
Wednesday 15 May 2024

Gifted Gorgeousness May Link-up Post


Welcome to the May Gifted Gorgeousness link-up. The link-up date continues to be the 15th and I will keep the link-up open until the end of each month so you have plenty of time if you are late posting.

The format remains exactly the same, there is a list of rules on the main sign-up page if you want to check what is required but basically anything connected to the word "gift" is allowed, whether it was a gift TO you or is a gift FROM you.

My focus piece this month does not have a gifted component at all, so I can't show that.  Some of the Just Nans were gifts so here are the latest ones:

Days 10 and 11 - Bunny Hop

Days 12 and 13 - Heart Butterfly

Day 14 - Italian Ice 

(the lovely blue fabric is not showing up at all)

This one was a gift from the designer and the fabric was a gift too.  

Steady Thread - Tree of Life Temperature SAL

Look at those warm yellows and even 2 days of orange in May

stitched on 28 count Meadow Mist linen from Silkweavers

I record the temperature each day and then stitch the leaves on the Sunday morning.

My Dark 13 design is stitched on gifted fabric, a beautiful 40 count linen called Witch's Brew from Zweigart.  My plan is to stitch one letter per month until we reach October and then complete it during Dark October.

stitched on 40 count linen called Witch's Brew from Zweigart

Now it is your turn to show us your Gifted Gorgeousness for the month.  Please use your name or your blog name in the field and NOT the words "May Update" so I can easily see who has linked up this month.  And link to the actual post, not just your blog.  It is easier if you copy and paste the link, rather than typing freehand.



Finally, I will do my best to pop round and visit everyone this month, I'm a little behind in my blog reading again!


  1. The temperature tree looks good. It’s warmer here than I expected.

  2. You are a busy girl! Love the Just Nan pieces.

  3. It's lovely to see the warm colours coming on your temperature tree. Dark 13 is looking good, are you stitching a letter a month or word a month? The fabric is gorgeous.

  4. That tree is impressive and I know two new English words now : persistent which is like in French and deciduous! More vocabulary is always a good thing. And I found the stitched frame very interesting, have you already posted closer pictures of it? xxx

  5. Ooooh look at you go! Such lovely smalls you are working on, and that tree, I could stare at that for hours! Such a lovely way to observe your year in stitching! Such a pretty design! Thanks again for hosting GG! Happy Stitching

  6. I think you are mostly hitting the 'using gifted supplies' prompt of the SAL, and I'm covering 'making gifts'!

  7. Beautiful work on everything.


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