
Monday 20 May 2024


IHSW or International Hermit and Stitch Weekend always starts on the third Friday of the month.  It's a chance to lock yourself away and focus on your stitching for the weekend.  You can take part on your blog or via the Facebook page - IHSW on Facebook.

This year I am trying something different for IHSW - an A-Z Challenge!  These usually take place in April and people stitch one letter every day except Sunday.  I don't want to swap projects daily so thought I could do 2 or 3 letters per IHSW instead.  

May is I and J.  

My only I project is Fairy Idyll so it was lovely to get her out again, I didn't get much done but every stitch counts!

stitched on 32 count Vinyard Murano from Crafty Kitten

J was perfect for May as this is the month I do my annual Just Nan-athon.  Back in 2018 I started 31 small Just Nans and have stitched each one on the day date until they are finished.  Then I start a new one!  This year I decided not to start any new ones but to keep stitching the previous one if there was a blank day.

Here are the latest Just Nans:

Day 15 - Pansy Mix

Day 16 - Strawberry Heart

Day 17 - Pansy Cameo Ornament

Day 18 - Porcelain Nosegay

Day 19 - Primrose Path

My daytime J was Joan Elliott's Faces SAL.  I stitched some more of the lovely peacock:

stitched on 28 count Snapdragon Jazlyn from Crafty Kitten

Next month will be K, L and M.  I didn't have a K for this month but may have one by June.  We shall see!

Finally the next IHSW will be 21st - 23rd June so make sure you note the date in your diary or come and join us in the Facebook Group - IHSW on Facebook. If you don't do Facebook then you can check in here by leaving a comment on my post.


  1. Beautiful work on everything!!

  2. You really do find the coolest patterns! And your stitching is lovely on all of them! Great progress!! Happy Stitching!

  3. Another great month for this SAL! It must have been a nice break that you didn't had to break out all old projects for this time but could use your Just Nans for part of it.


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