WIPocalypse is hosted by Measi of Measi's Musings.
The main focus of my WIPocalypse this year will be my "13 in '13" a list of 13 projects I want to complete in 2013, click on top tab for the list.
Unfortunately February has been the month of illness and obligation! I stitched a couple of days of Green Goddess at the beginning of the month then intended to stitch Julie's Large Mira RR but caught a cold which resulted in 3 days of illness and 2 weeks of early stitch-free nights. Then I stitched on my Scarlet Letter project because it's just outlining and relatively simple for a convalescent.
Then Sophia's Band Sampler arrived with only 1 week until posting date so I figured I ought to stitch that instead.
So all that and the only thing from my 13 is a couple of days on Joan Elliott's Green Goddess! Here she is:

Finally, it's edging closer to Spring and Easter, so I've launched my Easter Treasure Hunt Blog Hop. A few people have signed up already so we'll have a longer Mystery Phrase than "egg" at least! All you have to do is post a picture with a Spring/Easter/Seasonal theme, no matter how tenuous, on Easter Sunday along with the letter of the alphabet I will allocate you after you've signed up.
I'm putting together a list of Spring and Easter freebies to help you along so there's no excuses! Just email me or leave a comment if you're interested.
I hope you are back to your active and very productive self soon. Green Goddess is so much fun to stitch,are you saving the moths and dragon flies for last? They are really lovely.
I am slow. Where can I see the details of the blog hop? It sounds like something I could handle, LOL.
Progress is progress remember :) I will have a look round and see if I have something I could stretch to been spring/easter ish lol x
Your stitching is beautiful!
All progress counts, even if it is only a little. The Green Goddess looks fabulous
Green Goddess is stunning, i love the look in her eyes.
isn't it annoying when you have stitchy plans, then life gets in the way?
Green Goddess is looking good! I can't wait to come back for a new update :)
I saw in the World of Cross-stitching mag your blog was featured. Congrats!
Thanks for leaving a comment on my blog :)
My friend does have a crafty blog with thousands of followers! In all that mess a few nutters are bound to show, but these were people that she had been friends with in town so it hurt. But her better friends have cheered her up.
The blog hop sounds fun. I'd like to sign up I can make a post to set it up for Sunday right after I finish off my bookmarks :)
GG looks fabulous, I love watching this one grow. x
Your Green Goddess looks fab and I love the idea of 13 in `13 :)
Green Goddess looks gorgeous already - great stitching!
I have been looking at my stitching and have racked my brains but I have nothing remotely linked to Easter not even a bunny. :o((
Okay, so here's my official wish to join the blog hop. We've discussed it already but I figured I'd better enter my name here too. Looking forward to all the fun!
Hope that you're feeling better. The illness made it's round in my house as well. Can't wait to see more of your finishes.
Hope you are feeling better. I would like to join in on your blog hop, too!
Hope you are feeling better. Green Goddess is looking great.
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