
Sunday 20 June 2021

June IHSW and F.N.S.I

IHSW or International Hermit and Stitch Weekend always starts on the third Friday of the month.  It's a chance to lock yourself away and focus on your stitching for the weekend.  You can take part on your blog or via the Facebook page - IHSW on Facebook.

The third Friday is also the Friday Night Sew In or F.N.S.I. which Kaye introduced me to.  You can find out more about it here - Sugarlane Designs

It looks like Friday is going to be my regular day for work so I take my current Just Nan Band Sampler in to stitch at lunchtime.  This is Follow the Needle:

stitched on 28 count lilac Brittney evenweave

The rest of the weekend was dedicated to Just Nan's Scream House:

stitched on 28 count Smokey Pearl Cashel linen

You can see how close to the edge I had to start to ensure it will fit on this smaller piece of the fabric.  But at least it is 28 count and not shrunk to 30.  It says it is Cashel but I am not convinced this is Zweigart because of the shrinkage and the yellow stitching in the selvedge rather than orange as you usually get.

I also had a finish at bathtime, this is Litha a freebie from The Primitive Hare:

stitched on 35 count cream linen

Litha is the Summer Solstice, the longest day of the year and I finished this just in time because it is tomorrow - 21st June.  And what do I do on the Longest Day of the Year?  I have a Longest Day Marathon where I stitch on all my WIPs.  I thought this year had worked out perfectly falling on a Monday as my son goes to the gym after school so I would be able to stitch uninterrupted until 4.15 when he comes home.  But no, I have to go into work just for the morning!  And it's time-sensitive so I can't move it to Tuesday which would be a lot more convenient.

So my new plan is to start before work, stitch one project, go to work, come home and stitch as many as I can until bedtime.  Then on Tuesday, stitch all the ones I couldn't fit in on Monday.  I made a list with timings and if I am lucky, I can get 12-14 stitched on Monday.

Finally the next IHSW will be 16th -18th July so make sure you note the date in your diary or come and join us in the Facebook Group - IHSW on Facebook. If you don't do Facebook then you can check in here by leaving a comment on my post.


  1. Love your different cross stitch projects.

  2. How I wish I could join you on Monday! But the plan is to paint the house. Sometimes I hate adulting....Have a great day!

  3. Wonderful stitching again Jo.
    Oh how I could do with more time to stitch .
    The days seem to go so fast or am I get in slower ha.
    Have a fun stitching week hugs .

  4. Great IHSW stitching progress! I didn't officially check in, but I got a lot done as well. Hope your Longest Day stitching is going well!

  5. Lovely stitching Jo. Congrats on the finish.


  6. It is going to be fun watching the Halloween piece grow! You will have to let us know how your longest day stitching went. My thumb would not hold up so I stick to my 2-3 hours in the evening!

  7. So glad you are managing to squeeze in the longest day. I did mine Friday as yesterday was so busy. Looking forward to reading all about it.

  8. Jo: What a fun post, the Just Nan is showing great progress in stitching, Scream House is adorable.
    Thank-you for the link to Litha, I love bees and will do this one soon.


  9. The Primitive Hare freebie finish is so cute. I wonder how will you finish this off.
    Loving your Follow the Needle project, looks so delicate.

  10. Bummer! I missed the WIP challenge! I thought solstice was tbe last day of the month. That's what I get for thinking! Litha looks wonderful. I have it on a coffee dyed piece of fabric. You are definitely keeping busy, Jo!

  11. Your Just Nan is lovely so far, pretty with soft colours.
    Scream House, yes! I'm looking forward to seeing this come together.
    Thanks for sharing Litha, yours looks great.
    I hope you got lots of stitching in on Mon and Tues!

  12. I really like the Follow the Needle design, so pretty with added beads and different speciality stitches.


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