
Saturday 6 February 2016

The Gorgeous and Generous Alphabet Group

It's the first Saturday of the month so it's time for detention!

"They only met online, but it changed their lives forever"

I think most of you know the lovely enigmatic Chiara who blogs at The Grey Tail?  We were chatting via email a while back and between us came up with the idea of an A-Z language challenge.  We batted some ideas around and are calling it the The Alphabet Club.  Chiara has the full details on that link but basically she will post a link-up post on the first Saturday of each month (Saturday being detention day in the film) reminding us of the month's letter and we will all link up with themed things, from stitching to designers and local customs.

G is for Gargoyle from A Dark Alphabet designed by Julie and Becky's Note of Friendship blog.

G is also for Granny Squares as shown in the Brooke's Book's Stitcher's Alphabet piece I am stitching for the Alphabet Club SAL:

stitched on 28 count afghan fabric

G completes the second page of my little book:

And here is the whole thing so far.  The blank area is going to have the words The Alphabet Club and the dates, once I have designed it.

G is for Ghoulies and Ghosties, more of which on the Hallowe'en Blog.  I have stitched a few designs with ghosts in:

My biggest and best G finish is arguably Green Goddess by Joan Elliott:

I have one G WIP - Gathering Honey by Jannlynn:

If you want to see real progress on this, pop over to Jacqui's blog because she's stitching it and will probably overtake me this weekend!

Blog I follow beginning with G:

(great for wildlife photos too)

And the home of the freebie:

The other Big G is, of course, Gifted Gorgeousness; my year long SAL now in its second year.  The SAL came about because of the Generosity of my fellow stitching bloggers who had gifted or organised so many Giveaways I wanted to stitch everything I had!

This week I have continued with a piece which was a prize giveaway from Lee Under The Mountain.  A little band sampler called Strawberry Sampler:

stitched on 32 count Antique White linen


Finally,  the Secret Stitching Sweetheart Blog Hop will be taking place on Valentine's Day.  Full details can be found on this post but basically you email me a photo of something suitable for a lovely friend and I send you a photo from a mystery friend which you post on your blog to wait for your Secret Stitching Sweetheart to find you from the list of participants on my blog.  Have a look at last year's Hop to see how it all worked:


  1. Love the 'G' for your book and I knew I'd seen gathering honey somewhere before. I can't keep up with all your WIP's Jo! Have a fab weekend.

  2. Ooh, lots of Ghosties and Ghoulies today, which somehow seem apt for the weather that we're having at the moment - pretty scary where we are, even the lampposts are trying to uproot themselves! Another Great alphabet post. :)

  3. haha! Yes, Jacquie has smoking needles, doesn't she? I like your alphabet club book very much.

  4. Love all your stitches....especially the Green Goddess! AWESOME!

  5. WOW! I would be hard pressed to fill even one category and you have multiples in all of them.

  6. Again, I enjoyed my eyes!
    Everything is beautiful!

  7. I love the G in your book. Fantastic stitching

  8. Another awesome alphabet club post Jo. Love all of your stitching.


  9. What a lovely bunch of Gs! I knew there would be lots of ghosts and ghoulies, and it's nice to see the finished G in your alphabet book. Green Goddess is a design I've never seen before (that I remember at least) and I'm loving Gathering Honey.

  10. This post is full of wonderful stitching!

  11. That's still gingham to me. Rainbow gingham. Which, according to Google, is a real thing! Eep! Great post~

  12. Wow! Jo, as always I am in awe of your absolutely gorgeous stitching. Thanks for sharing with us. Your BB alphabet book is looking fabulous!

  13. What a lovely collection of Gs for the Alphabet Club :-)

  14. Lots of wonderful Gs there, but I have to admit the little gargoyle is my favourite (oh and the ghost kitty)

  15. All those ghosts smiling, laughing, happy and fun make my day. Have you ever stitch a ghostbuster one? I miss gargoyle in modern architecture. Your alphabet book is great too! Grosses bises !

  16. What a "G"reat post. Full of lots of "G"orgeous stitching. I wish you "G"ood luck with all your future "G"oodies.

  17. This is a wonderful post, and posting what blogs you follow that start with G love it.
    Your stitching is lovely.


  18. "G"reat post lol. I love your little ghosts especially the kitty :). And GG is always so much fun! I hope I can get another page finish in before the next link up but it's going to be close!

  19. Gazette 94 is no longer posting.

  20. And again a Great and Gorgeous post, Jo. I love that mosaic with all the little ghosties. And that wonderful Green Goddess also matches perfectly this month's post. And now I know where I had already seen Gathering Honey after seeing it on Jacquie's blog :)

  21. Great post, I love all those little ghosts and ghoulies, they are really cute :)

  22. Gorgeous "G's" on show there.... I love your ghosty stitching but your Goddess is just the greatest of all "G's"!
    I am so in trouble this month... I missed detention!!
    Hugs xx

  23. You've got a lot of pretty works of each letter, looking forward to the next one:) Great stitching as always!


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