
Sunday 24 January 2021

Let's Go WIPGO!

Q: What is WIPGO?

A: It's like Bingo for your WIPs.

The idea is to make a board with 25 squares, add a goal to each square, each month the Admin call 2 numbers and you try reach those two goals.

When you complete a row or column, you can reward yourself with something nice.  A new start?  A new chart?  An uninterrupted afternoon of stitching?  Your choice.

This is my board:

The numbers called for January were 6, 13 and 18.  Now, some people have 13 as a free space so the Admin calls an extra number for the month that it appears.  Hence 3 numbers for January.  Which is good for me because 18 isn't going to be ticked off until May!  You don't have to meet the goal in the month called, but you can't tick the box off until it is met.

I worked on number 13 first.  This is my Hands On Design Scary Apothecary series.  I stitched 3 last year and have 3 on my list for this year.  Here's where I got to on Cackle Lozenges:

stitched on 28 count Radioactive linen from Chromatic Alchemy

I'm using the DMC conversion, this one is stitched exactly as per the chart so far.  In previous designs I had to tweak some colours because I am using such a bright green fabric.  It does change the way the colours appear but these all work well so far.

I stitched for five days and will continue with it next month to finish it.  Unless the CCN Village gets called, then I will work on that instead.

The second project is number 6.  This is a very old WIP which I will be glad to see finished.  I stalled on the reflected tree for a number of reasons but have finished it!

stitched on 28 count Slightly Lilac evenweave from Sparklies

This was a challenge on the old Samplermakers Forum where they gave us some motifs and said "Make a Sampler".  All I need now is the alphabet and to complete the little animals.

Again, the goal of finishing it wasn't met in this month but it will come up in my rotation again this year.

My 2021 rotation is currently:

Week 1 - Hands on Design OR CCN Village
Week 2 - WIPGO project 1
Week 3 - WIPGO project 2
Week 4 - Tiny Decisions App chooses

I planned my weeks to be 6 days long based on working one full day a week, but as I'm furloughed I've been using that "extra" day to stitch ornaments.

I loaded my Tiny Decisions App with my four BAPs for this month and it chose the Bothy Threads 12 Days of Christmas.  So I have made a start:

stitched on 32 count blue-grey linen

I bought the kit for this as it is the only way to get the chart.  It came with 14 count white aida.  Nu-huh, not stitching on that!  I did have this nice piece of linen in a neutral colour in my stash.  It is soft to hold, plenty big enough and the coverage is excellent.  This is going to be a full-coverage piece so I wanted good coverage using only 2 strands.  I have been told the thread is Madeira which is much the same thickness as DMC.

I did consider buying fabrics in the six different background colours and stitching them without the background as ornaments.  But it became clear it was going to be difficult to find all the colours in the same fabric count and type so I dropped that idea.

This will be a long term project.  I will stitch on this for six days this month and see how far I get.  My goal is to complete six of the blocks this year and six next.  We shall see!

I've been working away on my Winter Blues too and completed last week's goals of Bands 4 and 5:

stitched on 28 count White Jobelan

Finally, I will be running the Secret Stitching Sweetheart Blog Hop on Valentine's Day.

Secret Stitching Sweetheart Blog Hop

It's really very simple, all you have to do is email me a picture of something you have stitched which is suitable for a stitching friend on Valentine's Day.  It could be a heart, or a pair of cute creatures, or the word "love" or anything which warms your heart.  Really anything you think a fellow stitcher would like to receive in her email Inbox.  It can be something you've stitched in the past or something you've made especially for this year.  It could also be quilted or sewn this year as I know some of my followers do other crafts too.

Send me the email by 10th February.

When I have all the emails I will randomise them and send one to each participant on 13th February. Then on 14th February you must post the picture you receive onto your blog under the heading

Secret Stitching Sweetheart Blog Hop

There will be a list on my blog of everyone joining in, so check out all the blogs and find out who got your picture and identify yourself in their comments as their

Secret Stitching Sweetheart

Does that make sense to everyone? I hope so!

If you'd like to be involved then leave a comment on this post or send me an email if you are "no-reply". I'll be putting little reminders up from time to time and will email on 9th February to make sure you send the pic in time.


  1. WIPGO sounds like fun! You have some fun projects lined up. I wish I could join in on the bloghop but after telling you that the dakotagal51 email is good, Apple locks me out of my emails! Have tried to recover password but my elderly iPad doesn't recognize it! So Jo, to reply you'll have to use my email. It's been one thing after another:( I'll enjoy watching your stitching on your WIPGO projects.

  2. I am so happy I found your blog. Thanks for sharing your projects. Looking back I had totally forgotten about IHSW - adding those to my calendar for sure!

  3. I am glad you are doing WIPGo. I thought about it, but decided it would add stress to my life. I'm trying to have less stress and more stitching. Add me to the Sweetheart Hop. Still not sure what I will share, but I have to have something!

  4. Jo: I would love to do a WIPGO but do not do more then ne design at a time, I however enjoy seeing how well every one does on their WIPS, I shall be following along, than-you for posting this idea.
    Your design choices are lovely.


  5. Awesome board and projects Jo. Looking forward to seeing your progress.


  6. Good luck with your WIPGO board. I epic failed on mine last year so told myself I wasn't allowed to join haha. I will enjoy watching yours though. Beautiful work on everything.

  7. Looks like the WIPGO board will be empty for a while, and then there will be a deluge of crossing off in the second half of the year after you've had more than a few days to work on each piece. I'll be interested to see how it works out for you.
    Well done for persevering with the sampler too. That's a long time for it to be a neglected WIP, but the end is in sight now. :)

  8. It will be fun to watch what you stitch but I still tend to be a one at a time stitcher so it would not work for me. I am settling onto a big sampler and that suits my style of stitching. It is fun to see how everyone enjoys this hobby of ours.

  9. WIPGO sounds like fun! I'll be watching with interest..haha. I have too many irons in the fire this year to try something else, but maybe I can join next year! Love the fabric you have for Scary Apothecary! What fun! Love the fabric and the little motifs for your sampler too. I have had something in the back of my brain for a while, I wanted to stitch a sampler to honor my Mother...the wheels keep turning! You have given me some inspiration! I don't think I've seen the Bothy Threads 12 Days, I'll have to search for it and take a peak. Looks lovely so far! And you know I love your Just Nan piece. So beautifully stitched! What a nice visit I've had to your blog!

  10. Good luck Jo WIPGO looks interesting I will be following your progress .
    Have fun , you are never going to get bored good for you .
    Take care big hugs.

  11. WIPGO is a good idea as you are good at keeping to stitching plans.
    The Apothecary series looks amazing on that green fabric.
    It goes without say that your Just Nan sampler is looking good :)

  12. Your WIPGO Board looks like lots of fine with all the different goals, and you made great progress already in January :) This seems to fit with your usual rotation style surprisingly well.

  13. I keep thinking of joining WIPGO (and other SALs) but I hesitate as I don't know when I'm going to be called back into the office and have my stitching time drastically reduced. I also know I have a Christmas stocking to do this year, so having every square say "Christmas Stocking" doesn't seem quite in the spirit. Congratulations on getting your tree done. You're really sailing through it now.

  14. OMG! Aren't cross stitchers so inventive? I love the idea of WIPGO and how you have embraced it - you are so energetic and organised with your stitching, Jo. I do so admire you.


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