
Friday 28 June 2024

June Smalls


The Smalls SAL is hosted by Rachel

For my Smalls stitching this year, I have chosen 12 smaller designs and numbered them for my WIPGO Board.  Each month one Small will be stitched in the evening timeslot and hopefully finished within the month.  

After the excitement of my Just Nan-athon in May, I have returned to a focus piece for June.  The WIPGO Board chose the 3D Haunted House from Living on the Rainbow and I've been working steadily on that each evening.

Here is the front and back, blurry but completed:

Here is my progress on the sides and the roof:

I've got the purple fill-in and backstitch to do on the sides.  For the roof, I have made the decision not to fill it all in as charted but leave the purple fabric showing.  So I'll stitch all the way round the edge and mount it on some dark card before sewing it to the building.

Finally, you can see it's not going to be finished by the end of June so this will be a roll-over to next month!


jocondine said...

Good decision for the roof, the fabric looks so great it would be a shame to cover it all with thread! The color will be perfect with the tiled pattern. xxx

Leonore Winterer said...

Good call on the roof, that purple fabric is too pretty to be all hidden away!