
Sunday 10 December 2023

Finally Fully FInishing Fun for December


Hosted by Rachel the Ten Hour Stitcher

This SAL is designed to motivate us all to do something with that box of Finished pieces instead of just storing them under the bed.  We will all be linking up on Rachel's blog on or after the 10th of each month (10 Hour Stitcher - 10th of the month).

I have two fully finished objects this month.  First of all, a little Christmas pillow ornament.

Following the success of finishing Just Nan Spooky Smalls in October, I decided to do the same in December with some Christmas Smalls.  The first one is the complimentary ornament from the Angel Flowers sampler.  This is something Nan did with some of her older samplers, add a little ornament to match.

I started this one in May 2021 as part of my annual Just Nan-athon and just added a simple gold hanger.

stitched on 28 count pink linen

The second finish was professionally framed by my lovely framer of 20 years.  I took this one in and she was delighted with her gift as she is a Taurus herself!  I told her that in exchange for free framing for life she could keep it LOL

We went for a dark brown frame with a silver inner to keep the glass away from the beads.

Corner detail of the frame:

Each Zodiac sign with be framed differently as the fabrics and designs are so different, I don't need the frames to match as it's unlikely I will dispalay all 12 together!

Finally, the Advent Calendar.  Unfortunately we didn't get enough participants this year so I will be using the spare days myself.

This year the topic is Santa Stories, and here's one of mine.

This was the silo in our town that the elves used to store presents for all the local children.  When the tree on top was lit up that meant the silo was full and it was a signal to Santa that he could stop by and refill his sleigh when he reached our town.

In reality, it is a grain silo and the tree was placed on top for a bit of festive fun for the elderly mother of the manager there.  She lived in the only tower block in town and could see her son's workplace from her window.  So his workmates thought it would be nice for her to have a tree to look at!

Initially it was a real tree but in later years it was replaced by a much taller metal tree.  There's an article about it here -


  1. I love the Christmas story in both its incarnations, the myth and the truth.

  2. Great frame, what a nice finish for an amazing pattern. If one day you open an art library (artothèque) you can put my name on the borrow card as I'm born in early May it will be perfect! xxx

  3. Sweet finishes -- well done! I love the story of the tree! Merry Christmas! :)

  4. What a great story, I love how everything gets a touch of magic at Christmas.

  5. That’s 2 great Santa stories. Your stitching is wonderful as usual.

  6. Both stitching pieces are beautiful!

  7. Another great Santa story! What fun for the children to see that lit up tree in December and imagine all the goodies housed within. Lovely new finishes, Jo--I especially like the tiny angel :)

  8. Great finishing! I'm sure deciding to frame all 12 zodiac girls differently takes a lot of stress out of it.
    Smart of you to schedule your own Advent Calendar entries on days you'd be posting anyways. Love the story, both the children's version and the real one are very sweet.

  9. I've noticed blogging is really slowing down. I miss the good ol days. I'm not going anywhere either and will just keep going for myself haha. Love the story you shared though. How sweet.

    So did the framer really give you free framing? That would be worth it.

  10. Of course your finishes are lovely, Taurus is beautifully stitched AND framed!
    I'm sorry you didn't have enough participants this year, next year I'll make an effort to blog about it in November.
    I love your local Santa story, both of them are so sweet.

  11. Thank you for your FFOs this month, and throughout 2023. Both are gorgeous, as usual. I especially like the silver inner on Taurus as it compliments the horns so well!
    Looking forward to more of your FFOs in 2024!


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