WIPocalypse is hosted by Measi of Measi's Musings.
The main focus of my WIPocalypse this year will be my
"13 in '13" a list of 13 projects I want to complete in 2013, click
on top tab for the list.
I have actually finished one of the items on my list of 13! The Lizzie*Kate design Spring. I thought I'd add as many of the gifted charts to my list as possible this year as a little Thank You to the people that had sent them to me.
Here is Spring:
You've seen Spring already this month but as I haven't stitched on anything else from the list this will have to do! I'm hoping to get into town this week and buy a nice Spring themed page for my scrapbook so I can mount this one, the San Man design, the Twisted Threads and the Needlecraft Haven Challenge altogether.
You'll see the Needlecraft Haven piece after the Big Reveal this Sunday. Christine is very strict with us, dentention for anyone revealing themselves their stitching early!
I did look at all the designs on my list and thought about fabrics for them. I have a £10 voucher for Willow Fabrics and I'm trying to choose some linen.
I'm looking at 35count Edinburgh and I'm torn between the neutrals; Mushroom, Sand, Summer Khaki or Flax. Any opinions on which would be more versatile? They all look nice and I just find it hard to decide between items of equal worth! So whichever gets the most mentions will be my choice.
It's either that or get half a metre of 32count Tobacco in the sale but there's no picture!
Finally I have discovered that Just Cross Stitch no longer allow people in the UK to subsribe to their magazine! My sub ran out last issue and I received an email inviting me to subscribe and get a free copy. I thought this was odd as I'm already a subscriber! I went into the website and found my sub details had "expired" on there which was accurate but there was no way to renew. I emailed JCS and they said to use the offer in the email. So I clicked on the link, filled in the details then got the Country box which gives the choice of USA or Canada. No UK anymore. Now I know we're going down the pan financially but I don't think we've totally vanished off the planet yet! So I'm waiting to find out why I can't resubscribe. Very disappointed. They could at least have emailed or written to their UK subscribers, they have our addresses after all! There is a UK based website that can sell me a subscription. It costs a little more and I'm not sure if the Christmas Ornie issue is included as they only refer to 6 issues a year. I'll wait and see what JCS say first.
That's so weird about JCS! I hope you find out what the deal is on that and can resubscribe. Love your finish too!
Very cute finish. As far as fabric, I'd probably go with the Flax - just looks more neutral to me. Hope you can find out what's going on with JCS. My bet it's got something to do with the huge increase in overseas mailing costs that went into effect recently in a bid to keep the US Postal Service afloat.
JCS might not be shipping to the UK due to postage cost. They require an additional $10 just to ship to Canada. It's a shame.
Lovely finish and I like Flax, too - it is a great neutral background to work on.
That's a pain about your JCS subscription. It is getting hard to get cross stitch mags here in Australia, too - as you well know from the JE debacle. I have resorted to getting one on my ipad - which is not quite the same thing! I usually order the JCS Halloween and Christmas Ornie mags from 123 Stitch - although that is a bit of a pain as it takes a while for them to arrive here.
How annoying about the subscription. It's probably down to postage costs, it has got silly expensive getting things mailed from the US. Come to that it's got silly expensive mailing things inland too.
Summer Khaki is a lovely warm shade, but Flax is more neutral so you'd probably get more use out of it. The tobacco is a very strong colour
Hope you get your magazine subscripts sorted. Spring looks great.
I used to subscribe to JCS more than a decade ago, but delivery was so erratic that I just gave up on them... I'm sorry you're having this problem with them. Lovely stitching this month, the cottage is so charming.
Cute finish :)
I believe that JCS (and SANQ) have recently been sold to a new publisher which might be why the subscriptions have changed
Your spring design is adorable Jo! So cheery and bright. Sorry to hear about the JCS problems. That's so silly that they won't ship to the Uk. How very frustrating for you.
Some newsagents can get the magazine for you, it depends on if they are 'nice'. My local newsagent gets me the ornament edition and i have no trouble with that. The first time i asked him i printed off a pic of what i wanted and he just added to his list he sends to the wholesaler, he said there was no trouble at all and i know a lady who worked at WHSmith and they will order and reserve magazines for you. Hope you get something sorted.
Flax is a lovely creamy colour, thats what i'm stitching the santas village on.
Love Spring :-) I am sure you have shown your scrapbook before, can you tell me where? If I had to choose between the colors mentioned it would be sand. If it is a Wichelt base, this would probably be the color of the tobacco http://www.ebay.com/itm/Tobacco-Copper-Linen-Cross-Stitch-Fabric-28-Count-12-x-27-Inches-Import-Germany-/300886879219?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item460e416bf3
That makes me very sad about the magazine!! I hope you hear back that it was simply an error on the website :-))
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