
Monday 27 May 2013

Weekend Stitching

It's a Bank Holiday Weekend here in England and hubby has been working 20 hour days so it's just me and the boys and some stitching!

The first piece to be finished is Joan Elliott's April design for the 2013 diary.  This was the cover gift with World of Cross Stitching magazine last year and there are a group of us stitching-a-long on Facebook.  So far I have completed January and April and most of February.  I'm starting June's Wizard next and would like to complete him actually in June!

Here are my dragons:

The fabric is a piece from a Crafty Kitten grab bag, a sort of blue sky effect.  I used all the recommended colours but added backstitch in metallic purple to the purple fronds and also metallic silver bs to the wings.  The Large Boy is dropping heavy hints about needing this one in his room!

I have also been stitching away on the Mirabilia Round Robin, this is Shimmering Mermaid for Karen:

The bling arrived from SewandSo this week so it's all ready when I reach those parts.

Here's a finish from Thursday, the Needlecraft Haven Freebie Challenge for May.  A great design from The Little Stitcher called "There's no place like Home":

I stitched this on a piece of Emerald Green aida using DMC threads and a thick Madeira metallic red for the shoes.  I got the Maderia threads free from a magazine and I'm not a fan but it was good for this design.

I found a great scrapbooking website that had alot of Wizard of Oz themed papers so I'll be ordering some soon and mounting this for my book.

Also on the schedule was the next part of the Thread Pickerz Heartz SAL and the Hallowe'en ornie, pictures to follow.

Finally, I have been reading blogs and attempting to comment but the list keeps on growing so I never seem to reach the end!  Maybe I'll use the move to Bloglovin reader to trim my subscriptions and only follow the ones I comment on the most.  Maybe...


  1. Well done on your cute dragon Jo! The little baby dragon is adorable! The wizard of oz stitch is pretty cool and that thread is perfect for the ruby slippers! As for bloglovin, I don't know if you saw my post, but I suggested trying feedly instead of bloglovin. WAY better and almost exactly like google reader, but better than google reader! I've streamlined a lot of blogs too since I also follow non-stitching blogs, that way it makes it easier to comment, etc now. Check it out!

  2. Your dragons look so cute! =) great work!!

  3. Cute finishes, I love the dragon

  4. Those dragons are wonderful! I applaud you for using those metallic threads. I stitched an ornament with some last Christmas & wanted to run screaming down the street!!! They produce a great effect though : )

  5. The JE dragon design is adorable! I'm not usually a fan of dragons but that is so vibrant, I love it!

    I really like the Wizard of Oz piece too. Again, lovely colours!

    Hope you have enjoyed the Bank didn't rain here until 3pm for a

  6. Hi Jo! I have There's No Place Like Home in my pile to do. It just hasn't been good around here lately. I haven't been stitching at all.

  7. You've done a lot :) Well done :) And I love those dragons, they are really cute :)

  8. Lovely dragons!
    Lovely stitching on your blog. I love the monthly cats!

  9. The mum and baby are adorable:)

  10. Love the dragons! And what a pretty fabric for the Mirabilia. The mermaid is going to be beautiful! I love the sentiment - There's No Place Like Home. :) Lovely stitching all around.

  11. Oh my, I LOVE the dragons! I think Nathan (me) would love that in his (my) room!

    And a mermaid too? You're killing me, I really need to stitch more!

  12. Lots of lovely stitching! Through dragons are adorable :)

  13. You used your long weekend well, lots and lots of great stitching.

  14. ohhh the dragons look lovely :) big hint from the mouse house tooo heheheh ... and nice colour for the rr too ..
    and love the no place like home that red metallic is perfect :)
    my problem is only get a wee bit of time on the comp now my has gone kerput :( love mouse xxxxxx

  15. Lovely finish on the challenge, yours is the only one so far.
    Great dragon too

  16. Your dragons are superb.

    Well done on the challenge, with being poorly time escaped me so i didnt get it done. Love the emerald green fabric.

  17. Congrats on your finishes! Those little dragons are just so sweet. I like your personal touch with the metallic threads. Will you give in to your son's hints??? :D
    I also love the red shoes, perfect & just like the movie! x

  18. The dragons are so sweet. I love your version of No place, I've still to stitch it, but that is the plan for tomorrow! I bit late, but nevermind!

  19. Jo I've said it before and I'll say it again. You are amazing!!! You certainly put me to shame in the stitching stakes. Love love love the dragons...bless.
    Alicia xox

  20. Your dragons are looking nice. Great pieces. I love seeing your blog.

  21. The dragon fantastic, the ruby red slippers I love and I can't wait to see more of the RR.

  22. Gah, I have the same problem with blog commenting - am so behind, and I still haven't decided on a new blog reader yet. I don't like change!

    Liking the OZ themed stitchery, the green aida is really different.

  23. Your dragons are *adorable*, such a beautiful finish! I'm trying to find a new blog reader too, I've taken Anne's suggestion and joined Feedly :)

  24. The dragon is too cute! Perfect colors for your freebie finish also! Looking forward to seeing more of the RR.

  25. Cute dragon. The mermaid is looking lovely, the colours really pop on the fabric. I like your Oz freebie.

  26. Your dragons look great! Thank you for the link to The Little Stitcher freebie!

  27. Ooooh, love the dragon finish - congrats!

  28. Gorgeous dragon :)
    Unfortunately that little free gift book didn't get sent to Australia with mag... I will just enjoy seeing your dragons stitched up :)


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