
Friday 24 May 2013

May WIPocalypse

WIPocalypse is hosted by Measi of Measi's Musings.

The main focus of my WIPocalypse this year will be my "13 in '13" a list of 13 projects I want to complete in 2013, click on top tab for the list.

I have been stitching Green Goddess as much as possible this month.  I really wanted to complete her face before I started the next Round Robin piece.  And I did!  Here she is as I left her:

I was hoping to start item 7 on my list, April's Word Play by With My Needle but that didn't happen.  So the next piece I'm looking at is Hear the Sea Call by Stitchers Hideaway.  I have the fabric, the threads and the little shells and stones to attach so it's looking good!

I am inches away from completing Joan Elliott's April Dragons and have the perfect fabric for the June Wizard so that's another one lined up for next month.

The Needlecraft Haven Freebie Challenge is all stitched up and ready to be emailed to Christine, I can show that one after this Sunday.

I still have to make a start on the Hallowe'en Ornie SAL piece so I think it will be the smaller ghost design. On the plus side, two of my giveaway prizes have arrived (the UK two) but I won't show them until the two overseas parcels have reached their destinations.

Finally, I am really enjoying all the answers left for my 400 followers giveaway last post.  I have replied to everyone except three "no-reply" people.  There are some great suggestions for names to include, some very well known and others new to me who certainly deserve to be better known.  I'll make a full list on the Winners Announcement page.  Don't forget, you have until Wednesday 29th May to enter, leave a comment on the previous post.


  1. GG is amazing, i love it!

  2. Your Green Goddess is looking stunning, great progress

  3. Green Goddess is looking amazing, Jo.

  4. Green Goddess sure is purdy.


  5. I had to lie down after reading this post, I was so exhausted. You seem to have alot of cross stitch balls in the air but luckily your juggling skills are top notch! Green goddess looks fantastic!
    xox Alicia

  6. That is a lot of projects!!! Goddess looks amazing though!

  7. Your Green Goddess looks striking.

  8. Green goddess looks great! And it sounds like you have lots of project going on, but with your amazing skills we'll probably be seeing the results soon! :D

  9. Green Goddess is beautiful! I'm sorry I was behind in blog-hopping and too late to enter your 400-follower Giveaway.


I do enjoy your comments and will reply where relevant, so please make sure you are not a "no-reply" person!
If you are a robot then please pretend there is a word verifier and go away. I have removed it for the commenting pleasure and ease of my human followers.