
Wednesday 31 May 2023



I thought I'd do a little recap of my WIPGO progress so far this year.  WIPGO is basically Bingo for WIPs.  Each person makes their own board of 25 squares with various WIPs and goals for each number.
Two numbers are called each month and we work on those projects.
The centre square is a bonus, if 13 is called then another number is called in addition so you could have three projects that month.  I use 13 for my Longest Day marathon.

Here's my board at the end of May:

I'm doing well at ticking off the boxes each month so far.  My goals are quite simple,  Work for at least one week on Halloween at Hawk Run Hollow each time it is called and work on the other projects for at least one day!  I do try get a full week on those too but it doesn't matter if I don't quite manage it as long as they get some love in the month.

This month the "other" project was my Spooky Conversion of CCN's Main Street.

I've been gradually converting all the shops to a witchy equivalent and this month was the turn of the Flower Shop.  Which became Herbs, what every witch needs for her spells and potions.

I changed the shop from pastel blue to a darker turquoise

The plant baskets became more leafy but then I added French Knots to represent the smaller flowers you see on herbs

I added some bunches of herbs drying from the ceiling 

and lots of French Knots to the basket outside

I was really pleased with the sign which I charted from a photo I found online.
It's a hand sickle with a mortar and pestle.

The whole piece so far:

stitched on 32 count Charcoal Slate Murano from Sparklies

Finally, here's what the original looked like:


  1. Your flower shop looks lovely, so many frenchknots in one piece.
    Happy week!

  2. Great flower shop, love your choice for the sign. Will the next one be the gazebo, with more black cats around it? xxx

  3. Your Main Street looks so good Jo!

  4. Great going on your WIPGO, and I LOVE the herbs store, great conversion! I wonder what's next?


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