
Sunday 26 May 2024

May WIPocalypse WIPs or UFOs?


WIPocalypse is hosted by Measi's Musings

Each month we have to share the projects we want to complete before the End Of The World. Since 2011 I have chosen a number of projects to focus on that year, starting with my "11 in '11" and increasing to "24 in '24" for this year. This month I stitched on 3 of them.

13. Joan Elliott Faces SAL

18. Nora Corbett Claire

(all done except the beads!)

24. Cottage Garden Samplings Halloween Sampler

Finally, Measi always gives us a topic to discuss:

May - How do you personally distinguish between a Work in Progress (WIP) and an Unfinished Object (UFO)?

For me, a WIP is a project that I will stitch on at least once a year during my Longest Day Marathon even if I don't pick it up at any other time.  A UFO is a project I have got tired of and no longer want on my list.  I might stitch it one day, I might not.  I don't often UFO projects these days as I am more careful about what I choose to stitch.  One recent UFO was the tiny Halloween Village started for Naughty November 2020.  I just lost interest in finding tiny houses but may pick it up again in the future.


  1. Faces is an oldie but goodie. I remember seeing round robins going on for these patterns back in the day. Claire looks great, she's perfect on your fabric! I don't like to label anything as a UFO. When I've lost interest in a WIP, I will cut out what was stitched and re-stash the fabric and floss. Happy stitching!

  2. Love the name of the group, it made me laugh. I sometimes find projects I've totally forgotten I started. Some I don't remember how long I've had them even, lol. Keep stitching, eventually it will happen.
    Sandy's Space

  3. Great work on everything.

  4. Claire looks amazing, so quickly finished. I know it takes time to take pictures but I hope that we'll get closer pic with the beading. The pattern around the head and the collar are so delicate. Did you bought the Evanora chart? xxx

  5. Ooooh look at you go!! You are whittling down your list quite nicely! Joan Elliot has the most exquisite patterns, I wish I could see more of the SAL. Claire looks lovely too! I can't wait to see what she looks like after you stitch the beads! I love the fabric of all of them the particularly the Halloween Sampler! Well done on all your WIPs, and good luck with your UFO. I know how you like Halloween, so I'll cheer you on...go Jo!! Happy Stitching!

  6. Great stitching, Claire looks amazing. Happy stitching in June

  7. Oh, Claire looks fabulous, well done! It's not easy 'UFOing' projects, it feels like such a permanent decision when in reality, we can define and redefine them at any point - but I can't seem to wrap my head around that!


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