This year I want to focus on 2 larger pieces and then spend the rest of my stitching time on the series I have started. The order I stitch them in is going to be determined by the WIPGO Board. Jessie-Marie calls two numbers each month and those will be the projects I stitch that month.
In January, the numbers 11 and 20 were called. These both related to my oldest WIP, the Art Nouveau Head so I made some great progress on that project, finishing here:
For February, the numbers 7 and 8 were called. These relate to Cottage Garden Samplings Year in the Woods series and the Art Nouveau Head (again).
I'm currently stitching The Swans for the Year in the Woods and here's where I left off last year:
Finally, my evening project will be the Annie Beez 12 Days of Christmas Stockings. Here is Day 2 so far: