Just Nan SAL is hosted by Zeb of Keep Calm and Cross Stitch
After the terrific start to the SAL with three JN finishes this month was always going to struggle to keep up, especially being three days shorter too. Without further ado, I give you:
Yup, that's it. Nearly a whole row. The fantastically detailed and tricky to stitch row comes from this lovely chart:
Eventually this will be my contribution to Measi's Band Sampler Round Robin. I hope she's not too overwhelmed by my work! Don't panic, Measi, the next rows are more exciting and prettier too.
Theme-a-licious is hosted by Heather of It's Geek to Me
Each month Heather thinks up a theme for us to stitch to, or in my case, a theme to somehow shoe-horn my existing stitching into, no matter how tenuous the link!
Fantastical Fiction February
What kind of fantasy creatures inhabit your Works in
Progress? Or perhaps some fictional characters have leaped from the pages to
your needles? Let's stitch on projects inspired by imagination.
The piece that bests fits this theme is my still unfinished glamourous Vampy Vampire:

Brooke's Books from JCS Hallowe'en 2013
The bulk of the month was spent stitching my Scarlet Letter Sampler, Elizabeth Burrows. This means I can play my "Anti-Theme" card again this month. For those of you new to Theme-a-licious and/or my blog this is what I do when even I can't shoe-horn my stitching into the theme. Basically it has to be the exact opposite of the theme - not just a bit different, but the opposite. So for Fictional February I stitched on some Factual stitching, a reproduction sampler by a real person, the lovely Elizabeth Burrows:

Elizabeth Burrows by Scarlet Letter
Finally, on the subject of the Scarlet Letter Year Blog, today I removed all the people who are no longer able to continue stitching with us for one reason or another. Which means we can now offer places to anyone who would like to join us this year. It's very simple, just pop over to the Scarlet Letter website, choose a sampler and stitch-a-long with us. Each completed sampler will be added to The Gallery and at the end of the year Nicola will randomly choose one person to win a voucher. There will also be little giveaways and competitions throughout the year for the contributors.