
Friday 27 October 2023

October Smalls


The Smalls SAL is hosted by Mary's Thread

Because I am focusing on my BAPs again, I won't have so many smalls this year but I do have a couple of series with small components so I will share them this month.

The first is the Blackwork Tarot by Circle Cross.  I have finished Virgo and Libra, and started Scorpio:

stitched on 28 count sky blue evenweave from Silkweavers


Having completed my Spooky Conversion of CCN's Main Street, I moved on to the final design in the Scary Apothecary series from Hands on Design.  This is Spider Legs:

stitched on 28 count Radioactive Linen from Chromatic Alchemy

In the evenings I started been stitching my Mani di Donna Halloween Sewing Basket which is now a finish.  Actually an FFO but I'll save that for later.  Then I moved on to some Just Nan smalls from my Just Nan-athon.

Stitched on 32 count grey linen

Just Nan - Batty Jack - finished

stitched on 28 count lilac linen

Just Nan - Horrified! - WIP

stitched on 32 count green linen

Finally, there will be a Halloween Trick or Treat Hop this year.  I have enough people signed up to take part so I will be emailing them all on Sunday with their Letter and further instructions.


  1. The Tarots are looking great! You finished Halloween town? I'll have to track that down! Lots of great orange and black stitching going on!

  2. Love your Just Nan smalls; not the colours we're so used to seeing! The little ghosts are so cute!

  3. Your blackwork Tarot cards are lovely, very detailed. Lovely spooky finishes, I'm looking forward to seeing your FFO

  4. Lovely stitching! I like those Just Nan ones :-) hope you are doing well, I’m catching up after a very very long break, I honestly have no idea where the time went!

  5. You're flying through the taro designs, and these Just Nan Smalls make such cute entries for this SAL!

  6. Oh my goodness Jo: You have been very busy, Spider Legs cracks me up, I love the name and the design is a hoot.
    I am looking forward to seeing the basket constructed, Batty Jack is so funny.

    Have a great week

  7. Love them all! Just gorgeous work on everything. I didn't receive my email but hope it's coming or I accidentally got missed. No worries.


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