
Monday 24 June 2019


IHSW or International Hermit and Stitch Weekend always starts on the third Friday of the month.  It's a chance to lock yourself away and focus on your stitching for the weekend.  You can take part on your blog or via the Facebook page.  Links at the bottom of this post.

I kicked off the weekend with my Longest Day Marathon where I successfully stitched on every single one of my WIPs - 19 in all.  Here they all are:

For the rest of the weekend I focused on my Discworld Mappe.  I am determined to get 2 weeks every month on this project.

Here's where I was on Friday morning:

Here's the part I worked on this weekend:

And here's the piece right now:

Llamedos is a hilly and permanently rainy country on the main continent. It is the home of druidism and druidical music and lots and lots of cold, exceptionally wet rain (It even has rain mines). It is also home to some dwarf clans, who mine coal in its hills. 
Famous inhabitants include: 
Rhys Rhysson, who would become Low King of the dwarfs 
Imp y Celyn, a.k.a. Buddy, lead singer and guitarist of The Band With Rocks In, during the Music With Rocks In fever in Ankh-Morpork(see Soul Music), 
and Sgt. Dai Dickins, a stalwart in the Glorious Revolution (see Night Watch.) 
Evangelist and explorer Llamedos Jones, reputed to have discovered the Brown Islands, was also a native. 
The main town would appear to be Pant-y-Girdl.

The odd tendency of local placenames to spell strange things backwards in Morporkian does not arise from any jocular attitude on the part of the Llamedosians. They are known as a rather dour and humorless group. The Compleat Discworld Atlas hints that it even rains indoors and books have titles like How Damp Was My Mattress. Sheep do not need to be dipped so much as regularly wrung out, for instance.
Source: L-space

I'm also making steady progress on my evening piece.  This is the project I stitch while The Small Boy is in the bath.  The current project is The Queen of Hearts by Mrs Peggotty.  Here's where she was last IHSW:

And here is where she is now:

stitched on 22 count white hardanger

A few people have said that they don't do Facebook and asked if I could host a link-up for them, so here it is! Just add your name and the link to your actual IHSW post, not just your blog home page.



The next IHSW will be 19th - 21st July so make sure you note the date in your diary or come and join us in the Facebook Group - IHSW on Facebook. If you don't do Facebook then you can check in here.

Finally, there will be a Summer Blog Hop this year.  We will have an International Theme for the Postcards this year.  Each person emails me a photo of something they have stitched on an International theme which is suitable to send to a fellow stitcher along with a short message of the kind you write on a postcard.   I will forward the photo to another participant who shows it on their blog.  The photo can be anything which fits the International theme, let's see which countries we visit this Summer.   If you'd like to take part then leave a comment or send me an email.

A couple of people have asked "what do you mean by "International"?"

To which I replied "Use your imagination!   If you don't have something which represents a country or an area of the world, how about a mode of transport?  Or something designed by an international designer?  Or gifted by an international friend?   Or stitched on French Navy fabric? LOL!!"

The Hop will run over the whole of the Summer with a few cards going out each week.   Final deadline will be the end of August, just in time for Back to School!


  1. I am amazed how lovely Disc World is becoming, I never thought it would be so charming.
    You have an amazing array of designs going, I must say am a bit jealous, I just cannot get going on more then one project at a time.
    I am looking forward to the International Summer Blog Hop.


  2. Awesome progress on all of your projects Jo. I love the Mappe. You'll be catching real soon on the Queen.


  3. YOur marathon sounds like it was very productive. I loved seeing all your WIP's...wonderful work.

  4. Congratulations on working on all the projects! I am thinking about this Summer blog hop.....

  5. Fantastic progress on everything! I'm linked up even though I have 3 separate posts.

  6. LOL .... giggling out loud reading this post. We had a hanging wooden sign outside our home in the porch above the front door when I was a child that read its name "Llamedos". My uncle (an eccentric artist)painted it as a house warming gift when we moved in so I was told. Of course it rotted away over time and another wasn't put up.
    Super progress on discworld, you were busy this IHSW

  7. And more great progress after yesterday's marathon. Your needles must be crying for a break! :)

  8. The disk world is making great progress, as is the Queen of Hearts! I've been traveling or working all of last weekend, but I hope to be on board for July.

  9. Wow, great progress on Discworld! It's coming along beautifully.
    He must take long baths, Queen of Hearts is happening fast!


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