
Saturday 15 October 2022

Gifted Gorgeousness October Link-up Post


Welcome to the October Gifted Gorgeousness link-up. The link-up date continues to be the 15th and I will keep the link-up open until the end of each month so you have plenty of time if you are late posting.

The format remains exactly the same, there is a list of rules on the main sign-up page if you want to check what is required but basically anything connected to the word "gift" is allowed, whether it was a gift TO you or is a gift FROM you.

My main gifted project is my Halloween at Hawk Run Hollow which is my focus project for the year.  But I haven't stitched on that since last GG.  Hoping to get a day in before the end of the month though.

Scream House has four roof pieces and the base made up:

This is the latest Stitchonomy SAL - The Cabinet of Curiousities.  The kit was a gift from Alyssa for helping admin the group, which now has over 14,000 members!

stitched on 28 count tan evenweave

We are getting close to the end now, although I am a couple of days behind.  I am sure I can finish this before Halloween.

The last piece of GG in September was my Bothy Threads 12 Days of Christmas: 

stitched on 32 count grey-blue linen

I did have a lovely new start for Dark October.  This was a piece I bought with Birthday money back in 2020.  It's by Mani di Donna and is going to be a Halloween Sewing Basket:

stitched on 32 count grey linen

I'm using the DMC conversion but darkening it a little.  e.g. trees are 422 and I'm using 420.

Now it is your turn to show us your Gifted Gorgeousness for the month.  Please use your name or your blog name in the field and NOT the words "October Update" so I can easily see who has linked up this month.  And link to the actual post, not just your blog.  It is easier if you copy and paste the link, rather than typing freehand.



Finally, there will be a Hallowe'en Trick or Treat Blog Hop as usual this year. I am sure you all know how it works but for those who need a reminder - here's a link to last year's:

If you want to take part, just leave a comment here or email me if you are a "no reply" person. I need an email address for you to take part in this hop.


  1. Oh! I am excited about your new start. Halloween basket sounds like fun!

  2. Lovely spooky stitching Jo. I have been saving the curiosities SAL to stitch later, maybe with the TTSAL. I'd love to join in the Halloween Hop

  3. Wonderful Halloween stitching.
    Enjoy your weekend hugs June.

  4. Very interesting Cabinet, I have to check on each shelve. I can see a mandragore which reminds me that I have to make something HP themed for my SIL soon birthday. Thanks for the help! Love.

  5. Wow! You have some lovely Halloweenish projects going, I can't wait to see more! The Manni di Donna project looks lovely! Those Bothy Threads 12 Days are so pretty! I have my project ready for next year! I finally found fabric to use for the patterns I have been collecting...should be fun! I've been collecting the curiosity cabinet pieces too! I guess you can sign me up for the Halloween blog hop...I'll be around! Thanks for hosting again, always fun to see what others are working on too!

  6. All your stitching is looking great Jo! Look forward to seeing Scream House finished.

    Yay! I’ve managed to post today, no thanks to Blogger 🤬 Posting was a nightmare!

    Barbara xx🤗😘

  7. Hi Jo: My goodness you have been busy with Halloween designs, that curiosities is a sweet design and so colorful.
    Happy fall stitching


  8. I always love seeing your gorgeous projects. Beautiful stitching, as usual.

  9. Wow, you've got a lot going. I'll be anxious to see your 12 days of Christmas progress. Good luck on reaching your deadlines.
    Sandy's Space

  10. Great gift stitching! I really like the Cabinet of Curiousities - how fun that there's in unicorn in there!

  11. Beautiful work on everything.


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