
Monday 8 August 2022

Stitching Friends Summer Blog Hop 2022


Regular followers will know that I host a number of Blog Hops throughout the year, each with a different theme.  Four of them are the same each year but the Summer one varies depending on what I feel like!   Most recently we have been connecting with our Stitching Friends across the globe.

Several years ago I designed a little ornament for an exchange on this theme - Stitching Friends are Friends who Count.  It's a pun on being important to us and counting crosses!  Who else understands the excitement of a new "must stitch" chart or the sheer joy of a Happy Dance for a finish.

I had 10 people sign up for the Hop and assigned each one a blog for them to visit and write a little piece about their stitching friend.  I asked them to choose a design they thought their friend might like.  Just for fun, I asked people not to reveal the name until the end of the post!  So why not see if you can guess each one as you go?

These are the participating bloggers, in no particular order:

As previous years, I am going to feature a surprise friend myself!  This blogger did not sign up for this particular Hop but does take part in some of my other Hops and also in Gifted Gorgeousness.

This year's blogger is British multi-crafter who does cross stitch, knits, quilts, makes bags, dolls and assorted other gorgeous items.  She is the proud owner of a WIP sampler which is now considered an adult, having been started in 2004 and celebrated it's 18th Birthday last April!

I had a think of what I might show that she would like and also what might give you all a clue as to who it is.

Here's a clue from My Lovely Sewing Tools by Marie Suarez:

Another clue in Home of a Needleworker by LHN:

Final (and biggest) clue:

Patrick Wood Rabbit

So we have The Lovely Homely Bunny?

Or maybe it's something which appears in each of those designs?

Keep thinking - it might come to you in a flash!

If not then click here for the answer.  Do pop over and ask to share a cup of cocoa with her!

Finally, I hope you enjoyed hopping around and trying to guess who each stitcher was talking about.  My next Hop will be the Hallowe'en Trick or Treat Blog Hop at the end of October so stay tuned for sign-ups.


  1. Once again you have hosted a fun Blog Hop. Thank you for all the time you put into these adventures.

  2. This was such fun! I really enjoyed "hopping" around and making new stitchy friends! Thank you, Jo! :)

  3. Love your wool charm. Wonderful stitching.

  4. I love to pop in and see the beautiful stitching of others .

  5. Thanks for hosting this fun hop again, I always enjoy learning about different stitchers! And your little series of clue was very fun too, I figured it out just before checking your link :)

  6. Thank you for another fun hop, I was a little late in reading them all.
    Great clues for the lovely Barbara!

  7. Goodness Jo!

    What a surprise! I love that first sampler, gosh well, actually all three projects, they are gorgeous! I must finish that old project …. One day!

    Sorry to be late visiting everyone ….. I’m having great fun learning things I didn’t know about bloggers I’ve known for years!

    Thank you again for the kind mention!

    Many hugs,
    Barbara xx 😘


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