
Sunday 10 July 2022

Finally Fully Finishing for July


Hosted by Rachel the Ten Hour Stitcher

This SAL is designed to motivate us all to do something with that box of Finished pieces instead of just storing them under the bed.  We will all be linking up on Rachel's blog on or after the 10th of each month (10 Hour Stitcher - 10th of the month).

I finally broke my "just one thing" streak and have a whole hat-trick of fully finished objects this month!

First up is a professionally framed piece from 2019.  I had intended to get it framed for Halloween 2020 but we all know what happened in early 2020 so that didn't happen.

Very difficult to photograph with the glass in place!  I went for a very simple plain black frame and enough of the lovely fabric showing.

This is my Halloween conversion of Lavender and Lace's Enchanted Alphabet.  More photos can be found here - Lavender & Lace - Enchanted Alphabet

The next finish is a simple home frame job.  The frame came from Wilko's and was very cheap!  This is Stitch It Picasso Dragon #2

The final fully finished piece is my Just Nan Tea with Honey:

I stitched this as six seperate pieces and then whip-stitched them into a cube.  I mounted the sides and bottom on thin card but wasn't sure about the top.  I wanted it to be used as a pin cushion but if I mounted it on card it would bend in when I stuck pins in.  So I used thick mat board with a 1 inch square cut in the middle where the pins will go!  I put some nice wadding between the card and the fabric so it feels soft.

It looks pretty much the same from all four sides!

I added my initials to the base:

I stuffed it with my son's old school socks!  They roll up small and have a nice weighty heft to them.  I used them for the Tiny Modernist Greenhouse too.  Nice to have a use for them when they are too small/holey to wear!

What a productive month that was!  August will probably be back to one now.  Unless I get the 3D Bookshop finished.  Although I did get some charity shop haul last week so maybe I will match those to some stuff in the box.  I might even get the scrapbooks out again!

Finally, I'm going to be taking sign-ups for my Summer Blog Hop on the same theme as last year - Stitching Friends are Friends Who Count. Have a look at this post for last year and let me know if you'd like to take part this year.




  1. Well done Jo , lovely stitching again.
    I love the Just Nan stitch it's so beautiful.
    Enjoy your new week , hugs June.

  2. Great finishing month for you! I had almost forgotten about the Spooky Alphabet but it looks awesome in its frame. Great work on Tea With Honey as well, you are getting quite skilled at these 3D type finishes!

  3. Great job on those framed pieces. The Spooky Alphabet is simply beautiful!
    The Just Nan Tea..WOW! I Love it! So Lovely! WELL done.

  4. Jo: Lovely finishing, your box looks perfect.
    What a fun Picasso Dragon, looks so interesting, perfect frame.
    Halloween looks perfect with the dark frame.
    Have a great day


  5. Nice stitching, love the box. How fun to have different projects going and so different in theme.
    Sandy's Space

  6. I love the cube! It is gorgeous!

  7. SO many gorgeous finishes, Jo, but that framed piece is amazing. Your conversion is so well done and totally worth a professional framing job. Love the sweet cube, as well. Now that's an idea--old socks for stuffing :) I use mine as cleaning rags, but I'd better put a few aside just in case!

    Enjoy your weekend ♥

  8. Ha ha, I hope the socks were washed first!!!
    Thanks for joining in with July's FFG SAL. Good to see Enchanted Alphabet finally framed, and the dragon frame is perfect.
    Tea with honey is really sweet, but the thought of you sticking pins into your delicate stitching makes me shudder! :)

  9. You know I love your Enchanted Alphabet and it looks fantastic framed!
    Your dragon, of course, is amazing, great fabric for it.
    The cube turned out nicely, such pretty colours.


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