
Sunday 13 October 2019

Dark 13 in Dark October

October in the stitching world is Dark October where we stitch our spookiest stitches.  Last year I had a selection of smalls and this year I am focusing on two large projects and one daily stitch.

The daily stitch is Mystic Sampler by the Primitive Needle.  I am stitching a portion each day, approx 20 x 20 squares on the chart.  Here are the first 12 days:

And here is Day 13:

stitched on 40 count Jewel Butterbeer by Under the Sea Fabrics

These snaps are taken using my iPad and the colours are not true at all.  To give you a better idea, here's the project I stitched on the other half of this piece of fabric:
The Goode Huswif - Books of Spells

It's because I take the photos sitting beside my large kitchen window in full daylight.  The thread colours are pretty accurate, I am using my own DMC conversion.

I've been using the Tiny Decisions app to choose my project some days and some days I have just stitched what I felt like.  The first project to get chosen by the App was my spooky conversion of Lavender & Lace's Enchanted Alphabet.  I've been adding various motifs throughout the year and the recent issue of Cross Stitcher magazine had an awesome Hallowe'en sampler with some perfect birds and animals to add.

stitched on 32 count Tiger Lily Murano by Sparklies

So far I have a wonderful over one raven and what will become an owl.  I think I need a couple more ghosts and then I can say it's finally done!

The other project is one of Nora Corbett's Bewitching Pixies.  This is Raven as she was at the start of the month:

And here she is now:

stitched on 32 count Nebula Belfast by Crafty Kitten

I've been stitching in three shades of purple all month.  The charted purples are 333, 3746 and 156.  But 156 is rather a blue purple and it just didn't look right.  You can see it in the top two folds of the cloak - the lightest shade.

So I tried 155 which is slightly more purpley and it looks much better.  So now I have to frog out the top two panels.  The difference is more striking in real life.

Of course I decided to make life just a little bit harder by stitching the skin over 1.  It's a bit blurry in the photos but looks good in person.

We've still got plenty of time this month and with half term holiday looming it would be nice to think I could get a finish on this one too.

Finally, there will be a Hallowe'en Trick or Treat Blog Hop as usual this year. I am sure you all know how it works but for those who need a reminder - here's a link to last year's

If you want to take part, just leave a comment here or email me if you are a "no reply" person. I need an email address for you to take part in this hop.


  1. Love your stitching. Please encluded me in your hop this time. hugs Lynda Ruth

  2. Awesome progress on all of them Jo.


  3. Of course I love seeing all your Dark October stitching! I am so fascinated on all the motifs you are adding to the Enchanted Alphabet. Can't wait to see it all finished!

  4. Lovely October stitching .
    It is hard to see our stitching on these dull dark days with the rain.

  5. Nádherné výšivky a látky na vyšívanie sú krásne, obdivujem.
    Prajem pekný deň,

    Very beautiful!!!

  6. I agree, the charted purple looks too cold compared to the one you've switched in. Love the Raven on enchanted alphabet

  7. Gosh! What a difference in the fabric colour! Great stitching.

  8. Fantastic dark stitching already. Keep it up!

  9. You're daily stitch looks like fun, and Raven has grown so much! Awesome overall progress.

  10. Great work so far! Raven is coming along well, and I'm keeping my fingers crossed that Enchanted Alphabet will be a perfectly-timed Dark October finish for you.
    I love seeing your daily progress too. I must admit I'm thoroughly enjoying my daily project, so much so that I'm worried I'll carry the idea into November. :)

  11. Wow you have been busy! I can't believe the fabric for your sampler and Books of Spells is the same colour - but it does demonstrate the importance of the correct lighting! x


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