
Friday 22 February 2019

February Smalls SAL

The Smalls SAL is hosted by Mary's Thread

I don't have a lot of smalls in my rotation this year, it is the Year of the BAP Focus.  But I do have the Christmas Ornie Blog and my Just Nan smalls.  I'm also counting all the additions to the Enchanted Alphabet spooky conversion for this one.

First up a finish for the Christmas Ornament.  This one is Poinsettia by Ink Circles from the 2008 Just Cross Stitch Special:

stitched over 1 on 28 count green evenweave

I completed Just Nan's Thanks a Bunch on 5th February:

stitched on 32 count Antique White linen

and moved straight on to Fairy Roses the same day:

stitched on 32 count Antique White linen

For my spooky conversion of Lavender & Lace's Enchanted Alphabet I added some cats, all from Just Nan charts:

stitched on 32 count Murano in Tiger Lily by Sparklies

And that's about it for Smalls!  Tune in on Sunday for the WIPocalypse update of the BAPs and others.

Finally, it's been lovely weather here so we went out and did some rock hiding with a friend and her children.  Here's our batch:


  1. Poinsettia and Thanks a Bunch are so very pretty!

  2. All very different designs Jo, I like the poinsettia with the pretty printed fabric in the background and your rock painting.

  3. Lovely stitching designs. That is so neat abt hiding to rocks.

  4. Congrats on the great finishes Jo. Love the rocks.


  5. Very pretty finishes Jo! Love your rocks too.

  6. Nice job on your smalls. Love the rocks too. So bright and cheerful.

  7. Oh, I love those little kitty-cats! They're perfect additions to the alphabet. The Just Nans are lovely too; have you found/decided on a charm for Fairy Roses? :)

  8. I absolutely love that Enchanted Alphabet! Those small designs are very pretty too!

  9. i just love your conversion of Enchanted Alphabet. Your smalls are so dainty and beautiful.

  10. Fantastic work. The cats look perfect in the alphabet. Great rocks.

  11. Great rocks you went to hide.
    Loving seeing the JN's again

  12. As usual, you have a wonderful group of stitches! Now I don't know what rock (one your your painted ones? haha) I've been under but I did not realize you were making your own Spooky version of the Enchanted Alphabet. I thought it looked familiar but I just assumed it was a published design. That said, I am totally in awe of your conversion. The letters are really well suited to a Spooky theme, and you additions of the cats and pumpkins are spot on. This is going to be fantastic, and that's coming from me, a person who's not too much into Halloween stitches (I have no problem with Halloween, but stitching for it is just not my style-I prefer generic autumn things and fall colors as opposed to the orange/purple/black color group.) Except this. This is great. I love it.

  13. Very pretty stitches Jo. I love the poinsettia too. And the alphabet is fabulous. You always amaze me with all the stitches you have going on. RJ@stitchingfriendsforever

  14. More rocks! I'm sorry, they totally distract me from your stitching right now, they're so pretty, haha. I love the green one with the red hearts and the rainbow love one especially.


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