is wipocalypse time already!!! Seriously?! I looked at my calendar just yesterday morning and was sure there was another few weeks to go till the update. And secondly love your statement regarding the wishlist ... I need one of those, mind I have been bidding like there is no tomorrow on ebay so probably should check if I am still in budget before I even dare to look at any more potential stash. Well done on all the progress too!
Hi Jo! Guess what I wish showed up more? tee hee! Yup! Poodles. :)
Good stitching! I agree about the confetti. That's why I'll never stitch one of those pattern types.
All projects look lovely!
Personally I'm not looking for any new charts/designs - I'm stitching from stash and I'm avoiding temptations...
Lovely progress this month Jo.
All of your stitching is beautiful as always.
Is it Mummy Cat?
Love the one with the enormous rabbits (or teeny Tiny fir trees?)
Love the wedding sampler! Congrats on your finish, it looks fantastic :) I guess my little one really would like some proper design of Lego cross stitch ;)
Your progess is great. I think you have a good point about the computer generated charts.
I just started following you and can't wait to keep up with your progress!
Wedding sampler looks very beautiful!! Congrats!! :)
I think the magazines do provide lots of easy to difficult charts and covers topic about a bit of across the world too. What I feel is there should be more ways of finishing the pieces. For eg., I have rarely seen any cross stitch piece attached on a kid's wearable. Most of the small designs end up in making cards.
JOOOOOOOOO!!!!! Why did you make me look at your WL, now I've had to add one more to mine. D'oh.
It's not one on your list per se, but I clicked the link on Little Stitcher shop and hello "Addams family sampler". I like the Alice one too that you've chosen. LOL!
xox Alicia
Frankenkitty?? =)
Great progress!
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