Welcome to the September Gifted Gorgeousness link-up. The link-up date will continue to be the 15th and I will keep the link-up open until the end of each month so you have plenty of time if you are late posting.
The format remains exactly the same, there is a list of rules on the main sign-up page if you want to check what is required but basically anything connected to the word "gift" is allowed, whether it was a gift TO you or is a gift FROM you.
In the past month I have only stitched one piece that fits the "Gifted" category, my Donna Kooler Tinies. These are for a project a friend of mine is organising.
Here are the latest ones to be finished/started:-
stitched on 22 count Hardanger
Now it is your turn to show us your Gifted Gorgeousness for the month. Please use your name or your blog name in the field and NOT the words "September Update" so I can easily see who has linked up this month. And link to the actual post, not just your blog. It is easier if you copy and paste the link, rather than typing freehand.
I suppose I should show more than one stitching picture in a post, so here is the latest photo of my Temperature SAL, a project designed by Hetti on her blog. We've had a couple of weeks of paler Yellows (17-22 degrees Centrigrade)
stitched on 22 count Hardanger

Finally, the planning for the new Saturday SAL is well underway. I asked people to leave a comment with suggestions for a theme for a blog post and then I listed all the suggestions on the IHSW Facebook Group and they are voting for their favourite there. Whatever they choose, will be what I write a post about.
If you'd like to vote then the link for the IHSW Group is here - IHSW Facebook
If you left a comment after the Poll went up, then I will add your suggestions to next month's list.
What's the project gonna be for all the tinies?
I just realized there are letters in the Temperature SAL! I guess I never looked closely at it, how neat!
It'll be interesting to see how the poll results turn out.
Your tinies are so.....tiny! But so cute too! I like your temperature SAL....I'm sure there is a way to rad the temperature in your piece...I'm just too dense to figure it out! Thanks again for hosting this challenge...it's a great way to keep me stitching those gifts I'm giving and receiving!
Wow stitching on 22ct seems so tiny. Waiting for what the choice will be for the Saturday SAL.
I hadn't seen the Donna Kooler Tinies before. They are very sweet.
I love all of the tinies that you are stitching Jo. How will they be finished?
I love these Donna Kooler tinies, Jo, and wow, your temperature SAL is looking great. Okay, now I have to go check out this Saturday SAL idea!
Donna Kooler is a great designer, very cute Tinies. I love the colours on your hardanger
The Temperature SAL is growing really well and looking super.
Great work on the tinies and your temperature piece.
Very pretty smalls and I love your temperature SAL.
Your stitchings look great, you'll have to do macrophotography cause we need closer pictures ;)! xxx
Great new mini stitching. I'm still curious what they are for! Hopefully, I'll have my own checkin ready this weekend.
The tinies are so cute! Temperature SAL is looking great too
Plenty of colour variation in your temperature SAL, Jo.
Such neat tiny stitches Jo. Love the detail and your beautiful work. RJ
Your temperature SAL is so neat, Jo! And wonderful mini-stitching... I love the way things look on 22ct!
Hope you are enjoying a lovely September!
I think I am going to find your Temperature SAL next year. I never started the one I was going to do...But I so love the idea! Thanks for hosting the GG!
I just linked up :) Maybe I'll be more on time next month?
I love all of the tinies Jo.
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