
Friday 31 May 2024

May Stitch from Stash and Pie

 Here's my May pie:

Claire was my focus piece and she has her own post dedicated to the finish - Happy Dance For Claire

I had 6 days where all I stitched was my daily Just Nan due to being away from the house all day.  I managed to get the borders completed on all four of the seasons, which was a nice achievement.



One other achievement was completing the final Zodiac sign on my Art Nouveau Tarot series from Circle Cross:

stitched on 28 count sky blue evenweave from Silkweavers

Now all I need to do is add the beaded constellations for each of the signs and find a large frame!

I also keep a pie for my evening stitching:

Nice and simple for this month!  All the different Just Nan Smalls can be seen on my Smalls post this month.

Finally, Stitch from Stash was another zero spend, doing well here!


  1. I have really enjoyed watching your zodiac progress. Can't wait to see it framed. You made a lot of progress on your Just Nan's, and they are really pretty.

  2. Great pie. Love the Taurus piece of course since it's my zodiac too. The Just Nan's are lovely as well. Great stitching.

  3. Oh wow, can't believe you got all the Tarot Zodiacs done already, seems like you started them just yesterday! Got any plans for another of her patterns?


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