The idea of this Blog Hop is to choose a different designer each month and do a post focusing on a piece of their work you have stitched on during the month. The hosts of D.E.S.I.G.N ask us to answer a few questions on our chosen designer.
1. What designer are you talking about this month?
Jamie Kile of Knotted Tree NeedleArt.
2. Have you stitched a project by this designer before?
Jamie Kile of Knotted Tree NeedleArt.
Santa's Hat Sampler
from JCS Christmas Ornie Special 2012
2. Have you stitched a project by this designer before?
Yes, I have now completed three different designs, two Hallowe'en and one Christmas. Two are mini alphabet samplers.
3. Would you buy/stitch a design by this designer again? Why/Why not?
Yes, there is at least one more Hallowe'en alphabet sampler and various other ornies in the JCS magazines.
4. What made you choose this particular design/designer?
Regular followers will know how much I love an alphabet design and I knew I wanted to stitch this one as soon as I saw it:

Little Owl Sampler
from JCS Hallowe'en Ornie Special 2012
5. Did you notice anything that distinguished this designer from others?
I have to say, KTN don't seem to have a "signature" look, apart from the alphabet samplers. I would not have known this house was by the same designer if it hadn't have said. In some ways that is a good thing because you are drawn to the individual design rather than the hype around a particular name. You know, where everyone rushes to buy the latest release and then realises that it's not that different to ten other charts they already own!
Little Hallowe'en House
from JCS Hallowe'en Ornie Special 2013
The designs themselves are simple, full stitches only often charted using hand-dyed threads but always with a good DMC conversion. They lend themselves well to adaptation. I blended threads on two and changed some colours on all three. I also added some speciality stitches to the border on the house design.