
Saturday 7 November 2020

The People Chose Magic



This SAL is all about what you want to see on the blog.  Each month I ask for suggestions for themes and then put them up to the members of the IHSW Group on FB to vote for their choice.  This is what they have chosen:

November - Magic
December - Stitching Disasters
January - Designer of the Year

Last month was Wizards and now we have Magic, so there is some overlap there!  We turn once again to the great Sir Terry Pratchet for a quote or two:

“What is magic?
There is the wizard's explanation... wizards talk about candles, circles, planets, stars, bananas, chants, runes and the importance of having at least four good meals every day.”

Then there is the witches' explanation, which comes in two forms, depending on the age of the witch. Older witches hardly put words to it at all, but may suspect in their hearts that the universe really doesn't know what the hell is going on and consists of a zillion trillion billion possibilities, and could become any one of them if a trained mind rigid with quantum certainty was inserted into the crack and twisted; that, if you really had to make someone's hat explode, all you needed to do was twist into that universe where a large number of hat molecules all decide at the same time to bounce off in different directions.

Younger witches, on the other hand, talk about it all the time and believe it involves crystals, mystic forces, and dancing about without yer drawers on.

Everyone may be right, all at the same time. That's the thing about quantum.”

― Terry Pratchett, Lords and Ladies

First, I'll share a wizard I forgot to include last month, sorry Gandalf!

Gandalf by Pixel Power,
Runes charted by me

Joan Elliott did a diary in 2013 which was later released as A Year of Magical Stitching.  Here are some of the designs I have stitched from that:

Quite a variety of magical creatures and people there.  The October design is a witch and I will stitch her one day.  In the mean time, we have a lovely Nora Corbett Bewitching Pixie, Raven:

And Brooke's Books' Trixie the Halloween Witch:

And what do witches do?  They put a hex on you!

Witchy Brew by Witchy Stitches

They would need to get the ingredients from the Potions, Brews and Spells Shop:

Potions, Brews and Spells by Cherished Stitches

And then there is the magic of friendship found through a mutual love of blogging and stitching!  Here's where I hand over to my blogging friends.

All you have to do is make a post on the theme of Magic, mention The People's Choice SAL (you can copy the picture I used at the top of this post and in my side bar) and my blog. Please link up using the URL of the actual blog post, not the home page of your blog. I look forward to seeing what you all post.



A note for next month - Kerry in Stitches did a FlossTube tag on this theme.  If you want to use some of her questions to help with December's post, please do.  I will be!

Finally, thank you to everyone who took part in my annual Hallowe'en Trick or Treat Blog Hop this year, whether by posting a letter or by hopping round and visiting.  There were some new commenters this year which was nice.  Most of you were "no-reply" so I couldn't respond but I did read the comments and appreciate them.  The phrase was:

"Come, sit for a spell"

Nice and simple this year!  Now the Hallowe'en Hop is done, it's time to sign up for the Christmas Advent Calendar again.  You all know how this works but I'll include a link to last year's for a reminder.  Just leave a comment if you'd like to join in this year.


  1. You certainly showed lovely stitching under the theme of magic!

  2. Jo: I am such a fan of Joan Elliot, the
    winter scene is lovely as are all your designs.
    Thank-you for sharing about the witch's and wizards.


  3. Jo you have stitched some wonderful magical stitching .
    I do love to see all your lovely stitching .
    Have fun and enjoy your Sunday.

  4. Some very magical finishes there. When you think about it, stitching itself is a bit magical - how adding simple crosses together in different colours builds up a picture.
    Bewitching Pixie stands out as such a beauty, as do your dragons, and I'm sure Gandalf will forgive you for not including him last month! :)

  5. Lovely stitching Jo. I love all of your pieces.


  6. Great them all.

  7. I would have been hard pressed to find something I stitched in that category, but your magical projects are wonderful, Jo!

  8. I hope to be able to participate again next year. Lovely photos you posted for this theme of course. Please sign me up for the Advent hop. I always LOVE that one. Thanks for hosting these fun blog events. I've noticed some new people too. Great to see.

  9. A great selection of 'magic' stitching. I love the Nora Corbett design. It was made for your choice of fabric.

  10. Every pictures are great and some give me ideas about Magical characters to add to my late post. I want to be part of the Advent Blog Hop please! xxx

  11. Great magical stitching!
    I can't believe it's already time for the Advent Calendar, but please do count me in!

  12. Great post, nice to see bewitching pixie again

  13. So many to love, you can't go wrong with a dragon, a mermaid, and witches!
    Please count me in on the Advent Calendar, we certainly need some cheer.


I do enjoy your comments and will reply where relevant, so please make sure you are not a "no-reply" person!
If you are a robot then please pretend there is a word verifier and go away. I have removed it for the commenting pleasure and ease of my human followers.