It's time for Pie!
I spent the first half of the month working on Cottage Garden Samplings Year in the Woods and have now completed The Swans next to The Fox:
I went from here:
A blog trying to focus on all the nice things in life, those moments when everything turns out right. Finding the perfect fabric for that chart you love, the ideal sampler quote, just the right picture in all the 1000s of magazines you own. Meeting people who share your interests and obsessions and totally understand why you NEED that chart when you already have enough to last until you're 104
It's time for Pie!
I spent the first half of the month working on Cottage Garden Samplings Year in the Woods and have now completed The Swans next to The Fox:
For my Smalls stitching this year, I will be stitching the 12 Days of Christmas from Annie Beez. They don't take long which then gives me time to stitch some blackwork or another small from my list.
Here's Day 2:
Finally, once I finished Day 2, I moved back to Winter's View by Susan Penny from Cross Stitcher magazine.
Here's where I am now:
It's TUSAL time!
Here is my TUSAL jar with my current project:
IHSW or International Hermit and Stitch Weekend always starts on the third Friday of the month. It's a chance to lock yourself away and focus on your stitching for the weekend. You can take part on your blog or via the Facebook page - IHSW on Facebook.
This year I am attempting International Hermit and Blackwork. I do love blackwork and have a couple of projects I want to try fit in to my rotation without being on the WIPGO Board.
My main blackwork piece is the Halloween Blackwork from The Steady Thread. I didn't get huge amounts done on this but went from here:
Finally, Measi always gives us a topic to discuss:
February – What stitch-a-longs (SALs) are you participating in this year?
Obviously, WIPocalypse! My other SALs are
Fully Finished Gallery - show anything you have FFO'd on the 10th
Gifted Gorgeousness - post anything gifted on the 15th
Smalls SAL - last Friday of each month
The TUSAL - post on the New Moon each month
I don't tend to SAL actual designs as I have my rotation planned and it rarely fits in with other people's plans. But if you are stitching anything that I am stitching do let me know and we can call it a SAL!
I also tend to avoid Mystery SALs having been bitten once or twice. I wait until most of the piece has been released and then see if I still have FOMO and want to start it!
I'm doing WIPGO again this year because it's fun to have the element of surprise in your planned stitching.
I started The Year in the Woods series from Cottage Garden Samplings in December 2023 and finished The Fox in January 2024. I straight away moved on to The Swans on the same piece of fabric.
Here's where I left off stitching them:
Welcome to the February Gifted Gorgeousness link-up. The link-up date continues to be the 15th and I will keep the link-up open until the end of each month so you have plenty of time if you are late posting.
The format remains exactly the same, there is a list of rules on the main sign-up page if you want to check what is required but basically anything connected to the word "gift" is allowed, whether it was a gift TO you or is a gift FROM you.
This year I want to focus on 2 larger pieces and then spend the rest of my stitching time on the series I have started. The order I stitch them in is going to be determined by the WIPGO Board. Jessie-Marie calls two numbers each month and those will be the projects I stitch that month.
In January, the numbers 11 and 20 were called. These both related to my oldest WIP, the Art Nouveau Head so I made some great progress on that project, finishing here:
For February, the numbers 7 and 8 were called. These relate to Cottage Garden Samplings Year in the Woods series and the Art Nouveau Head (again).
I'm currently stitching The Swans for the Year in the Woods and here's where I left off last year: